turboderp / exllama

A more memory-efficient rewrite of the HF transformers implementation of Llama for use with quantized weights.
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Interesting method to extend a model's max context length. #92

Closed allenbenz closed 1 year ago

allenbenz commented 1 year ago

https://kaiokendev.github.io/til#extending-context-to-8k Someone had the clever idea of scaling the positional embeddings inversely proportional to the extended context length.


            self.scale = 1 / 2
            t *= self.scale

after https://github.com/turboderp/exllama/blob/b29960fe8c97796d6363182c7ea302b735b409e4/model.py#L747

did seem to work for me. In a 3800 token context, with a 3615 token prompt, where I had scattered some "secret phrases" at the very start, in the middle and near the end and using guanaco-33b (w/2048 context) was able to extract the phrases from the prompt.

Not suggesting this gets added but it appears to work, though I don't know how much this degrades the perplexity, especially without fine tuning.

turboderp commented 1 year ago

I commented on the reddit thread as well, and it does implement perplexity quite a bit.

1:1 - ppl = 6.31
1:2 - ppl = 7.42
1:4 - ppl = 15.84
1:8 - ppl = 105.28

But it remains to be seen what tuning could do to remedy that. I've already tried LoRA tuning to run longer contexts by just extending the position embeddings. It makes the model stop producing garbage after 2048 tokens, but it doesn't make it actually care about any part of the context more than 2048 tokens in the past.

Still, it suggests that just targeting query and value projections in a LoRA is enough to affect how it interprets positional embeddings, so maybe it wouldn't be hard to make it comfortable with compressed embeddings, and then maybe long-range attention just comes out of that for free. It's speculative, but definitely worth trying out.

allenbenz commented 1 year ago

I've gotten coherent summaries of 3400 tokens worth of text, so it uses the whole context or at least if the model is being blinded it's more subtle.

I ran your perplexity benchmark with the gptq-for-llama option on guanaco-33B-4bit-128g: 1:1 = 4.3951 1:2 = 4.9279 1:4 = 9.2616 1:8 = 47.4795

I know the absolute numbers can't be compared but is the same true with the relative difference? If we can then this might be another thing where the larger parameter models are more robust against degradation.

Anyways, this isn't really important until we see fine tunes like you've mentioned. It's just interesting that this change works at all with models that haven't been trained on the adjusted positional embeddings.

allenbenz commented 1 year ago

Played around with it more. The context blindness is diffused over the entire context. Having the model echo large prompts shows it messing up capitalization and dropping/shuffling tokens.

So until someone makes a lora to try this is no good for "rewrite the following." Though it is still useful for summaries.

Panchovix commented 1 year ago

I have to add, I'm testing with 2x4090 on 65B and newest NVIDIA drivers (which automatically uses RAM when more VRAM is needed)

I'm not sure how to do the perplexity test, but I tested the code on a 65B model

self.scale = 1 / 2
t *= self.scale

Using ooba webui, and exllama

Output generated in 7.56 seconds (3.31 tokens/s, 25 tokens, context 3065, seed 100932143)
Output generated in 12.09 seconds (10.67 tokens/s, 129 tokens, context 3093, seed 1485169274)
Output generated in 9.82 seconds (15.38 tokens/s, 151 tokens, context 3231, seed 1739546440)
Output generated in 7.97 seconds (15.18 tokens/s, 121 tokens, context 3385, seed 706103506)
Output generated in 3.40 seconds (1.47 tokens/s, 5 tokens, context 3246, seed 1569916475)
Output generated in 4.00 seconds (3.50 tokens/s, 14 tokens, context 3254, seed 818945043)
Output generated in 1.99 seconds (10.06 tokens/s, 20 tokens, context 3277, seed 845093379)
Output generated in 2.39 seconds (0.42 tokens/s, 1 tokens, context 3300, seed 865878355)
Output generated in 1.05 seconds (7.60 tokens/s, 8 tokens, context 3310, seed 1002252356)
Output generated in 0.88 seconds (9.11 tokens/s, 8 tokens, context 3321, seed 1499653030)
Output generated in 0.74 seconds (6.77 tokens/s, 5 tokens, context 3338, seed 1709479689)
Output generated in 2.74 seconds (14.60 tokens/s, 40 tokens, context 3346, seed 1332302207)
Output generated in 0.95 seconds (7.38 tokens/s, 7 tokens, context 3395, seed 422863456)
Output generated in 9.93 seconds (14.81 tokens/s, 147 tokens, context 3405, seed 370547489)

Which IMO are pretty good speeds. I have 64GB DDR5 6400Mhz RAM.

