turbot / steampipe-plugin-aws

Use SQL to instantly query AWS resources across regions and accounts. Open source CLI. No DB required.
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Error in role assumtion when using alternative `credential_source` in aws config. #2307

Open kisst opened 1 week ago

kisst commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug With setting up the aws config file to use alternative credential source, specificly in my test ecs.

[user@host ~]$ cat .aws/config 
output = json

[profile myaccount]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::000000000001:role/MyRoleName
credential_source = EcsContainer

The aws cli works fine, and able to use the role configured

[user@host ~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity --profile myaccount
    "UserId": "AKIA2UC3BSXMEKZTLGM3:botocore-session-blablabla",
    "Account": "000000000001",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::000000000001:assumed-role/MyRoleName/botocore-session-blablabla"

but when setting up in steampipe

[user@host ~]$ cat .steampipe/config/aws.spc 
connection "myaccount" {
  plugin = "aws"
  regions = ["*"]
  profile = "myaccount"


[user@host ~]$ steampipe query 
Welcome to Steampipe v0.24.2
For more information, type .help
> select * from myaccount.aws_account

Error: myaccount: EcsContainer was specified as the credential_source, but 'AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI' was not set (SQLSTATE HV000)

> .quit

While I tried to guess the right value and setting it as an ENV variable, I could not make it work.

Steampipe version (steampipe -v) v0.24.2

Plugin version (steampipe plugin list) 0.147.0

To reproduce See main description above. I used CloudShell but any ECS cluster should do.

Expected behavior Same as the cli just assume the role and collect data cross account.

Additional context I try to use aggregator in cloudshell for AWS Orgs.

ParthaI commented 1 week ago

Related Discussion thread: https://turbot-community.slack.com/archives/C01UECB59A7/p1727076900518749