tunnelvisionlabs / antlrworks2

Tunnel Vision Labs' ANTLRWorks 2 IDE
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How do I get the project to build? #72

Open apjanke opened 4 years ago

apjanke commented 4 years ago

How does one get the antlrworks2 project to build? I'm afraid I don't see any documentation in the repo for it.

I've cloned the repo and opened the antlrworks2 project in Apache NetBeans 11, and it's showing a bunch of errors about the classes for the org.antlr.v4.runtime and org.antlr.v4.tool packages not being found. Do I need to supply this as an external dependency somehow?

I'm afraid I'm a lot more familiar with Maven and IntelliJ than NetBeans at this point; sorry if this is a newbie question.

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rbrtjr commented 2 years ago

me too... I tried build (like with netbeans) but got a message 'Cannot find NetBeans build harness.'

grootstebozewolf commented 2 months ago

Steps to Build and Install ANTLRWorks2 Plugin in NetBeans Using Ant

  1. Clone the Repository:

    • Clone the antlrworks2 repository from GitHub to your local machine:
      git clone https://github.com/tunnelvisionlabs/antlrworks2.git
    • Navigate to the project directory:
      cd antlrworks2
  2. Set Up NetBeans Environment:

    • Make sure NetBeans IDE is installed. The plugin is compatible primarily with NetBeans 8.2, but you can attempt using it with newer versions.
    • Install the necessary JDK and ensure Apache Ant is installed and configured in your system's PATH.
  3. Prepare the Build Environment:

    • Follow the NetBeans Plugin Development tutorial for setting up your build environment. This will help configure the necessary paths and properties.
    • In the antlrworks2 directory, create or edit the build.properties file. This file will store key-value pairs required for the build process. Here’s a template for build.properties:
      # Paths to NetBeans harness and platform
  4. Include Required Dependencies:

    • Open the antlrworks2 project in NetBeans.
    • Add the required external dependencies, such as org.antlr.v4.runtime and org.antlr.v4.tool, to your project’s classpath. Download these JAR files from the ANTLR website if necessary.
  5. Build the Project using Ant:

    • Execute the initial build commands to clean and compile the project:
      ant clean build
    • This process generates .nbm files in the dist directory, which are essential for the plugin installation.
  6. Set Up Keystore for Signing the Plugin:

    • You need to configure a keystore to sign the plugin. This process involves adding the following properties to the build.properties file:
      keystore.dname=CN=your_email@example.com, OU=YourDepartment, O=YourOrganization, L=YourCity, ST=YourState, C=YourCountry
    • Replace the placeholders with your actual keystore details.
  7. Generate and Sign the Plugin NBM Files:

    • Initialize the keystore and generate the signed .nbm files by running:
      ant init-keystore nbms
    • This step creates the keystore (if it doesn't exist) and signs the .nbm files for secure distribution.
  8. Install the Plugin in NetBeans:

    • Open NetBeans and navigate to Tools > Plugins.
    • Switch to the Downloaded tab and click Add Plugins....
    • Select the .nbm files from the dist directory and click Open.
    • Follow the installation prompts to complete the setup.
  9. Verify the Installation:

    • Restart NetBeans to apply the changes.
    • Ensure the ANTLRWorks2 plugin is active and functional for ANTLR grammar development.

Additional Tips:


By following these steps, you can successfully build, sign, and install the ANTLRWorks2 plugin in NetBeans, making it ready for ANTLR grammar development.