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Wiki Update(?): Setting up Turbonomic on IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) #22

Open rohanarora opened 2 years ago

rohanarora commented 2 years ago

While setting up Turbonomic on IKS one may witness a few Turbonomic pods reporting CrashloopBackOff, logging the following lines as an example:

mkdir: cannot create directory '/consul/data/raft': Permission denied

This is because the default storage class for IKS is ibmc-file-bronze that does not allow other non-root users to write to the mounted storage

rohanarora commented 2 years ago

To resolve this, use one of the following storage classes instead of the default ibmc-file-bronze:

  1. gid file storage class Documentation here
  2. block storage class Documentation here

When using gid storage class one needs to set securityContext.fsGroup. The following is an example of a custom resource YAML to be used on IKS:

# Based on https://github.com/turbonomic/t8c-install/blob/master/operator/deploy/crds/charts_v1alpha1_xl_cr.yaml
apiVersion: charts.helm.k8s.io/v1
kind: Xl
  name: xl-release
    repository: turbonomic
    tag: 8.4.5
    storageClassName: ibmc-file-bronze-gid
      fsGroup: 65531

The value 65531 is the default group ID for the following storage classes:

Block storage classes do not need n securityContext.fsGroup to be set.

esara commented 2 years ago

hi @rohanarora I ran into the same issue a while ago, but in my case I followed the IBM documentation at https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/containers?topic=containers-cs_storage_nonroot and used the

    storageClassName: ibmc-file-bronze-gid
      fsGroup: 65531

configuration in the custom resource

rohanarora commented 2 years ago

Thanks @esara. Yes and that is what I documented in a way via the comment here

esara commented 2 years ago

sorry, I was reading the original question only

rohanarora commented 2 years ago

Aha. I see. No problem at all. Wondering if this has a home in the Wiki or we could leave it here as well. Feel free to close this issue. Thank you both, @esara and @evat-pm!