tunitowen / fancy_bottom_navigation

Flutter plugin - FancyBottomNavigation
Apache License 2.0
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Safe Area Problem #32

Open 3rsin3rgul opened 5 years ago

3rsin3rgul commented 5 years ago

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone Xʀ - 2019-05-12 at 13 35 07 Hello , How can we arrange this navigatorbar for safe area?

frossetto commented 5 years ago

I'm also running into this problem, is there any workaround for now?

mockturtl commented 5 years ago

To clarify: wrapping with a SafeArea correctly avoids the Home indicator, but inactive item labels (normally offscreen) become visible in the new margin.

mockturtl commented 5 years ago

Seems to duplicate #19.

mockturtl commented 5 years ago


Widget build(BuildContext context) => ClipRect(
        clipper: _Clipper(),
        child: FancyBottomNavigation(...),

class _Clipper extends CustomClipper<Rect> {
  Rect getClip(Size size) =>
      Rect.fromLTWH(0, -size.height, size.width, size.height * 2);

  bool shouldReclip(CustomClipper<Rect> oldClipper) => false;
legallyfree commented 5 years ago

there is a const double property TEXT_OFF = 3; inside tabItem.dart, inside the package I mean change the 3 to the 5 or go testing, 5 worked for me.

it's always good to see the code and fix it from there, We are programmers for a reason


Amr1440 commented 3 years ago

Same issue