It is using 48 GB of VRAM + ~3-4 GB of RAM. (Seems to be changing based on context size)

I also had to edit self.max_seq_len = 2048 to self.max_seq_len = 4096

Tomorrow I can test 8192 context, but it would surely use swap (I have 200GB for swap), so there it would be a good amount slower.

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago

For perplexity you can run test_benchmark_inference.py with the -ppl option. Pretty sure turboderp himself tested this scaling yesterday and found perplexity to massively increase in exchange for context length.

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Yep. I only tested how scaling affects the first part of the context, though. I didn't test perplexity over the full expanded context.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@turboderp just a quick thought, as for chat mode, could the user input be 1 scale and every chat history after be 1/2 scale and the next being smaller and smaller, ever concatenating to include all history in the full 2048 tokens but with every level further back becomes more bluryeyed just like us? maybe even just a smooth, non-linear, curve with each token further having an ever smaller identifier fraction or maybe even an unsmooth curve filling in the 2048 with the most contextually related tokens having closer to a whole token identifier and the less related having smaller fractions. When I picture it, to me, it looks like gravity. The basic primes being that we fill the llm max context packed with data with most contextually important tokens appearing "closer" or in "bigger" font to the llm and the less important, "further" or "smaller". This brings the best of vector searches and variable attention together in a single endpoint, all built in. Do you get me?

nikshepsvn commented 1 year ago

I actually really like the idea of the dynamically scaling context, it somewhat emulates human memory. I think if we could do dynamic compression of the conversation in a similar manner (ie. use some LLM or whatever to compress conversation history in a way that recent context is less compressed and past context is more compressed) then that + the dynamic context length could give us a perceived much larger context (even if we cap context to like 6k or whenever perplexity becomes too high for us) we can prob have it feel like 10-15k depending on how we compress previous conversation history which I think is really cool. If I get some time I'll work on a prototype as a PoC

That being said, @turboderp is it even possible to change scale etc. during model run-time/inference? I lack context on the codebase specifics so this might just be a pipedream

turboderp commented 1 year ago

@Jeduh I'm still running tests at the moment, but dynamically scaling the embeddings, I think, would work poorly. The tuned model has some tolerance, but ideally you would tune it to a new scale and then use that throughout. Keep in mind that you're not really getting "more resolution" at the 1:1 scale. It's not a compression of the actual value content of the tokens as in an RNN.

@nikshepsvn Currently I'm experimenting with scaling the embeddings by a fixed amount, but it could be scaled by some non-linear function instead. One problem with that would be building on a cached sequence. You would have to basically reevaluate the whole sequence every time the positional embeddings move around.

I think it's all very premature to start thinking about that. There's no reason to assume a constant scaling factor actually has any drawbacks that need to be overcome with an approach like that.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@turboderp it's definitely the smart option to train on 1/2 scale and 1/4 and so on so that these models are familiar with the linear scaled. But if its already been trained on those scaled, whats stopping us using both or all scales, fine tuned for, in one prompt. For example:

Original "By breaking down complex sentences into smaller chunks, hierarchical self-attention allows the model to focus on local patterns while still capturing global contextual information. Essentially, it helps balance the tradeoff between efficiency and expressiveness inherent in many neural network designs."

With Hierarchical self-attention "By breaking down complex sentences into smaller chunks, hierarchical self-attention allows the model to focus on local patterns while still capturing global contextual information."

Leaving "Essentially, it helps balance the tradeoff between efficiency and expressiveness inherent in many neural network designs."

Could we not use the HSA prompt at 1:1 scale and the left overs from the original at 1:2 scale, assuming the llm has an incredibly small context size in this case lol.

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Well, like I said, you're not compressing the content of the context. It's not like it has a fuzzier recollection of tokens when their positional embeddings are closer together. It's just a question of how far apart it expects tokens to be in relation to each other. 10 tokens with a spacing of 1 still produce the same value output as 10 tokens with a spacing of 1/4, if the queries can find the right keys.

Teaching the model that tokens can have a spacing of either 1, 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 seems needlessly difficult compared to just saying, "hey, the spacing is 1/8 now, deal with it."

ghost commented 1 year ago

To me, it sounds like quantisation vs sparse quantise. But I understand how it acts as a float coordination system instead of compressing tokens, and how we don't even know if having a normal scale works first, Chatbort told me :) Got a little excited thats all haha. Thank you for your time @turboderp

turboderp commented 1 year ago

I finished some more thorough tests now, and it's actually kind of promising. Perhaps @kaiokendev would be interested as well:


This is running a perplexity test on a number of 8k sequences from WikiText2, truncated at varying lengths. The rationale is that perplexity should always be better on longer sequences, since as each sequence grows the model has more and more of a past to base its predictions on. But only if it's actually attending to that past correctly.

