turbot / steampipe

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Connections stuck in updating status #3482

Closed tinder-tder closed 1 year ago

tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When starting up steampipe (in query or service mode) not all connections become ready (even after waiting a day). Those marked at updating never complete and are not queryable.

when running .connections in steampipe query

| Connection state | Count |
| ready            | 25    |
| updating         | 44    |

spinning up a new instance the count of updating and ready changes but same result with not all connections becoming ready.

Steampipe version (steampipe -v) Example: v0.20.2

To reproduce we have the following plugins setup:

aws connection template (config is automatically made):

connection "aws_xxx_prod" {
  plugin = "aws"
  regions = [ "us-east-1", ]
  profile = "xxx_prod"
  ignore_error_codes = ["AccessDenied", "AccessDeniedException", "NotAuthorized", "UnauthorizedOperation", "UnrecognizedClientException", "AuthorizationError"]

Expected behavior connections to be ready

Additional context

Not sure if its some rate limit issue.
looking at the process list it looks like it has to do with some import (note we can not disable import_schema as we still need to query individual connections) ps aux output:

steampi+  113349  0.0  0.3 150732 56664 ?        S    17:02   0:00 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/postgres/bin/postgres -p 9193 -c listen_addresses="*" -c application_name=steampipe -c cluster_name=steampipe -c log_directory=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/logs -c ssl=on -c ssl_cert_file=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/data/server.crt -c ssl_key_file=/home/
steampi+  113350  0.0  0.0  43452  4828 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: logger 
steampi+  113352  0.0  0.0 150848 13908 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: checkpointer 
steampi+  113353  0.0  0.1 150852 20996 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: background writer 
steampi+  113354  0.0  0.0 150732  6188 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: walwriter 
steampi+  113355  0.0  0.0 151268  7060 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: autovacuum launcher 
steampi+  113356  0.0  0.0  43596  5648 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: stats collector 
steampi+  113357  0.0  0.0 151164  7292 ?        Ss   17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: logical replication launcher 
steampi+  113361  0.2  0.4 761804 68740 ?        Sl   17:02   0:02 /usr/local/bin/steampipe plugin-manager --install-dir /home/steampipe/.steampipe
steampi+  113382  0.0  0.4 1424620 77732 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113383  0.0  0.4 1097816 76436 ?       Sl   17:02   0:00 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest/steampipe-plugin-kubernetes.plugin
steampi+  113393  0.1  0.9 1311748 149644 ?      Sl   17:02   0:01 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest/steampipe-plugin-aws.plugin
steampi+  113402  4.2  1.8 1110792 305236 ?      Sl   17:02   0:32 /usr/local/bin/steampipe dashboard --dashboard-listen=network --dashboard-port=9194 --install-dir=/home/steampipe/.steampipe --mod-location=/home/steampipe/moddir --service-mode=true --input=false
steampi+  113413  0.0  0.4 1496808 75936 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113414  0.0  0.4 1419436 73564 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA
steampi+  113415  0.0  0.4 1416936 68832 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113416  0.0  0.4 1564884 69460 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113417  0.0  0.4 1417308 70320 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113418  0.0  0.4 1491716 71824 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113419  0.0  0.4 1491100 69120 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113420  0.0  0.4 1419532 73332 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113421  0.0  0.4 1493512 73732 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113422  0.0  0.4 1417240 69492 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113423  0.0  0.4 1417072 69648 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113424  0.0  0.4 1495068 74640 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113425  0.0  0.4 1423032 75264 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113426  0.0  0.4 1491308 69984 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113427  0.0  0.4 1499056 78512 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113428  0.0  0.4 1417772 70996 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113429  0.0  0.4 1419888 73120 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113430  0.0  0.4 1493328 74780 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+  113431  0.0  0.4 1491012 69188 ?       Ssl  17:02   0:00 postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

upon more searching it looks like the similar/same issue as https://github.com/turbot/steampipe/issues/3340

pg_stat_activity looks similar

datid |  datname  |  pid   | leader_pid | usesysid | usename | application_name  | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_start         |          xact_start           |          query_start          |         state_change          | wait_event_type |     wait_event      | state  | backend_xid | backend_xmin | query_id |                                                       query                                                        |         backend_type
       |           | 116758 |            |          |         | steampipe         |             |                 |             | 2023-05-25 17:25:30.452246+00 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | AutoVacuumMain      |        |             |              |          |                                                                                                                    | autovacuum launcher
       |           | 116760 |            |       10 | root    | steampipe         |             |                 |             | 2023-05-25 17:25:30.452473+00 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | LogicalLauncherMain |        |             |              |          |                                                                                                                    | logical replication launcher
 16384 | steampipe | 116790 |            |       10 | root    | pm_steampipe_3ee2 |   |                 |       37834 | 2023-05-25 17:25:30.846395+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.288901+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.289573+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.289575+00 | Lock            | extend              | active |        1027 |         1027 |          | drop schema if exists "aws_aa_qa3" cascade;                                                                       +| client backend
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | create schema "aws_aa_qa3";                                                                                       +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | comment on schema "aws_aa_qa3" is 'steampipe plugin: hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest';                 +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | grant usage on schema "aws_aa_qa3" to steampipe_users;                                                            +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | alter default privileges in schema "aws_aa_qa3" grant select on tables to steampipe_users;                        +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | grant select on all tables in schema "aws_aa_qa3" to steampipe_users;                                             +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | import foreign schema "hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest" from server steampipe into "aws_aa_qa3";       +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          |                                                                                                                    |
 16384 | steampipe | 117676 |            |       10 | root    | psql              |   |                 |       55918 | 2023-05-25 17:43:53.427161+00 | 2023-05-25 17:43:53.446799+00 | 2023-05-25 17:43:53.446799+00 | 2023-05-25 17:43:53.446806+00 |                 |                     | active |             |         1027 |          | SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;                                                                                    | client backend
 16384 | steampipe | 116812 |            |       10 | root    | pm_steampipe_3ee2 |   |                 |       37910 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.311284+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.374775+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.375104+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.375106+00 | Lock            | extend              | active |        1033 |         1027 |          | drop schema if exists "aws_aa_qa2" cascade;                                                                       +| client backend
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | create schema "aws_aa_qa2";                                                                                       +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | comment on schema "aws_aa_qa2" is 'steampipe plugin: hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest';                 +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | grant usage on schema "aws_aa_qa2" to steampipe_users;                                                            +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | alter default privileges in schema "aws_aa_qa2" grant select on tables to steampipe_users;                        +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | grant select on all tables in schema "aws_aa_qa2" to steampipe_users;                                             +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | import foreign schema "hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest" from server steampipe into "aws_aa_qa2";       +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          |                                                                                                                    |
 16384 | steampipe | 116827 |            |       10 | root    | pm_steampipe_3ee2 |   |                 |       37980 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.306563+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.327137+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.328808+00 | 2023-05-25 17:25:32.328819+00 | Lock            | extend              | active |        1029 |         1027 |          | drop schema if exists "aws_ma_prod" cascade;                                                                      +| client backend
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | create schema "aws_ma_prod";                                                                                      +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | comment on schema "aws_ma_prod" is 'steampipe plugin: hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest';                +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | grant usage on schema "aws_ma_prod" to steampipe_users;                                                           +|
       |           |        |            |          |         |                   |             |                 |             |                               |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |          | alter default privileges in schema "aws_ma_prod" grant select on tables to steampipe_users;                       +|
judell commented 1 year ago

per @tinder-tder: "so i rolled back to v0.19.5 and it looks like its working fine "

e-gineer commented 1 year ago

Hey @tinder-tder ... sorry to hear you've hit this issue, there may be some race condition in the new connection loading we added in v0.20.x that our testing hasn't revealed :-(

I understand that you can't use import_schema = "disabled", but am wondering if the aggregator loads successfully if you set that option on the individual AWS connections? Trying to narrow down where the condition happens, and suspect it's during the individual connection schema setup phase.

So, could you please try:

  1. Setting import_schema = "disabled" on the individual AWS connections (not the aggregator)
  2. Starting up, and checking status per .inspect.
  3. Querying the aws_account table to check that all your connection accounts are there.

