turbot / steampipe-plugin-azure

Use SQL to instantly query Azure resources across regions and subscriptions. Open source CLI. No DB required.
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed azure_postgresql_flexible_server does not appear to provide fullyQualifiedDomainName Closes #753 #754

Closed ParthaI closed 1 month ago

ParthaI commented 2 months ago

Integration test logs

Logs ``` N/A ```

Example query results

Results ``` > select name, jsonb_pretty(server_properties) from azure_postgresql_flexible_server +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | jsonb_pretty | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | test63 | { | | | "Tags": null, | | | "State": "Ready", | | | "Backup": { | | | "geoRedundantBackup": "Disabled", | | | "backupRetentionDays": 7 | | | }, | | | "Network": { | | | }, | | | "Storage": { | | | "storageSizeGB": 32 | | | }, | | | "Version": "16", | | | "CreateMode": null, | | | "MinorVersion": "2", | | | "PointInTimeUTC": null, | | | "AvailabilityZone": "2", | | | "HighAvailability": { | | | "mode": "Disabled" | | | }, | | | "MaintenanceWindow": { | | | "dayOfWeek": 0, | | | "startHour": 0, | | | "startMinute": 0, | | | "customWindow": "Disabled" | | | }, | | | "AdministratorLogin": "test", | | | "SourceServerResourceID": null, | | | "FullyQualifiedDomainName": "test63.postgres.database.azure.com", | | | "AdministratorLoginPassword": null | | | } | +--------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ```