turbot / powerpipe-docs

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downloads page docs has wrong git repo address #41

Closed oguzhan-yilmaz closed 2 months ago

oguzhan-yilmaz commented 2 months ago

Hi, I was trying to follow the documentation and had an error at this step:

powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-aws-compliance

When I tried to go to git repo, I get 404 Error.

After looking around, I found out that the correct address is: https://github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-compliance

karanpopat commented 2 months ago

Hey @oguzhan-yilmaz thanks for reporting the issue. I have pushed a fix with the correct address.

oguzhan-yilmaz commented 2 months ago

I've noticed that the powerpipe help still references the github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-aws-compliance.

$ powerpipe help
>> Powerpipe: Dashboards for DevOps.
>> Visualize cloud configurations. Assess security posture against a
>> massive library of benchmarks. Build custom dashboards with code.
>> Common commands:
>>   # Install a mod from the hub - https://hub.powerpipe.io
>>   powerpipe mod init
>>   powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/powerpipe-mod-aws-compliance
>>   # View dashboards at http://localhost:9033
>>   powerpipe server
>>   # List and run benchmarks in the terminal
>>   powerpipe benchmark list
>>   powerpipe benchmark run aws_compliance.benchmark.cis_v140
>> Documentation available at https://powerpipe.io/docs
>> Usage:
>>   powerpipe [--version] [--help] COMMAND [args] [flags]
>>   powerpipe [command]
>> Available Commands:
>>   benchmark   List, view, and run Powerpipe benchmarks
>>   control     List, view, and run Powerpipe controls
>>   dashboard   List, view, and run Powerpipe dashboards in batch mode
>>   help        Help about any command
>>   login       Login to Turbot Pipes
>>   mod         Powerpipe mod management
>>   query       List, view, and run Powerpipe queries
>>   server      Start Powerpipe dashboard server
>>   variable    Manage Powerpipe variables in the current mod and its direct dependents
>> Flags:
>>       --config-path string    Colon separated list of paths to search for workspace files, in order of decreasing precedence
>>   -h, --help                  help for powerpipe
>>       --install-dir string    Path to the installation directory (default "/Users/og/.powerpipe")
>>       --mod-location string   Path to the workspace working directory (default "/Users/og/.powerpipe/internal")
>>   -v, --version               version for powerpipe
>>       --workspace string      Sets the Powerpipe workspace profile (default "default")
>> Use "powerpipe [command] --help" for more information about a command.
powerpipe --version
Powerpipe v0.4.2
misraved commented 2 months ago

@oguzhan-yilmaz thanks for reporting the issue 👍!!

The fix has been made in https://github.com/turbot/powerpipe/pull/469. A new Powerpipe CLI version will address the correct GitHub repo (steampipe-mod-aws-compliance instead of powerpipe-mod-aws-compliance)

oguzhan-yilmaz commented 2 months ago

That was fast, thanks @misraved