turbiv / jenkins-radiator

A radiator for Jenkins
1 stars 0 forks source link

Full Stack project review #2

Open Jakousa opened 3 years ago

Jakousa commented 3 years ago

Full Stack project review

Here's a short review of your Full Stack course project. The comments in the review are suggestions that you can use in this project or in your future projects. None of the suggestions are required to get a passing grade.

User experience

What did I do??

Registered as an admin

Logged in

Clicked bunch of stuff


Really cool.

Everything broke after registering. I saw unauthorized cat. But going back to the front page and logging in fixed that.

I'm not entirely sure what the drag & drop feature does but it's neat.


Really like your coding style, it's clear and you have split the codebase into sensible files.

Only thing I found that I'd change is https://github.com/PotatoTheTurtle/jenkins-radiator/blob/main/backend/utils/middleware.js#L13 to be

if (!authorization) return next()

as you have been using guard clause otherwise.

What is this:



Well done project! Among the best in terms of code quality that I've seen.

Shameless self plug: You might be interested in https://devopswithdocker.com and https://devopswithkubernetes.com!

turbiv commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the review! The authorization check is a good improvement, should of thought of that originally, and the big comment that you saw was supposed to be removed, it was more like a personal note to myself.

I will be sure to check those courses out!