I try to work around it with this query to join a list of organization accounts and a list of permission sets. It gives the same error.
SELECT assignment.*
FROM aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment AS assignment
INNER JOIN aws_organizations_account AS ac ON (ac.account_id = assignment.target_account_id)
INNER JOIN aws_ssoadmin_permission_set AS ps ON (ps.arn = assignment.permission_set_arn)
Steampipe can provide more value here by abstracting away all the required parameters of the underlying ListAccountAssignments API. If I want all the assignments, Steampipe should figure out the API calls to make that happen.
aws-sso-uitil has a command to solve the problem called aws-sso-utill admin assignments. The Steampipe table could copy its solution.
I want to list all the assignments in my Identity Center instance.
The aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment table should solve it with this query.
But the query fails because it doesn't qualify the permission set ARN and the target account ID.
I try to work around it with this query to join a list of organization accounts and a list of permission sets. It gives the same error.
Steampipe can provide more value here by abstracting away all the required parameters of the underlying ListAccountAssignments API. If I want all the assignments, Steampipe should figure out the API calls to make that happen.
aws-sso-uitil has a command to solve the problem called
aws-sso-utill admin assignments
. The Steampipe table could copy its solution.