"Base" in red is the base Llama-13B with no LoRA applied, and as expected it goes mental as soon as it is asked to process sequences longer than 2048 tokens.

The blue line is the same model with SuperHOT applied, positional embeddings compressed by a factor of 4, but all other parameters kept the same. It has slightly worse perplexity overall but this is not unusual for finetunings. It usually comes down to the choice of dataset and how closely it aligns with the base models pretraining.

The remarkable thing, of course, is that perplexity keeps improving all the way to 8k tokens, meaning the model is attending to the full sequence. The test dataset doesn't necessarily have a whole lot of 8k-token passages where there is enough long-range content to utilize, so further testing should probably be on a different dataset, something like literature or long news articles. Either way, the evidence is clear that this works, at least to some extent.

And as to that, the LoRA is trained with a very low rank, which might be holding it back. Also, only 1200 examples of which only 400 are longer than 2048 tokens. So there could be room for improvement there. It would also be interesting to try larger models, since 13B is substantially worse at dealing with even a 2k context than 33B.

I have also included, in yellow, the results from a LoRA I trained with examples up to 6k tokens, merely extending the positional embeddings. It avoids the total collapse after 2048 tokens, but it doesn't do terribly well overall. I have speculated that what it needed was more training, and that may still be correct, but it might need an unrealistic amount to overcome the pretraining. And the interpolation looks much more promising anyway.

nikshepsvn commented 1 year ago

Kinda blows my mind that something this simple could potentially have tremendous impact in the open source LLM community, goes to show how many "low hanging fruit" there are for us to catch and optimize/build based on. Dope work on the testing @turboderp, the graph and ppl decrease with context increase is extremely promising even given the fact that there is an initial hit to ppl

alkeryn commented 1 year ago

@turboderp that's a pretty cool graph, i had a thought though, rn the scaling factor is "linear", do you think there could be some gains by using other scaling functions ? for example have the spacing between tokens be 0.5 at the most recent context and let's say 0.25 at the begining/older context, if it was a distribution instead of a linear scale, maybe we could teach our models to put more emphasis on more recent information? or maybe it's a really bad idea and will just always make things worse, i just wondered if it could have a desirable effect.

nikshepsvn commented 1 year ago

@alkeryn there is a discussion that is almost exactly this above, feel free to read

alkeryn commented 1 year ago

@nikshepsvn oh yea i missed that, either way it is kind of crazy that such a simple thing could have such an impact on the technology and that we only figured it out now. at that point does native context length even matters if you can fine tune it to any ratio. though, it still eat vram like candy but to my testing the usage seemed more linear than quadratic.

alkeryn commented 1 year ago

also @turboderp couldn't we fine tune models to work with arbitrary spacing (for example constantly changing the scale during training)? if not, just tuning them for 4k then 8k then 16k etc might be enough to get where we want, vram will probably be the limit anyway, if we figure a way to also optimize that down a lot we may be able to reach a point where context becomes irrlevent which would be cool.

kaiokendev commented 1 year ago

@turboderp Thank you for doing the test, it is good now to have hard numbers to back up the visible effect. I will be training 30B today and also test with 16K with a scale of 0.125, I was also asked to test MPT but I cannot fit 30B since its not quantized, so I will perform the scaling for MPT-7B. The rationale I believe is that this may not solely apply to rotational encodings, but any relative encoding, including ALiBi which notoriously increasing in perplexity after 2x the training length.

QM60 commented 1 year ago

@turboderp in that graph, "Base" is the base model, right? So the perplexity gap between RoPE and Base is likely due to finetuning on a different dataset. kaiokendev also released a plain 2k model without the compression, which better for apples-to-apples comparisons.

I think the key question here is: how much of the original model's performance at <2K is recovered from finetuning? If there is significant loss, then this trick is a sidegrade; much better for long sequences, but could be worse for those who can't fit long sequences in vram anyway. If there's no significant loss after finetuning, then this is a miracle, and pretty much every finetune might as well support 8K+ from now on. In fact, even pre-existing finetunes could be backported by slapping an 8K+ lora on top.

Either way, we're left with a harder question: how the hell to fit the KV cache in VRAM? Is CPU offloading going to become critical soon, or will there be some way to quantize/compress it? I'm hopeful that non-uniform quantization might help, something like "keep latest 256 tokens at fp16, quantize the remainder".

alkeryn commented 1 year ago

@kaiokendev man all this stuff makes me want to be able to work full time on it as my job. anyway thanks for the time you put into this work.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Are we essentially directing models perceptions towards having multiple tokens per positional embed? Would that mean we can fine tune models to almost think in terms of sentences per positional embed token?

turboderp commented 1 year ago

@alkeryn I think it's a little premature to start demanding that the model understand multiple scales, before there's anything to suggest it needs more than one scale.

