Open Modjular opened 9 years ago
"Players" brings up players within your preset times. Can be sorted by names, rating, or games played
"Events" A page of events happening soon, can be filtered to feature only ones within your time
"Time" ... WIP
Tables: -punctool_users user_id(8bit), username, email, birthday, steam_name, real_first, real_last, date_joined,
-user_timezones user_id, timezone, weekday_sched(hour to hour), weekend_sched(hour to hour), away(yes/no), flexibility(half hour-increments)
-user_games user_id, games_played(Received either through steam API or manual input), other
-user_ratings user_id, ratings_given, ratings_received, rating_count, rating_recieved_count
we should also have a basic layout for the website my current idea:
Index: Input box, prompting a new signup, and a smaller login button at the top of the fixed-bar
Main pages: "Players","Events","Time"