tunxisnewmedia / CSSO

Digital Narrative project
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Client wants Membership environment #38

Open hagopiane opened 12 years ago

hagopiane commented 12 years ago

Wants to user to be able to join and submit nearly automatically. oy vey,

hagopiane commented 12 years ago

We may jus tbe able to take the Suscriber level of permissions and strip admin tools from it. Subscriber/member should be able to get automated alerts when a new item/post......?

Badfur commented 12 years ago

Well, there is an option that anyone can register to the site. From there we set what new users are, and I know of a plugin that will let us customize what that level has access to. That would be the easiest way to achieve that, in my opinion. However, beyond that... It's the type of thing that I would normally want to test for a bit so that nothing is out of order, as that type of action has potential for something wrong to happen. But if we are careful we can get it done. It is, however, something where we need a set list of "This is what x person can do, and nothing but that." Where x is what permissions we will give that user level.

All new users will be that level, and an admin can later bump someone up if the need arises for whatever reason.