Hello,thank you for your great work! @turandai
When I am trying to extract the mesh by running the render.py script as you mention but once it gets to the poisson meshing part, it seems to get stuck.
Poisson meshing: 25%|████████████████ | 1/4 [00:00<00:00, 64527.75it/s]
And It cost about 5~6h for this process.
Besides, I found that it needs extremely high CPU usage as followed,
which may causes the process to fall asleep and get stuck.
Hello,thank you for your great work! @turandai When I am trying to extract the mesh by running the render.py script as you mention but once it gets to the poisson meshing part, it seems to get stuck.
Poisson meshing: 25%|████████████████ | 1/4 [00:00<00:00, 64527.75it/s] And It cost about 5~6h for this process.
Besides, I found that it needs extremely high CPU usage as followed, which may causes the process to fall asleep and get stuck.
Is it normal?What can I do to fix it?