@kaiokendev I noticed when applying the LoRA that, even though you're targeting bias all the bias tensors in the adapter are empty. I'm also wondering if rank 2 isn't maybe needlessly low? The LoRA would still be tiny at a rank 4 or 8. Is it just to accelerate the finetuning?

ghost commented 1 year ago

What if we make positional embedding token 2049 or more the identifying key for "hey, the spacing is 1/8 now, deal with it." with just "8" or something.

turboderp commented 1 year ago

@QM60 I'm not really having trouble running 8k contexts for 13B. But for 33B, yes, it's going to be trickier. I do have a second 24 GB GPU, luckily. So that helps.

Offloading the KV-cache to system RAM would kill performance for sure. The keys at least need to be present for attention. Perhaps you could offload values and just swap in values with an attention weight above some threshold... but idk. I'll be happy if this gives even 4k tokens reliably.

kaiokendev commented 1 year ago

@turboderp Heh, actually I noticed it too, seems exporting the bias does nothing! I'm not sure if it's a bug in peft, because I didn't see anything in the paper that implied LoRA should not apply to the bias, but that is a different problem for a different day.

For the rank, I kept it as 2 because the original paper demonstrates that q, k, v, o at rank 1 performs better/on-par with q,v at rank 8, but the memory size is increased significantly, so I just kept it at 2, since it should perform as well as q,v at rank 8

turboderp commented 1 year ago

@Jeduh You're still teaching the model two different behaviors that have to coexist. Much harder than just modifying one existing behavior. And you need some kind of rationale anyway. What would be the benefit?

kaiokendev commented 1 year ago

What if we make positional embedding token 2049 or more the identifying key for "hey, the spacing is 1/8 now, deal with it."

Interpolation effect is intended as an alternate way to achieve length extrapolation. The yellow line in the graph is what happens if you try to teach the model 2049+x. Interpolation means to teach the model between [0, 2048], since it is more overfit on that range. Technically, both achieve the same thing, but interpolation requires far, far fewer compute

ghost commented 1 year ago

Thank you @turboderp @kaiokendev , I just think interpolating token codes past 2048 add a form of trainable and trigger-able cheat codes to whatever other methods/mods we come across down the line. Eg, selecting 1/8 scale with [2049]=8 or 1/16 with [2049]=g. Or maybe even go as far as coded personalities. But I am basing this off intuition alone rather than logical reasoning, to which I really respect you, @turboderp , for being rational, bringing us all here :)

kaiokendev commented 1 year ago

@turboderp You think you can copy your test results here? https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/discussions/1965

nikshepsvn commented 1 year ago

Okay, this works surprisingly well, I was able to quantize https://huggingface.co/Peeepy/Airoboros-13b-SuperHOT-8k and test it in exLLaMa, I told Chartbort I like peanuts and the color red, pasted 5000 tokens and asked it what I told it and it was able to answer successfully. image



Consumes around 20GB of vRAM: image

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Be careful, anything blue is likely to skew the results.

Oh, and also GPT3's tokens are a lot more dense than Llama's, so you likely pasted more than 4935 tokens. But you should be able to see token count in the terminal output from the web server.

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago

Be careful, anything blue is likely to skew the results.

Is this a meme or some insanity illuminatiLM theory?

turboderp commented 1 year ago

It's just Chatbort. He really likes blue. It's one of his two defining features.

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago

It's just Chatbort. He really likes blue. It's one of his two defining features.

LOL I had forgotten about his quirks after he told me to take over the world.

Panchovix commented 1 year ago

@allenbenz Wondering here, if you do the change from 1:1 to 1:2, even if using 2048 context, the perplex will be higher? (or better said worse) Or just when surpassing 2048 context?

allenbenz commented 1 year ago

The perplexity numbers I posted were from changing from scale but still having the context limit at 2048.

alain40 commented 1 year ago

Looks like there are 3 promising paths to improve local llamas.

Quantization is getting us closer to the compression asymptote ; likely between 2 and 3 bits, I doubt our brains work on fp16 precision :-). Some papers show that 50% of the weights can be pruned, others that more bits for outliers do the trick.

Could be combined with context window expansion by training the specialists on longer windows and using the scale "trick".

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago
  • Fast LoRA loading of specialist models Feels like we could get better results with a bunch of specialist LoRAs, e.g. coding, storytelling, math and logic, etc. The model could decide itself which one to load based on the category of the question. There is a rumor that this is the way GPT4 works.

This technique would be an absolute game-changer. No more silly 4-way merges of models, just one good base, and any number of LoRAs finetuned on specific subjects.

nikshepsvn commented 1 year ago
  • Fast LoRA loading of specialist models Feels like we could get better results with a bunch of specialist LoRAs, e.g. coding, storytelling, math and logic, etc. The model could decide itself which one to load based on the category of the question. There is a rumor that this is the way GPT4 works.

This technique would be an absolute game-changer. No more silly 4-way merges of models, just one good base, and any number of LoRAs finetuned on specific subjects.

+1, this will be a huge win, if the base model is able to pick-up and use LoRa's in a tool-like fashion (like how we do for plugins in langchain now) we could have a base-model that can adapt responses based on various datasets in almost realtime, I'm going to dive deeper into this as well -- great suggestion @alain40

afaik @turboderp, exllama already supports LoRa at inference time right? (based on https://github.com/turboderp/exllama/commit/248f59fb33535128088c058978bfcd89128565a2 and some other code I see) with some refactoring work this might not be large lift but probably large impact

also raised it in llama.cpp discussion to get this in front of a larger group: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/discussions/2013

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Yes, ExLlama already supports LoRAs, at least the FP16 kind, for any linear layer. You can load a LoRA pretty quickly, or you can keep multiple LoRAs in memory if you want. You just pass whatever LoRA as a parameter to the forward pass and it will be applied for that inference.

Stacking multiple LoRAs in the same inference is also possible, I just haven't written the code yet. I'd like to do it without a performance penalty that increases the more adapters you apply.

Another point to note is that I'm not sure whether or not you need to reevaluate the entire context when switching to a different LoRA. In principle you do, but it might not matter in practice, so it's one of those things that needs to be tested.

Regardless, if you just want to create an application that switches "expert" adapters in and out, the foundation already exists for that. Whether it's a game changer or not, though, hard to say. I'm pretty sure GPT-4 makes heavy use of adapters in the same way, but I'm less convinced about the current offering of adapters for Llama.

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago

I'm still working on my own adapters and LoRAs for various cybersecurity "fields" (red team/blue team/purple team). They kinda suck but since there are multiple, having one automatically swap when needed would be amazing. Some of these LoRAs ended up being ~1.5GB each on their own, due to the sheer content.

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Well yes, that all works, if you have some mechanism for choosing which LoRA to use. I guess the simple approach is to evaluate the prompt on multiple LoRAs and pick the one that shows the lowest perplexity.

I'd be a little worried about the size of those LoRAs if they're actually 1.5 GB, though. The point of low-rank adapters is that they're low rank. That's why you can train them efficiently. If you have 750 million parameters in an adapter, you should expect similar training requirements to a 750-million parameter model before you see good results. And even with 10 billion tokens of training data or however much you need for convergence, the adapter may end up competing with the base model instead of augmenting it.

jmoney7823956789378 commented 1 year ago

I'd be a little worried about the size of those LoRAs if they're actually 1.5 GB, though. The point of low-rank adapters is that they're low rank. That's why you can train them efficiently. If you have 750 million parameters in an adapter, you should expect similar training requirements to a 750-million parameter model before you see good results. And even with 10 billion tokens of training data or however much you need for convergence, the adapter may end up competing with the base model instead of augmenting it.

Most LoRAs sit between 300MB-500MB. I am definitely doing it wrong, but I'm really just aiming for my LoRAs to allow the model to give me (mostly) correct answers based on data used in creating the LoRA. Cybershit just feels too difficult to finetune when you don't have a massive and properly-formatted dataset. I'm wondering if I can script out something to say "Based on this paragraph, create a json formatted block in the style of a llama dataset." I'm open to suggestions and helpful ideas.

marcoripa96 commented 1 year ago

Hello, TheBloke started to publish models with 8k context for example:

Does Exllama support loading those models? Do I have to set any specific parameters?

turboderp commented 1 year ago

Yes, those are supported. Run with -cpe 4 -l 8192 for the 4x scaling and 8192 token context length. Be aware that it uses more VRAM, though.

marcoripa96 commented 1 year ago

I'm not using model_init, those options correspond to:

config = ExLlamaConfig(config_path)

config.max_seq_len = 8192
config.compress_pos_emb = 4


turboderp commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's correct.

alkeryn commented 1 year ago

hey guys, have you heard about ntk rope scaling ? i opened an issue for it here : https://github.com/turboderp/exllama/issues/115 it may prove interesting to add an option for it.