turbot / steampipe-plugin-aws

Use SQL to instantly query AWS resources across regions and accounts. Open source CLI. No DB required.
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Fixed table aws_ebs_snapshot is returning empty rows even though there is data present Closes #2184 #2185

Closed ParthaI closed 1 month ago

ParthaI commented 1 month ago

Integration test logs

Logs ``` SETUP: tests/aws_ebs_snapshot [] PRETEST: tests/aws_ebs_snapshot TEST: tests/aws_ebs_snapshot Running terraform data.aws_partition.current: Reading... data.aws_region.primary: Reading... data.aws_caller_identity.current: Reading... data.aws_partition.current: Read complete after 0s [id=aws] data.aws_region.primary: Read complete after 0s [id=us-east-1] data.aws_region.alternate: Reading... data.aws_region.alternate: Read complete after 0s [id=us-east-2] data.aws_caller_identity.current: Read complete after 0s [id=xxxxxxxxxxxx] data.null_data_source.resource: Reading... data.null_data_source.resource: Read complete after 0s [id=static] Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: + create Terraform will perform the following actions: # aws_ebs_snapshot.named_test_resource will be created + resource "aws_ebs_snapshot" "named_test_resource" { + arn = (known after apply) + data_encryption_key_id = (known after apply) + description = "Test snapshot" + encrypted = (known after apply) + id = (known after apply) + kms_key_id = (known after apply) + owner_alias = (known after apply) + owner_id = (known after apply) + storage_tier = (known after apply) + tags = { + "Name" = "turbottest7427" } + tags_all = { + "Name" = "turbottest7427" } + volume_id = (known after apply) + volume_size = (known after apply) } # aws_ebs_volume.test_volume will be created + resource "aws_ebs_volume" "test_volume" { + arn = (known after apply) + availability_zone = "us-east-1a" + encrypted = (known after apply) + final_snapshot = false + id = (known after apply) + iops = (known after apply) + kms_key_id = (known after apply) + size = 1 + snapshot_id = (known after apply) + tags_all = (known after apply) + throughput = (known after apply) + type = (known after apply) } # aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission.example_perm will be created + resource "aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission" "example_perm" { + account_id = "388460667113" + id = (known after apply) + snapshot_id = (known after apply) } Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy. Changes to Outputs: + account_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" + aws_partition = "aws" + aws_region = "us-east-1" + resource_aka = (known after apply) + resource_name = "turbottest7427" + snapshot_id = (known after apply) + volume_id = (known after apply) aws_ebs_volume.test_volume: Creating... aws_ebs_volume.test_volume: Still creating... [10s elapsed] aws_ebs_volume.test_volume: Creation complete after 12s [id=vol-0e28ca9730897b6c1] aws_ebs_snapshot.named_test_resource: Creating... aws_ebs_snapshot.named_test_resource: Still creating... [10s elapsed] aws_ebs_snapshot.named_test_resource: Creation complete after 17s [id=snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311] aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission.example_perm: Creating... aws_snapshot_create_volume_permission.example_perm: Creation complete after 1s [id=snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311-388460667113] Warning: Deprecated with data.null_data_source.resource, on variables.tf line 43, in data "null_data_source" "resource": 43: data "null_data_source" "resource" { The null_data_source was historically used to construct intermediate values to re-use elsewhere in configuration, the same can now be achieved using locals or the terraform_data resource type in Terraform 1.4 and later. (and one more similar warning elsewhere) Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed. Outputs: account_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" aws_partition = "aws" aws_region = "us-east-1" resource_aka = "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1::snapshot/snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311" resource_name = "turbottest7427" snapshot_id = "snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311" volume_id = "vol-0e28ca9730897b6c1" Running SQL query: test-get-query.sql Time: 4.9s. Rows returned: 1. Rows fetched: 1. Hydrate calls: 0. Scans: 1) aws_ebs_snapshot.aws: Time: 3.1s. Fetched: 1. Hydrates: 0. Quals: snapshot_id=snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311. [ { "description": "Test snapshot", "encrypted": false, "owner_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxx", "snapshot_id": "snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311", "tags_src": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "turbottest7427" } ], "volume_id": "vol-0e28ca9730897b6c1", "volume_size": 1 } ] ✔ PASSED Running SQL query: test-hydrate-query.sql Time: 9.7s. Rows returned: 1. Rows fetched: 1. Hydrate calls: 2. Scans: 1) aws_ebs_snapshot.aws: Time: 8.5s. Fetched: 1. Hydrates: 2. Quals: snapshot_id=snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311. [ { "akas": [ "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxxxx:snapshot/snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311" ], "create_volume_permissions": [ { "Group": "", "UserId": "388460667113" } ], "snapshot_id": "snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311", "tags": { "Name": "turbottest7427" }, "title": "snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311" } ] ✔ PASSED Running SQL query: test-list-query.sql Time: 9.4s. Rows returned: 1. Rows fetched: 1. Hydrate calls: 0. Scans: 1) aws_ebs_snapshot.aws: Time: 3.0s. Fetched: 1. Hydrates: 0. Quals: snapshot_id=snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311. [ { "snapshot_id": "snap-099a4d8c3f2f92311", "volume_id": "vol-0e28ca9730897b6c1" } ] ✔ PASSED POSTTEST: tests/aws_ebs_snapshot TEARDOWN: tests/aws_ebs_snapshot SUMMARY: 1/1 passed. ```

Example query results

Results ``` 1. SELET * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot; (OK) 2. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE description = 'Copied for DestinationAmi ami-0da8f950581eea6e8 from SourceAmi ami-0d70546e43a941d70 for SourceSnapshot snap-010ba416b9cd2b353. Task created on 1,660,139,218,799.'; (OK) 3. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE owner_alias IS NULL; (OK) 4. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE owner_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'; (OK) 5. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE snapshot_id = 'snap-0aa97f0d110df2170'; (OK) 6. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE state = 'completed'; (OK) 7. SELECT * FROM aws_ebs_snapshot WHERE progress = '100%'; (OK) ```