turbokongen / hass-AMS

Custom component reading AMS through MBus adapter into HomeAssistant
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Buy M-Bus Module #62

Closed Isaksson closed 2 years ago

Isaksson commented 2 years ago

I live in Sweden and I have a Aidon 6534 (6483SE) not sure if its the exact same one that is verified working in Norway, but i planned to at least give it a try, but I need a M-BUS to TTL adapter. This is the one that I want, its marked working in the readme https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32751482255.html?spm=a2g0o.placeorder.0.0.62e7321eoZeErv&mp=1

But my question is, does anyone know a place in the Nordic or at least Europe that sell this module, I do not want to wait over a month to receive it from Asia :) Or maybe someone have a spare one that I could buy?
