turbot / steampipe-plugin-jira

Use SQL to instantly query Jira. Open source CLI. No DB required.
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Add Resolution details call in table jira_issue #34

Closed khushboo9024 closed 3 years ago

khushboo9024 commented 3 years ago

References https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/rest/v3/api-group-issue-resolutions/#api-rest-api-3-resolution-get

sayan133 commented 3 years ago

@khushboo9024 Closing the issue as the resolution details are already available in the jira_issue table under the fields tab. Here is an example:

select title,id,jsonb_pretty(fields->'resolution') as resolution from jira_issue where status='Closed'
| title   | id    | resolution                                                                     |
| TEST1-7 | 10046 | {                                                                              |
|         |       |     "id": "10004",                                                             |
|         |       |     "name": "Declined",                                                        |
|         |       |     "self": "https://turbot-turbot.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/resolution/10004", |
|         |       |     "description": "This issue was not approved."                              |
|         |       | }                                                                              |