Unfortunately it may take a while to reproduce this and track down the problem, so we appreciate your help.

tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

ok, set import schema to disabled: note: allhinge is a subset of the same accounts included in allaws

> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state    |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready    |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready    |
| Connection state | Count |
| ready            | 25    |
| updating         | 1     |

inspection works on the agg:

> .inspect allhinge
| table                                                        | description                                                        |
| aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer                                  | AWS Access Analyzer                                                |
| aws_account                                                  | AWS Account                                                        |
| aws_account_alternate_contact                                | AWS Account Alternate Contact                                      |
| aws_account_contact                                          | AWS Account Contact                                                |
| aws_acm_certificate                                          | AWS ACM Certificate                                                |
| aws_amplify_app                                              | AWS Amplify App                                                    |
| aws_api_gateway_api_key                                      | AWS API Gateway API Key                                            |
| aws_api_gateway_authorizer                                   | AWS API Gateway Authorizer                                         |
| aws_api_gateway_rest_api                                     | AWS API Gateway Rest API                                           |
| aws_api_gateway_stage                                        | AWS API Gateway Stage                                              |
| aws_api_gateway_usage_plan                                   | AWS API Gateway Usage Plan                                         |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_api                                        | AWS API Gateway Version 2 API                                      |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_domain_name                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Domain Name                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_integration                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Integration                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_route                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Route                                    |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_stage                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Stage                                    |
| aws_appautoscaling_target                                    | AWS Application Auto Scaling Target                                |
| aws_appconfig_application                                    | AWS AppConfig Application                                          |
| aws_appstream_image                                          | AWS AppStream Image                                                |
| aws_athena_query_execution                                   | AWS Athena Query Execution                                         |
| aws_athena_workgroup                                         | AWS Athena Workgroup                                               |

select on allaws (correct count, 43):

> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
| count |
| 43    |

select on hinge (just spins on executing query):

> select count(*) from allhinge.aws_account
Error: execution cancelled

ps aux:

teampi+   44638  0.0  0.3 150732 56668 ?        S    18:19   0:00 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/postgres/bin/postgres -p 9193 -c listen_addresses="*" -c application_name=steampipe -c cluster_name=steampipe -c log_directory=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/logs -c ssl=on -c ssl_cert_file=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/data/server.crt -c ssl_key_file=/home/
steampi+   44639  0.0  0.0  43452  4824 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logger 
steampi+   44641  0.0  0.0 150832 14124 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: checkpointer 
steampi+   44642  0.0  0.1 150848 21800 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: background writer 
steampi+   44643  0.0  0.0 150732  6352 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: walwriter 
steampi+   44644  0.0  0.0 151268  8524 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: autovacuum launcher 
steampi+   44645  0.0  0.0  43596  5580 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: stats collector 
steampi+   44646  0.0  0.0 151164  7156 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logical replication launcher 
steampi+   44724  0.1  0.4 1570532 80340 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44751  0.0  0.4 1416384 70624 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44752  0.0  0.4 1416384 71648 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44755  0.0  0.4 1416396 71128 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44756  0.0  0.4 1416252 69784 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44758  0.0  0.4 1564248 71736 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44759  0.0  0.4 1490296 71676 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44763  0.0  0.4 1417980 73132 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44764  0.0  0.4 1490444 71988 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44765  0.0  0.4 1416792 70720 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44766  0.0  0.4 1490440 70632 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44770  0.0  0.4 1416776 71320 ?       Ssl  18:19   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA waiting
steampi+   44650  0.4  0.4 761996 71340 ?        Sl   18:19   0:01 /usr/local/bin/steampipe plugin-manager --install-dir /home/steampipe/.steampipe
steampi+   44672  0.3  0.8 1246316 135724 ?      Sl   18:19   0:01  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest/steampipe-plugin-aws.plugin
steampi+   44682  0.1  0.6 1165852 104848 ?      Sl   18:19   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest/steampipe-plugin-kubernetes.plugin
steampi+   44691  0.0  0.2 1138432 33388 ?       Sl   18:19   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest/steampipe-plugin-whois.plugin
steampi+   44700  0.0  0.2 1139020 34148 ?       Sl   18:19   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest/steampipe-plugin-net.plugin
steampi+   44710  3.4  1.0 970608 165828 ?       Sl   18:19   0:15 /usr/local/bin/steampipe dashboard --dashboard-listen=network --dashboard-port=9194 --install-dir=/home/steampipe/.steampipe --mod-location=/home/steampipe/moddir --service-mode=true --input=false
steampi+   44950  0.0  0.0  17232  8952 ?        Ss   18:19   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
steampi+   44951  0.0  0.0 171660  3916 ?        S    18:19   0:00  \_ (sd-pam)
tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

restarting the service a few times both agg connections became "ready" but are not queryable

> select count(*) from allhinge.aws_account
Error: relation "allhinge.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}

> .inspect allhinge
| table | description |
> .inspect allaws
| connection | plugin                                     | schema mode | state | error | state updated        |
| allaws     | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest | static      | ready |       | 2023-05-26T18:37:20Z |
e-gineer commented 1 year ago

Thanks @tinder-tder - that is helpful info for @kaidaguerre to look at.

tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

@e-gineer great, let me know if you need anything else, monday is a holiday but i will try to respond as quick as i can

kaidaguerre commented 1 year ago

@tinder-tder I've just released steampipe v0.20.3.

This removes some parallel execution of db schema updates, I'm hoping this will resolve a race condition causing stalls during the initialisation process.

I'd appreciate feedback on whether this improves the issues you have been seeing

tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

@kaidaguerre so its still hit and miss, i nuked the db and restarted and it shows connection ready but its not queryable.

Welcome to Steampipe v0.20.3
For more information, type .help
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_dev                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_qa                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_sec                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mar_reporting           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mar_reportingdev        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_audit              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_backups            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_buckets            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_gateway            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_logarchive         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_network            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_sandbox            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_secops             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_secsandbox         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_qa                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_securitytools        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_shared               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_dev                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_prod               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_prodmg             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_qa                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_qa1                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgc_shared              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_pol_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_test_sammie             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}

> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> select count(*) from allhinge.aws_account
| count |
| 4     |
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
Error: relation "allaws.aws_account" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
> inspect allaws
Error: syntax error at or near "inspect" (SQLSTATE 42601)
> .inspect allaws
| connection | plugin                                     | schema mode | state | error | state updated        |
| allaws     | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest | static      | ready |       | 2023-05-30T17:13:41Z |

ps list:

steampi+  179961  0.0  0.3 150732 56656 ?        S    17:13   0:00 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/postgres/bin/postgres -p 9193 -c listen_addresses="*" -c application_name=steampipe -c cluster_name=steampipe -c log_directory=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/logs -c ssl=on -c ssl_cert_file=/home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/data/server.crt -c ssl_key_file=/home/
steampi+  179962  0.2  0.1  55472 17796 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logger 
steampi+  179964  0.0  0.0 150732  4608 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: checkpointer 
steampi+  179965  0.0  0.1 150892 18080 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: background writer 
steampi+  179966  0.0  0.0 150732  6180 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: walwriter 
steampi+  179967  0.0  0.0 151400  8660 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: autovacuum launcher 
steampi+  179968  0.0  0.0  43588  5696 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: stats collector 
steampi+  179969  0.0  0.0 151164  7220 ?        Ss   17:13   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logical replication launcher 
steampi+  179981  1.1  0.4 830416 67008 ?        Sl   17:13   0:03 /usr/local/bin/steampipe.20.0 plugin-manager --install-dir /home/steampipe/.steampipe
steampi+  180013  0.2  0.7 1245612 124260 ?      Sl   17:13   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest/steampipe-plugin-aws.plugin
steampi+  180022  0.1  0.5 1098072 82148 ?       Sl   17:13   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest/steampipe-plugin-kubernetes.plugin
steampi+  180031  0.0  0.2 1138688 33072 ?       Sl   17:13   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest/steampipe-plugin-whois.plugin
steampi+  180040  0.0  0.2 1139276 32948 ?       Sl   17:13   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest/steampipe-plugin-net.plugin
steampi+  180001  5.7  1.0 969776 165240 ?       Sl   17:13   0:15 /usr/local/bin/steampipe.20.0 dashboard --dashboard-listen=network --dashboard-port=9194 --install-dir=/home/steampipe/.steampipe --mod-location=/home/steampipe/moddir --service-mode=true --input=false
kaidaguerre commented 1 year ago

Ok that's pretty odd - is all connection states are in ready steampipe thinks it has completed the connection updates.

Could you try running

select * from information_schema.foreign_tables where foreign_table_schema = 'allaws'
tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

So restarted and looks like updates are still stuck, couldnt get teh all ready behavior again. whats weird is allaws is queryable but allhinge is not, and allhinge is a subset of allaws:

> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
| count |
| 43    |
> select count(*) from allhinge.aws_account
Error: execution cancelled


steampi+  187104  0.0  0.3 150732 56664 ?        S    20:32   0:00 /home/steampipe/.steampipe/db/14.2.0/postgres/bin/postgres -p 9193 -c listen_addresses="*" -c application_name=steam
steampi+  187105  0.0  0.0  43452  4816 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logger 
steampi+  187107  0.0  0.0 150732  4600 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: checkpointer 
steampi+  187108  0.0  0.1 150876 18196 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: background writer 
steampi+  187109  0.0  0.0 150732  6236 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: walwriter 
steampi+  187110  0.0  0.0 151400  8624 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: autovacuum launcher 
steampi+  187111  0.0  0.0  43588  5684 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: stats collector 
steampi+  187112  0.0  0.0 151164  7212 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00  \_ postgres: steampipe: logical replication launcher 
steampi+  187212 10.8  0.5 1576640 90792 ?       Ssl  20:32   0:25  \_ postgres: steampipe: root steampipe SELECT
steampi+  187124  0.8  0.4 761996 71144 ?        Sl   20:32   0:02 /usr/local/bin/steampipe.20.0 plugin-manager --install-dir /home/steampipe/.steampipe
steampi+  187147  0.2  0.7 1245228 121548 ?      Sl   20:32   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest/steampipe-plugin-aws.plugin
steampi+  187156  0.0  0.2 1138432 33904 ?       Sl   20:32   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest/steampipe-plugin-whois.plugin
steampi+  187165  0.0  0.2 1139276 33024 ?       Sl   20:32   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest/steampipe-plugin-net.plugin
steampi+  187174  0.1  0.5 1097880 83788 ?       Sl   20:32   0:00  \_ /home/steampipe/.steampipe/plugins/hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest/steampipe-plugin-kubernetes
steampi+  187183  6.6  1.0 901996 165252 ?       Sl   20:32   0:15 /usr/local/bin/steampipe.20.0 dashboard --dashboard-listen=network --dashboard-port=9194 --install-dir=/home/steampi
steampi+  187263  0.0  0.0  17232  8948 ?        Ss   20:32   0:00 /lib/systemd/systemd --user
steampi+  187264  0.0  0.0 171660  3928 ?        S    20:32   0:00  \_ (sd-pam)
steampipe query
Welcome to Steampipe v0.20.3
For more information, type .help
> .inspect allhinge
| table                                                        | description                                                        |
| aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer                                  | AWS Access Analyzer                                                |
| aws_account                                                  | AWS Account                                                        |
| aws_account_alternate_contact                                | AWS Account Alternate Contact                                      |
| aws_account_contact                                          | AWS Account Contact                                                |
| aws_acm_certificate                                          | AWS ACM Certificate                                                |
| aws_amplify_app                                              | AWS Amplify App                                                    |
| aws_api_gateway_api_key                                      | AWS API Gateway API Key                                            |
| aws_api_gateway_authorizer                                   | AWS API Gateway Authorizer                                         |
| aws_api_gateway_rest_api                                     | AWS API Gateway Rest API                                           |
| aws_api_gateway_stage                                        | AWS API Gateway Stage                                              |
| aws_api_gateway_usage_plan                                   | AWS API Gateway Usage Plan                                         |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_api                                        | AWS API Gateway Version 2 API                                      |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_domain_name                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Domain Name                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_integration                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Integration                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_route                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Route                                    |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_stage                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Stage                                    |
| aws_appautoscaling_target                                    | AWS Application Auto Scaling Target                                |
| aws_appconfig_application                                    | AWS AppConfig Application                                          |
| aws_appstream_image                                          | AWS AppStream Image                                                |
| aws_athena_query_execution                                   | AWS Athena Query Execution                                         |
| aws_athena_workgroup                                         | AWS Athena Workgroup                                               |
| aws_auditmanager_assessment                                  | AWS Audit Manager Assessment                                       |
| aws_auditmanager_control                                     | AWS Audit Manager Control                                          |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence                                    | AWS Audit Manager Evidence                                         |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence_folder                             | AWS Audit Manager Evidence Folder                                  |
| aws_auditmanager_framework                                   | AWS Audit Manager Framework                                        |
| aws_availability_zone                                        | AWS Availability Zone                                              |
| aws_backup_framework                                         | AWS Backup Framework                                               |
| aws_backup_legal_hold                                        | AWS Backup Legal Hold                                              |
| aws_backup_plan                                              | AWS Backup Plan                                                    |
| aws_backup_protected_resource                                | AWS Backup Protected Resource                                      |
| aws_backup_recovery_point                                    | AWS Backup Recovery Point                                          |
| aws_backup_selection                                         | AWS Backup Selection                                               |
| aws_backup_vault                                             | AWS Backup Vault                                                   |
| aws_cloudcontrol_resource                                    | AWS Cloud Control Resource                                         |
| aws_cloudformation_stack                                     | AWS CloudFormation Stack                                           |
| aws_cloudformation_stack_resource                            | AWS CloudFormation Stack Resource                                  |
| aws_cloudfront_cache_policy                                  | AWS CloudFront Cache Policy                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_distribution                                  | AWS CloudFront Distribution                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_function                                      | AWS CloudFront Function                                            |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity                        | AWS CloudFront Origin Access Identity                              |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_request_policy                         | AWS CloudFront Origin Request Policy                               |
| aws_cloudfront_response_headers_policy                       | AWS Cloudfront Response Headers Policy                             |
| aws_cloudsearch_domain                                       | AWS CloudSearch Domain                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_channel                                       | AWS CloudTrail Channel                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_event_data_store                              | AWS CloudTrail Event Data Store                                    |
| aws_cloudtrail_import                                        | AWS CloudTrail Import                                              |
| aws_cloudtrail_query                                         | AWS CloudTrail Query                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail                                         | AWS CloudTrail Trail                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail_event                                   | CloudTrail events from cloudwatch service.                         |
| aws_cloudwatch_alarm                                         | AWS CloudWatch Alarm                                               |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_event                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Event                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_group                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Group                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter                             | AWS CloudWatch Log Metric Filter                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy                           | AWS CloudWatch Log Resource Policy                                 |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_stream                                    | AWS CloudWatch Log Stream                                          |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter                       | AWS CloudWatch Log Subscription Filter                             |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric                                        | AWS CloudWatch Metric                                              |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_data_point                             | AWS CloudWatch Metric Data Point                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_statistic_data_point                   | AWS CloudWatch Metric Statistic Data Point                         |
| aws_codeartifact_domain                                      | AWS Code Artifact Domain                                           |
| aws_codeartifact_repository                                  | AWS CodeArtifact Repository                                        |
| aws_codebuild_build                                          | AWS CodeBuild Build                                                |
| aws_codebuild_project                                        | AWS CodeBuild Project                                              |
| aws_codebuild_source_credential                              | AWS CodeBuild Source Credential                                    |
| aws_codecommit_repository                                    | AWS CodeCommit Repository                                          |
| aws_codedeploy_app                                           | AWS CodeDeploy Application                                         |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_config                             | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Config                                   |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_group                              | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group                                    |
| aws_codepipeline_pipeline                                    | AWS Codepipeline Pipeline                                          |
| aws_config_aggregate_authorization                           | AWS Config Aggregate Authorization                                 |
| aws_config_configuration_recorder                            | AWS Config Configuration Recorder                                  |
| aws_config_conformance_pack                                  | AWS Config Conformance Pack                                        |
| aws_config_retention_configuration                           | AWS Config Retention Configuration                                 |
| aws_config_rule                                              | AWS Config Rule                                                    |
| aws_cost_by_account_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Daily)                 |
| aws_cost_by_account_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Monthly)               |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_daily                                | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Daily)                    |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_monthly                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Monthly)                  |
| aws_cost_by_service_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Daily)                        |
| aws_cost_by_service_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Monthly)                      |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_daily                         | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Daily)         |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_monthly                       | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Monthly)       |
| aws_cost_by_tag                                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost By Tags                                   |
| aws_cost_forecast_daily                                      | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Daily)                          |
| aws_cost_forecast_monthly                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Monthly)                        |
| aws_cost_usage                                               | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost and Usage                                 |
| aws_dax_cluster                                              | AWS DAX Cluster                                                    |
| aws_dax_parameter                                            | AWS DAX Parameter                                                  |
| aws_dax_parameter_group                                      | AWS DAX Parameter Group                                            |
| aws_dax_subnet_group                                         | AWS DAX Subnet Group                                               |
| aws_directory_service_directory                              | AWS Directory Service Directory                                    |
| aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy                                     | AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy                                           |
| aws_dms_replication_instance                                 | AWS DMS Replication Instance                                       |
| aws_docdb_cluster                                            | AWS DocumentDB Cluster                                             |
| aws_drs_job                                                  | AWS DRS Job                                                        |
| aws_drs_recovery_instance                                    | AWS DRS recovery instance                                          |
| aws_drs_recovery_snapshot                                    | AWS DRS Recovery Snapshot                                          |
| aws_drs_source_server                                        | AWS DRS Source Server                                              |
| aws_dynamodb_backup                                          | AWS DynamoDB Backup                                                |
| aws_dynamodb_global_table                                    | AWS DynamoDB Global Table                                          |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_read_capacity_util   | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Read Capacity Utilization  |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_write_capacity_util  | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Write Capacity Utilization |
| aws_dynamodb_table                                           | AWS DynamoDB Table                                                 |
| aws_dynamodb_table_export                                    | AWS DynamoDB Table Export                                          |
| aws_ebs_snapshot                                             | AWS EBS Snapshot                                                   |
| aws_ebs_volume                                               | AWS EBS Volume                                                     |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops                               | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops                       |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_daily                         | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Daily)               |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_hourly                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Hourly)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops                              | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops                      |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_daily                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Daily)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_hourly                       | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Hourly)             |
| aws_ec2_ami                                                  | AWS EC2 AMI                                                        |
| aws_ec2_ami_shared                                           | AWS EC2 AMI - All public, private, and shared AMIs                 |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer                            | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer                                  |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count       | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count          |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count_daily | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count (Daily)  |
| aws_ec2_autoscaling_group                                    | AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group                                          |
| aws_ec2_capacity_reservation                                 | AWS EC2 Capacity Reservation                                       |
| aws_ec2_classic_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Classic Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint                                  | AWS EC2 Client VPN Endpoint                                        |
| aws_ec2_gateway_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Gateway Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance                                             | AWS EC2 Instance                                                   |
| aws_ec2_instance_availability                                | AWS EC2 Instance Availability                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                      | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization              |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly               | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)     |
| aws_ec2_instance_type                                        | AWS EC2 Instance Type                                              |
| aws_ec2_key_pair                                             | AWS EC2 Key Pair                                                   |
| aws_ec2_launch_configuration                                 | AWS EC2 Launch Configuration                                       |
| aws_ec2_launch_template                                      | AWS EC2 Launch Template                                            |
| aws_ec2_launch_template_version                              | AWS EC2 Launch Template Version                                    |
| aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener                               | AWS EC2 Load Balancer Listener                                     |
| aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list                                  | AWS EC2 Managed Prefix List                                        |
| aws_ec2_network_interface                                    | AWS EC2 Network Interface                                          |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count          | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count             |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count_daily    | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count (Daily)     |
| aws_ec2_regional_settings                                    | AWS EC2 Regional Settings                                          |
| aws_ec2_reserved_instance                                    | AWS EC2 Reserved Instance                                          |
| aws_ec2_spot_price                                           | AWS EC2 Spot Price History                                         |
| aws_ec2_ssl_policy                                           | AWS EC2 SSL Policy                                                 |
| aws_ec2_target_group                                         | AWS EC2 Target Group                                               |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway                                      | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway                                            |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route                                | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route                                      |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table                          | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route Table                                |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment                       |                                                                    |
| aws_ecr_image                                                | AWS ECR Image                                                      |
| aws_ecr_image_scan_finding                                   | AWS ECR Image Scan Finding                                         |
| aws_ecr_repository                                           | AWS ECR Repository                                                 |
| aws_ecrpublic_repository                                     | AWS ECR Public Repository                                          |
| aws_ecs_cluster                                              | AWS ECS Cluster                                                    |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization                       | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization               |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                 | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)       |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly                | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)      |
| aws_ecs_container_instance                                   | AWS ECS Container Instance                                         |
| aws_ecs_service                                              | AWS ECS Service                                                    |
| aws_ecs_task                                                 | AWS ECS Task                                                       |
| aws_ecs_task_definition                                      | AWS ECS Task Definition                                            |
| aws_efs_access_point                                         | AWS EFS Access Point                                               |
| aws_efs_file_system                                          | AWS Elastic File System                                            |
| aws_efs_mount_target                                         | AWS EFS Mount Target                                               |
| aws_eks_addon                                                | AWS EKS Addon                                                      |
| aws_eks_addon_version                                        | AWS EKS Addon Version                                              |
| aws_eks_cluster                                              | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Cluster                             |
| aws_eks_fargate_profile                                      | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Fargate Profile                     |
| aws_eks_identity_provider_config                             | AWS EKS Identity Provider Config                                   |
| aws_eks_node_group                                           | AWS EKS Node Group                                                 |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_application                            | AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application                                  |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment                            | AWS ElasticBeanstalk Environment                                   |
| aws_elasticache_cluster                                      | AWS ElastiCache Cluster                                            |
| aws_elasticache_parameter_group                              | AWS ElastiCache Parameter Group                                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_cache_hits_hourly               | AWS Elasticache Redis CacheHits metric (Hourly)                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_curr_connections_hourly         | AWS Elasticache Redis CurrConnections metric (Hourly)              |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_daily    | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Daily)          |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_hourly   | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Hourly)         |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_get_type_cmds_hourly            | AWS Elasticache Redis GetTypeCmds metric(Hourly)                   |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_list_based_cmds_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis ListBasedCmds metric (Hourly)                |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_new_connections_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis NewConnections metric (Hourly)               |
| aws_elasticache_replication_group                            | AWS ElastiCache Replication Group                                  |
| aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_node                          | AWS ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node                                |
| aws_elasticache_subnet_group                                 | AWS ElastiCache Subnet Group                                       |
| aws_elasticsearch_domain                                     | AWS Elasticsearch Domain                                           |
| aws_emr_block_public_access_configuration                    | AWS EMR Block Public Access Configuration                          |
| aws_emr_cluster                                              | AWS EMR Cluster                                                    |
| aws_emr_cluster_metric_is_idle                               | AWS EMR Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - IsIdle                        |
| aws_emr_instance                                             | AWS EMR Instance                                                   |
| aws_emr_instance_fleet                                       | AWS EMR Instance Fleet                                             |
| aws_emr_instance_group                                       | AWS EMR Instance Group                                             |
| aws_eventbridge_bus                                          | AWS EventBridge Bus                                                |
| aws_eventbridge_rule                                         | AWS EventBridge Rule                                               |
| aws_fsx_file_system                                          | AWS FSx File System                                                |
| aws_glacier_vault                                            | AWS Glacier Vault                                                  |
| aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator                            | AWS Global Accelerator Accelerator                                 |
| aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group                         | AWS Global Accelerator Endpoint Group                              |
| aws_globalaccelerator_listener                               | AWS Global Accelerator Listener                                    |
| aws_glue_catalog_database                                    | AWS Glue Catalog Database                                          |
| aws_glue_catalog_table                                       | AWS Glue Catalog Table                                             |
| aws_glue_connection                                          | AWS Glue Connection                                                |
| aws_glue_crawler                                             | AWS Glue Crawler                                                   |
| aws_glue_data_catalog_encryption_settings                    | AWS Glue Data Catalog Encryption Settings                          |
| aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset                                | AWS Glue Data Quality Ruleset                                      |
| aws_glue_dev_endpoint                                        | AWS Glue Dev Endpoint                                              |
| aws_glue_job                                                 | AWS Glue Job                                                       |
| aws_glue_security_configuration                              | AWS Glue Security Configuration                                    |
| aws_guardduty_detector                                       | AWS GuardDuty Detector                                             |
| aws_guardduty_filter                                         | AWS GuardDuty Filter                                               |
| aws_guardduty_finding                                        | AWS GuardDuty Finding                                              |
| aws_guardduty_ipset                                          | AWS GuardDuty IPSet                                                |
| aws_guardduty_member                                         | AWS GuardDuty Member                                               |
| aws_guardduty_publishing_destination                         | AWS GuardDuty Publishing Destination                               |
| aws_guardduty_threat_intel_set                               | AWS GuardDuty ThreatIntelSet                                       |
| aws_health_affected_entity                                   | AWS Health Affected Entity                                         |
| aws_health_event                                             | AWS Health Event                                                   |
| aws_iam_access_advisor                                       | AWS IAM Access Advisor                                             |
| aws_iam_access_key                                           | AWS IAM User Access Key                                            |
| aws_iam_account_password_policy                              | AWS IAM Account Password Policy                                    |
| aws_iam_account_summary                                      | AWS IAM Account Summary                                            |
| aws_iam_action                                               | AWS IAM Action                                                     |
| aws_iam_credential_report                                    | AWS IAM Credential Report                                          |
| aws_iam_group                                                | AWS IAM Group                                                      |
| aws_iam_policy                                               | AWS IAM Policy                                                     |
| aws_iam_policy_attachment                                    | AWS IAM Policy Attachment                                          |
| aws_iam_policy_simulator                                     | AWS IAM Policy Simulator                                           |
| aws_iam_role                                                 | AWS IAM Role                                                       |
| aws_iam_saml_provider                                        | AWS IAM Saml Provider                                              |
| aws_iam_server_certificate                                   | AWS IAM Server Certificate                                         |
| aws_iam_service_specific_credential                          | AWS IAM User Service Specific Credential                           |
| aws_iam_user                                                 | AWS IAM User                                                       |
| aws_iam_virtual_mfa_device                                   | AWS IAM Virtual MFA device                                         |
| aws_identitystore_group                                      | AWS Identity Store Group                                           |
| aws_identitystore_user                                       | AWS Identity Store User                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage                                      | AWS Inspector2 Coverage                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage_statistics                           | AWS Inspector2 Coverage Statistics                                 |
| aws_inspector2_finding                                       | AWS Inspector2 Finding                                             |
| aws_inspector2_member                                        | AWS Inspector2 Member                                              |
| aws_inspector_assessment_run                                 | AWS Inspector Assessment Run                                       |
| aws_inspector_assessment_target                              | AWS Inspector Assessment Target                                    |
| aws_inspector_assessment_template                            | AWS Inspector Assessment Template                                  |
| aws_inspector_exclusion                                      | AWS Inspector Exclusion                                            |
| aws_inspector_finding                                        | AWS Inspector Finding                                              |
| aws_kinesis_consumer                                         | AWS Kinesis Consumer                                               |
| aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream                         | AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream                               |
| aws_kinesis_stream                                           | AWS Kinesis Stream                                                 |
| aws_kinesis_video_stream                                     | AWS Kinesis Video Stream                                           |
| aws_kinesisanalyticsv2_application                           | AWS Kinesis Analytics V2 Application                               |
| aws_kms_alias                                                | AWS KMS Alias                                                      |
| aws_kms_key                                                  | AWS KMS Key                                                        |
| aws_lambda_alias                                             | AWS Lambda Alias                                                   |
| aws_lambda_function                                          | AWS Lambda Function                                                |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_duration_daily                    | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Duration (Daily)          |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_errors_daily                      | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Errors (Daily)            |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_invocations_daily                 | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Invocations (Daily)       |
| aws_lambda_layer                                             | AWS Lambda Layer                                                   |
| aws_lambda_layer_version                                     | AWS Lambda Layer Version                                           |
| aws_lambda_version                                           | AWS Lambda Version                                                 |
| aws_lightsail_instance                                       | AWS Lightsail Instance                                             |
| aws_macie2_classification_job                                | AWS Macie2 Classification Job                                      |
| aws_media_store_container                                    | AWS Media Store Container                                          |
| aws_mgn_application                                          | AWS MGN Application                                                |
| aws_msk_cluster                                              | AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                             |
| aws_msk_serverless_cluster                                   | AWS Serverless Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                  |
| aws_neptune_db_cluster                                       | AWS Neptune DB Cluster                                             |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall                                 | AWS Network Firewall Firewall                                      |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy                          | AWS Network Firewall Policy                                        |
| aws_networkfirewall_rule_group                               | AWS Network Firewall Rule Group                                    |
| aws_oam_link                                                 | AWS OAM Link                                                       |
| aws_oam_sink                                                 | AWS OAM Sink                                                       |
| aws_opensearch_domain                                        | AWS OpenSearch Domain                                              |
| aws_organizations_account                                    | AWS Organizations Account                                          |
| aws_organizations_policy                                     | AWS Organizations Policy                                           |
| aws_pinpoint_app                                             | AWS Pinpoint App                                                   |
| aws_pipes_pipe                                               | AWS Pipes Pipe                                                     |
| aws_pricing_product                                          | AWS Pricing Product                                                |
| aws_pricing_service_attribute                                | AWS Pricing Service Attribute                                      |
| aws_ram_principal_association                                | AWS RAM Principal Association                                      |
| aws_ram_resource_association                                 | AWS RAM Resource Association                                       |
| aws_rds_db_cluster                                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster                                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_parameter_group                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster Parameter Group                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot                                  | AWS RDS DB Cluster Snapshot                                        |
| aws_rds_db_event_subscription                                | AWS RDS DB Event Subscription                                      |
| aws_rds_db_instance                                          | AWS RDS DB Instance                                                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_automated_backup                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Automated Backup                               |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections                       | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections            |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_daily                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Daily)    |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_hourly                | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Hourly)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization           |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily             | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly            | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)  |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS                 |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_daily                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Daily)         |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_hourly                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Hourly)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops                        | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_daily                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Daily)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_hourly                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Hourly)       |
| aws_rds_db_option_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Option Group                                            |
| aws_rds_db_parameter_group                                   | AWS RDS DB Parameter Group                                         |
| aws_rds_db_proxy                                             | AWS RDS DB Proxy                                                   |
| aws_rds_db_snapshot                                          | AWS RDS DB Snapshot                                                |
| aws_rds_db_subnet_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Subnet Group                                            |
| aws_rds_reserved_db_instance                                 | AWS RDS Reserved DB Instance                                       |
| aws_redshift_cluster                                         | AWS Redshift Cluster                                               |
| aws_redshift_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily            | AWS Redshift Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)  |
| aws_redshift_event_subscription                              | AWS Redshift Event Subscription                                    |
| aws_redshift_parameter_group                                 | AWS Redshift Parameter Group                                       |
| aws_redshift_snapshot                                        | AWS Redshift Snapshot                                              |
| aws_redshift_subnet_group                                    | AWS Redshift Subnet Group                                          |
| aws_redshiftserverless_namespace                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Namespace                                  |
| aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Workgroup                                  |
| aws_region                                                   | AWS Region                                                         |
| aws_resource_explorer_index                                  | AWS Resource Explorer Index                                        |
| aws_resource_explorer_search                                 | AWS Resource Explorer Search                                       |
| aws_resource_explorer_supported_resource_type                | AWS Resource Explorer Supported Resource Type                      |
| aws_route53_domain                                           | AWS Route53 Domain                                                 |
| aws_route53_health_check                                     | AWS Route53 Health Check                                           |
| aws_route53_record                                           | AWS Route53 Record                                                 |
| aws_route53_resolver_endpoint                                | AWS Route53 Resolver Endpoint                                      |
| aws_route53_resolver_rule                                    | AWS Route53 Resolver Rule                                          |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy                                   | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy                                         |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy_instance                          | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy Instance                                |
| aws_route53_zone                                             | AWS Route53 Zone                                                   |
| aws_s3_access_point                                          | AWS S3 Access Point                                                |
| aws_s3_account_settings                                      | AWS S3 Account Block Public Access Settings                        |
| aws_s3_bucket                                                | AWS S3 Bucket                                                      |
| aws_s3_multi_region_access_point                             | AWS S3 Multi Region Access Point                                   |
| aws_s3_object                                                | List AWS S3 Objects in S3 buckets by bucket name.                  |
| aws_sagemaker_app                                            | AWS Sagemaker App                                                  |
| aws_sagemaker_domain                                         | AWS Sagemaker Domain                                               |
| aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration                         | AWS Sagemaker Endpoint Configuration                               |
| aws_sagemaker_model                                          | AWS Sagemaker Model                                                |
| aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance                              | AWS Sagemaker Notebook Instance                                    |
| aws_sagemaker_training_job                                   | AWS SageMaker Training Job                                         |
| aws_secretsmanager_secret                                    | AWS Secrets Manager Secret                                         |
| aws_securityhub_action_target                                | AWS Security Hub Action Target                                     |
| aws_securityhub_finding                                      | AWS Security Hub Finding                                           |
| aws_securityhub_finding_aggregator                           | AWS Security Hub Finding Aggregator                                |
| aws_securityhub_hub                                          | AWS Security Hub                                                   |
| aws_securityhub_insight                                      | AWS Securityhub Insight                                            |
| aws_securityhub_member                                       | AWS Securityhub Member                                             |
| aws_securityhub_product                                      | AWS Securityhub Product                                            |
| aws_securityhub_standards_control                            | AWS Security Hub Standards Control                                 |
| aws_securityhub_standards_subscription                       | AWS Security Hub Standards Subscription                            |
| aws_securitylake_data_lake                                   | AWS Security Lake Data Lake                                        |
| aws_securitylake_subscriber                                  | AWS Security Lake Subscriber                                       |
| aws_serverlessapplicationrepository_application              | AWS Serverless Application Repository Application                  |
| aws_service_discovery_namespace                              | AWS Service Discovery Namespace                                    |
| aws_service_discovery_service                                | AWS Service Discovery Service                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_portfolio                                 | AWS Service Catalog Portfolio                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_product                                   | AWS Service Catalog Product                                        |
| aws_servicequotas_default_service_quota                      | AWS ServiceQuotas Default Service Quota                            |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota                              | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota                                    |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota_change_request               | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota Change Request                     |
| aws_ses_domain_identity                                      | AWS SES Domain Identity                                            |
| aws_ses_email_identity                                       | AWS SES Email Identity                                             |
| aws_sfn_state_machine                                        | AWS Step Functions State Machine                                   |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution                              | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution                         |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution_history                      | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution History                 |
| aws_simspaceweaver_simulation                                | AWS SimSpace Weaver Simulation                                     |
| aws_sns_topic                                                | AWS SNS Topic                                                      |
| aws_sns_topic_subscription                                   | AWS SNS Topic Subscription                                         |
| aws_sqs_queue                                                | AWS SQS Queue                                                      |
| aws_ssm_association                                          | AWS SSM Association                                                |
| aws_ssm_document                                             | AWS SSM Document                                                   |
| aws_ssm_document_permission                                  | AWS SSM Document Permission                                        |
| aws_ssm_inventory                                            | AWS SSM Inventory                                                  |
| aws_ssm_maintenance_window                                   | AWS SSM Maintenance Window                                         |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance                                     | AWS SSM Managed Instance                                           |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_compliance                          | AWS SSM Managed Instance Compliance                                |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_patch_state                         | AWS SSM Managed Instance Patch State                               |
| aws_ssm_parameter                                            | AWS SSM Parameter                                                  |
| aws_ssm_patch_baseline                                       | AWS SSM Patch Baseline                                             |
| aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment                              | AWS SSO Account Assignment                                         |
| aws_ssoadmin_instance                                        | AWS SSO Instance                                                   |
| aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment                       | AWS SSO Managed Policy Attachment                                  |
| aws_ssoadmin_permission_set                                  | AWS SSO Permission Set                                             |
| aws_tagging_resource                                         | AWS Tagging Resource                                               |
| aws_vpc                                                      | AWS VPC                                                            |
| aws_vpc_customer_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Customer Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_dhcp_options                                         | AWS VPC DHCP Options                                               |
| aws_vpc_egress_only_internet_gateway                         | AWS VPC Egress Only Internet Gateway                               |
| aws_vpc_eip                                                  | AWS VPC Elastic IP                                                 |
| aws_vpc_eip_address_transfer                                 | AWS VPC Elastic IP Address Transfer                                |
| aws_vpc_endpoint                                             | AWS VPC Endpoint                                                   |
| aws_vpc_endpoint_service                                     | AWS VPC Endpoint Service                                           |
| aws_vpc_flow_log                                             | AWS VPC Flowlog                                                    |
| aws_vpc_flow_log_event                                       | AWS VPC Flow Log events from CloudWatch Logs                       |
| aws_vpc_internet_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Internet Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_nat_gateway                                          | AWS VPC Network Address Translation Gateway                        |
| aws_vpc_network_acl                                          | AWS VPC Network ACL                                                |
| aws_vpc_peering_connection                                   | AWS VPC Peering Connection                                         |
| aws_vpc_route                                                | AWS VPC Route                                                      |
| aws_vpc_route_table                                          | AWS VPC Route table                                                |
| aws_vpc_security_group                                       | AWS VPC Security Group                                             |
| aws_vpc_security_group_rule                                  | AWS VPC Security Group Rule                                        |
| aws_vpc_subnet                                               | AWS VPC Subnet                                                     |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_endpoint                             | AWS VPC verified access Endpoint                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_group                                | AWS VPC Verified Access Group                                      |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_instance                             | AWS VPC Verified Access Instance                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_trust_provider                       | AWS VPC Verified Access Trust Provider                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_connection                                       | AWS VPC VPN Connection                                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_gateway                                          | AWS VPC VPN Gateway                                                |
| aws_waf_rate_based_rule                                      | AWS WAF Rate Based Rule                                            |
| aws_waf_rule                                                 | AWS WAF Rule                                                       |
| aws_waf_rule_group                                           | AWS WAF Rule Group                                                 |
| aws_waf_web_acl                                              | AWS WAF Web ACL                                                    |
| aws_wafregional_rule                                         | AWS WAF Regional Rule                                              |
| aws_wafregional_rule_group                                   | AWS WAF Regional Rule Group                                        |
| aws_wafregional_web_acl                                      | AWS WAF Regional Web ACL                                           |
| aws_wafv2_ip_set                                             | AWS WAFv2 IP Set                                                   |
| aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set                                  | AWS WAFv2 Regex Pattern Set                                        |
| aws_wafv2_rule_group                                         | AWS WAFv2 Rule Group                                               |
| aws_wafv2_web_acl                                            | AWS WAFv2 Web ACL                                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_answer                                   | AWS Well-Architected Answer                                        |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_detail                             | AWS Well-Architected Check Detail                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_summary                            | AWS Well-Architected Check Summary                                 |
| aws_wellarchitected_consolidated_report                      | AWS Well-Architected Consolidated Report                           |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens                                     | AWS Well-Architected Lens                                          |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review                              | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review                                   |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_improvement                  | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Improvement                       |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_report                       | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Report                            |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_share                               | AWS Well-Architected Lens Share                                    |
| aws_wellarchitected_milestone                                | AWS Well-Architected Milestone                                     |
| aws_wellarchitected_notification                             | AWS Well-Architected Notification                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_share_invitation                         | AWS Well-Architected Share Invitation                              |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload                                 | AWS Well-Architected Workload                                      |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload_share                           | AWS Well-Architected Workload Share                                |
| aws_workspaces_workspace                                     | AWS Workspaces                                                     |
> .inspect allaws
| table                                                        | description                                                        |
| aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer                                  | AWS Access Analyzer                                                |
| aws_account                                                  | AWS Account                                                        |
| aws_account_alternate_contact                                | AWS Account Alternate Contact                                      |
| aws_account_contact                                          | AWS Account Contact                                                |
| aws_acm_certificate                                          | AWS ACM Certificate                                                |
| aws_amplify_app                                              | AWS Amplify App                                                    |
| aws_api_gateway_api_key                                      | AWS API Gateway API Key                                            |
| aws_api_gateway_authorizer                                   | AWS API Gateway Authorizer                                         |
| aws_api_gateway_rest_api                                     | AWS API Gateway Rest API                                           |
| aws_api_gateway_stage                                        | AWS API Gateway Stage                                              |
| aws_api_gateway_usage_plan                                   | AWS API Gateway Usage Plan                                         |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_api                                        | AWS API Gateway Version 2 API                                      |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_domain_name                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Domain Name                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_integration                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Integration                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_route                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Route                                    |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_stage                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Stage                                    |
| aws_appautoscaling_target                                    | AWS Application Auto Scaling Target                                |
| aws_appconfig_application                                    | AWS AppConfig Application                                          |
| aws_appstream_image                                          | AWS AppStream Image                                                |
| aws_athena_query_execution                                   | AWS Athena Query Execution                                         |
| aws_athena_workgroup                                         | AWS Athena Workgroup                                               |
| aws_auditmanager_assessment                                  | AWS Audit Manager Assessment                                       |
| aws_auditmanager_control                                     | AWS Audit Manager Control                                          |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence                                    | AWS Audit Manager Evidence                                         |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence_folder                             | AWS Audit Manager Evidence Folder                                  |
| aws_auditmanager_framework                                   | AWS Audit Manager Framework                                        |
| aws_availability_zone                                        | AWS Availability Zone                                              |
| aws_backup_framework                                         | AWS Backup Framework                                               |
| aws_backup_legal_hold                                        | AWS Backup Legal Hold                                              |
| aws_backup_plan                                              | AWS Backup Plan                                                    |
| aws_backup_protected_resource                                | AWS Backup Protected Resource                                      |
| aws_backup_recovery_point                                    | AWS Backup Recovery Point                                          |
| aws_backup_selection                                         | AWS Backup Selection                                               |
| aws_backup_vault                                             | AWS Backup Vault                                                   |
| aws_cloudcontrol_resource                                    | AWS Cloud Control Resource                                         |
| aws_cloudformation_stack                                     | AWS CloudFormation Stack                                           |
| aws_cloudformation_stack_resource                            | AWS CloudFormation Stack Resource                                  |
| aws_cloudfront_cache_policy                                  | AWS CloudFront Cache Policy                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_distribution                                  | AWS CloudFront Distribution                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_function                                      | AWS CloudFront Function                                            |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity                        | AWS CloudFront Origin Access Identity                              |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_request_policy                         | AWS CloudFront Origin Request Policy                               |
| aws_cloudfront_response_headers_policy                       | AWS Cloudfront Response Headers Policy                             |
| aws_cloudsearch_domain                                       | AWS CloudSearch Domain                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_channel                                       | AWS CloudTrail Channel                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_event_data_store                              | AWS CloudTrail Event Data Store                                    |
| aws_cloudtrail_import                                        | AWS CloudTrail Import                                              |
| aws_cloudtrail_query                                         | AWS CloudTrail Query                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail                                         | AWS CloudTrail Trail                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail_event                                   | CloudTrail events from cloudwatch service.                         |
| aws_cloudwatch_alarm                                         | AWS CloudWatch Alarm                                               |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_event                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Event                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_group                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Group                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter                             | AWS CloudWatch Log Metric Filter                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy                           | AWS CloudWatch Log Resource Policy                                 |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_stream                                    | AWS CloudWatch Log Stream                                          |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter                       | AWS CloudWatch Log Subscription Filter                             |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric                                        | AWS CloudWatch Metric                                              |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_data_point                             | AWS CloudWatch Metric Data Point                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_statistic_data_point                   | AWS CloudWatch Metric Statistic Data Point                         |
| aws_codeartifact_domain                                      | AWS Code Artifact Domain                                           |
| aws_codeartifact_repository                                  | AWS CodeArtifact Repository                                        |
| aws_codebuild_build                                          | AWS CodeBuild Build                                                |
| aws_codebuild_project                                        | AWS CodeBuild Project                                              |
| aws_codebuild_source_credential                              | AWS CodeBuild Source Credential                                    |
| aws_codecommit_repository                                    | AWS CodeCommit Repository                                          |
| aws_codedeploy_app                                           | AWS CodeDeploy Application                                         |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_config                             | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Config                                   |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_group                              | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group                                    |
| aws_codepipeline_pipeline                                    | AWS Codepipeline Pipeline                                          |
| aws_config_aggregate_authorization                           | AWS Config Aggregate Authorization                                 |
| aws_config_configuration_recorder                            | AWS Config Configuration Recorder                                  |
| aws_config_conformance_pack                                  | AWS Config Conformance Pack                                        |
| aws_config_retention_configuration                           | AWS Config Retention Configuration                                 |
| aws_config_rule                                              | AWS Config Rule                                                    |
| aws_cost_by_account_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Daily)                 |
| aws_cost_by_account_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Monthly)               |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_daily                                | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Daily)                    |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_monthly                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Monthly)                  |
| aws_cost_by_service_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Daily)                        |
| aws_cost_by_service_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Monthly)                      |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_daily                         | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Daily)         |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_monthly                       | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Monthly)       |
| aws_cost_by_tag                                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost By Tags                                   |
| aws_cost_forecast_daily                                      | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Daily)                          |
| aws_cost_forecast_monthly                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Monthly)                        |
| aws_cost_usage                                               | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost and Usage                                 |
| aws_dax_cluster                                              | AWS DAX Cluster                                                    |
| aws_dax_parameter                                            | AWS DAX Parameter                                                  |
| aws_dax_parameter_group                                      | AWS DAX Parameter Group                                            |
| aws_dax_subnet_group                                         | AWS DAX Subnet Group                                               |
| aws_directory_service_directory                              | AWS Directory Service Directory                                    |
| aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy                                     | AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy                                           |
| aws_dms_replication_instance                                 | AWS DMS Replication Instance                                       |
| aws_docdb_cluster                                            | AWS DocumentDB Cluster                                             |
| aws_drs_job                                                  | AWS DRS Job                                                        |
| aws_drs_recovery_instance                                    | AWS DRS recovery instance                                          |
| aws_drs_recovery_snapshot                                    | AWS DRS Recovery Snapshot                                          |
| aws_drs_source_server                                        | AWS DRS Source Server                                              |
| aws_dynamodb_backup                                          | AWS DynamoDB Backup                                                |
| aws_dynamodb_global_table                                    | AWS DynamoDB Global Table                                          |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_read_capacity_util   | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Read Capacity Utilization  |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_write_capacity_util  | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Write Capacity Utilization |
| aws_dynamodb_table                                           | AWS DynamoDB Table                                                 |
| aws_dynamodb_table_export                                    | AWS DynamoDB Table Export                                          |
| aws_ebs_snapshot                                             | AWS EBS Snapshot                                                   |
| aws_ebs_volume                                               | AWS EBS Volume                                                     |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops                               | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops                       |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_daily                         | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Daily)               |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_hourly                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Hourly)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops                              | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops                      |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_daily                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Daily)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_hourly                       | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Hourly)             |
| aws_ec2_ami                                                  | AWS EC2 AMI                                                        |
| aws_ec2_ami_shared                                           | AWS EC2 AMI - All public, private, and shared AMIs                 |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer                            | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer                                  |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count       | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count          |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count_daily | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count (Daily)  |
| aws_ec2_autoscaling_group                                    | AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group                                          |
| aws_ec2_capacity_reservation                                 | AWS EC2 Capacity Reservation                                       |
| aws_ec2_classic_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Classic Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint                                  | AWS EC2 Client VPN Endpoint                                        |
| aws_ec2_gateway_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Gateway Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance                                             | AWS EC2 Instance                                                   |
| aws_ec2_instance_availability                                | AWS EC2 Instance Availability                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                      | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization              |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly               | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)     |
| aws_ec2_instance_type                                        | AWS EC2 Instance Type                                              |
| aws_ec2_key_pair                                             | AWS EC2 Key Pair                                                   |
| aws_ec2_launch_configuration                                 | AWS EC2 Launch Configuration                                       |
| aws_ec2_launch_template                                      | AWS EC2 Launch Template                                            |
| aws_ec2_launch_template_version                              | AWS EC2 Launch Template Version                                    |
| aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener                               | AWS EC2 Load Balancer Listener                                     |
| aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list                                  | AWS EC2 Managed Prefix List                                        |
| aws_ec2_network_interface                                    | AWS EC2 Network Interface                                          |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count          | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count             |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count_daily    | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count (Daily)     |
| aws_ec2_regional_settings                                    | AWS EC2 Regional Settings                                          |
| aws_ec2_reserved_instance                                    | AWS EC2 Reserved Instance                                          |
| aws_ec2_spot_price                                           | AWS EC2 Spot Price History                                         |
| aws_ec2_ssl_policy                                           | AWS EC2 SSL Policy                                                 |
| aws_ec2_target_group                                         | AWS EC2 Target Group                                               |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway                                      | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway                                            |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route                                | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route                                      |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table                          | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route Table                                |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment                       |                                                                    |
| aws_ecr_image                                                | AWS ECR Image                                                      |
| aws_ecr_image_scan_finding                                   | AWS ECR Image Scan Finding                                         |
| aws_ecr_repository                                           | AWS ECR Repository                                                 |
| aws_ecrpublic_repository                                     | AWS ECR Public Repository                                          |
| aws_ecs_cluster                                              | AWS ECS Cluster                                                    |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization                       | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization               |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                 | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)       |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly                | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)      |
| aws_ecs_container_instance                                   | AWS ECS Container Instance                                         |
| aws_ecs_service                                              | AWS ECS Service                                                    |
| aws_ecs_task                                                 | AWS ECS Task                                                       |
| aws_ecs_task_definition                                      | AWS ECS Task Definition                                            |
| aws_efs_access_point                                         | AWS EFS Access Point                                               |
| aws_efs_file_system                                          | AWS Elastic File System                                            |
| aws_efs_mount_target                                         | AWS EFS Mount Target                                               |
| aws_eks_addon                                                | AWS EKS Addon                                                      |
| aws_eks_addon_version                                        | AWS EKS Addon Version                                              |
| aws_eks_cluster                                              | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Cluster                             |
| aws_eks_fargate_profile                                      | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Fargate Profile                     |
| aws_eks_identity_provider_config                             | AWS EKS Identity Provider Config                                   |
| aws_eks_node_group                                           | AWS EKS Node Group                                                 |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_application                            | AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application                                  |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment                            | AWS ElasticBeanstalk Environment                                   |
| aws_elasticache_cluster                                      | AWS ElastiCache Cluster                                            |
| aws_elasticache_parameter_group                              | AWS ElastiCache Parameter Group                                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_cache_hits_hourly               | AWS Elasticache Redis CacheHits metric (Hourly)                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_curr_connections_hourly         | AWS Elasticache Redis CurrConnections metric (Hourly)              |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_daily    | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Daily)          |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_hourly   | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Hourly)         |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_get_type_cmds_hourly            | AWS Elasticache Redis GetTypeCmds metric(Hourly)                   |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_list_based_cmds_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis ListBasedCmds metric (Hourly)                |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_new_connections_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis NewConnections metric (Hourly)               |
| aws_elasticache_replication_group                            | AWS ElastiCache Replication Group                                  |
| aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_node                          | AWS ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node                                |
| aws_elasticache_subnet_group                                 | AWS ElastiCache Subnet Group                                       |
| aws_elasticsearch_domain                                     | AWS Elasticsearch Domain                                           |
| aws_emr_block_public_access_configuration                    | AWS EMR Block Public Access Configuration                          |
| aws_emr_cluster                                              | AWS EMR Cluster                                                    |
| aws_emr_cluster_metric_is_idle                               | AWS EMR Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - IsIdle                        |
| aws_emr_instance                                             | AWS EMR Instance                                                   |
| aws_emr_instance_fleet                                       | AWS EMR Instance Fleet                                             |
| aws_emr_instance_group                                       | AWS EMR Instance Group                                             |
| aws_eventbridge_bus                                          | AWS EventBridge Bus                                                |
| aws_eventbridge_rule                                         | AWS EventBridge Rule                                               |
| aws_fsx_file_system                                          | AWS FSx File System                                                |
| aws_glacier_vault                                            | AWS Glacier Vault                                                  |
| aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator                            | AWS Global Accelerator Accelerator                                 |
| aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group                         | AWS Global Accelerator Endpoint Group                              |
| aws_globalaccelerator_listener                               | AWS Global Accelerator Listener                                    |
| aws_glue_catalog_database                                    | AWS Glue Catalog Database                                          |
| aws_glue_catalog_table                                       | AWS Glue Catalog Table                                             |
| aws_glue_connection                                          | AWS Glue Connection                                                |
| aws_glue_crawler                                             | AWS Glue Crawler                                                   |
| aws_glue_data_catalog_encryption_settings                    | AWS Glue Data Catalog Encryption Settings                          |
| aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset                                | AWS Glue Data Quality Ruleset                                      |
| aws_glue_dev_endpoint                                        | AWS Glue Dev Endpoint                                              |
| aws_glue_job                                                 | AWS Glue Job                                                       |
| aws_glue_security_configuration                              | AWS Glue Security Configuration                                    |
| aws_guardduty_detector                                       | AWS GuardDuty Detector                                             |
| aws_guardduty_filter                                         | AWS GuardDuty Filter                                               |
| aws_guardduty_finding                                        | AWS GuardDuty Finding                                              |
| aws_guardduty_ipset                                          | AWS GuardDuty IPSet                                                |
| aws_guardduty_member                                         | AWS GuardDuty Member                                               |
| aws_guardduty_publishing_destination                         | AWS GuardDuty Publishing Destination                               |
| aws_guardduty_threat_intel_set                               | AWS GuardDuty ThreatIntelSet                                       |
| aws_health_affected_entity                                   | AWS Health Affected Entity                                         |
| aws_health_event                                             | AWS Health Event                                                   |
| aws_iam_access_advisor                                       | AWS IAM Access Advisor                                             |
| aws_iam_access_key                                           | AWS IAM User Access Key                                            |
| aws_iam_account_password_policy                              | AWS IAM Account Password Policy                                    |
| aws_iam_account_summary                                      | AWS IAM Account Summary                                            |
| aws_iam_action                                               | AWS IAM Action                                                     |
| aws_iam_credential_report                                    | AWS IAM Credential Report                                          |
| aws_iam_group                                                | AWS IAM Group                                                      |
| aws_iam_policy                                               | AWS IAM Policy                                                     |
| aws_iam_policy_attachment                                    | AWS IAM Policy Attachment                                          |
| aws_iam_policy_simulator                                     | AWS IAM Policy Simulator                                           |
| aws_iam_role                                                 | AWS IAM Role                                                       |
| aws_iam_saml_provider                                        | AWS IAM Saml Provider                                              |
| aws_iam_server_certificate                                   | AWS IAM Server Certificate                                         |
| aws_iam_service_specific_credential                          | AWS IAM User Service Specific Credential                           |
| aws_iam_user                                                 | AWS IAM User                                                       |
| aws_iam_virtual_mfa_device                                   | AWS IAM Virtual MFA device                                         |
| aws_identitystore_group                                      | AWS Identity Store Group                                           |
| aws_identitystore_user                                       | AWS Identity Store User                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage                                      | AWS Inspector2 Coverage                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage_statistics                           | AWS Inspector2 Coverage Statistics                                 |
| aws_inspector2_finding                                       | AWS Inspector2 Finding                                             |
| aws_inspector2_member                                        | AWS Inspector2 Member                                              |
| aws_inspector_assessment_run                                 | AWS Inspector Assessment Run                                       |
| aws_inspector_assessment_target                              | AWS Inspector Assessment Target                                    |
| aws_inspector_assessment_template                            | AWS Inspector Assessment Template                                  |
| aws_inspector_exclusion                                      | AWS Inspector Exclusion                                            |
| aws_inspector_finding                                        | AWS Inspector Finding                                              |
| aws_kinesis_consumer                                         | AWS Kinesis Consumer                                               |
| aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream                         | AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream                               |
| aws_kinesis_stream                                           | AWS Kinesis Stream                                                 |
| aws_kinesis_video_stream                                     | AWS Kinesis Video Stream                                           |
| aws_kinesisanalyticsv2_application                           | AWS Kinesis Analytics V2 Application                               |
| aws_kms_alias                                                | AWS KMS Alias                                                      |
| aws_kms_key                                                  | AWS KMS Key                                                        |
| aws_lambda_alias                                             | AWS Lambda Alias                                                   |
| aws_lambda_function                                          | AWS Lambda Function                                                |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_duration_daily                    | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Duration (Daily)          |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_errors_daily                      | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Errors (Daily)            |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_invocations_daily                 | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Invocations (Daily)       |
| aws_lambda_layer                                             | AWS Lambda Layer                                                   |
| aws_lambda_layer_version                                     | AWS Lambda Layer Version                                           |
| aws_lambda_version                                           | AWS Lambda Version                                                 |
| aws_lightsail_instance                                       | AWS Lightsail Instance                                             |
| aws_macie2_classification_job                                | AWS Macie2 Classification Job                                      |
| aws_media_store_container                                    | AWS Media Store Container                                          |
| aws_mgn_application                                          | AWS MGN Application                                                |
| aws_msk_cluster                                              | AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                             |
| aws_msk_serverless_cluster                                   | AWS Serverless Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                  |
| aws_neptune_db_cluster                                       | AWS Neptune DB Cluster                                             |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall                                 | AWS Network Firewall Firewall                                      |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy                          | AWS Network Firewall Policy                                        |
| aws_networkfirewall_rule_group                               | AWS Network Firewall Rule Group                                    |
| aws_oam_link                                                 | AWS OAM Link                                                       |
| aws_oam_sink                                                 | AWS OAM Sink                                                       |
| aws_opensearch_domain                                        | AWS OpenSearch Domain                                              |
| aws_organizations_account                                    | AWS Organizations Account                                          |
| aws_organizations_policy                                     | AWS Organizations Policy                                           |
| aws_pinpoint_app                                             | AWS Pinpoint App                                                   |
| aws_pipes_pipe                                               | AWS Pipes Pipe                                                     |
| aws_pricing_product                                          | AWS Pricing Product                                                |
| aws_pricing_service_attribute                                | AWS Pricing Service Attribute                                      |
| aws_ram_principal_association                                | AWS RAM Principal Association                                      |
| aws_ram_resource_association                                 | AWS RAM Resource Association                                       |
| aws_rds_db_cluster                                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster                                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_parameter_group                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster Parameter Group                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot                                  | AWS RDS DB Cluster Snapshot                                        |
| aws_rds_db_event_subscription                                | AWS RDS DB Event Subscription                                      |
| aws_rds_db_instance                                          | AWS RDS DB Instance                                                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_automated_backup                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Automated Backup                               |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections                       | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections            |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_daily                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Daily)    |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_hourly                | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Hourly)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization           |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily             | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly            | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)  |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS                 |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_daily                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Daily)         |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_hourly                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Hourly)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops                        | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_daily                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Daily)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_hourly                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Hourly)       |
| aws_rds_db_option_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Option Group                                            |
| aws_rds_db_parameter_group                                   | AWS RDS DB Parameter Group                                         |
| aws_rds_db_proxy                                             | AWS RDS DB Proxy                                                   |
| aws_rds_db_snapshot                                          | AWS RDS DB Snapshot                                                |
| aws_rds_db_subnet_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Subnet Group                                            |
| aws_rds_reserved_db_instance                                 | AWS RDS Reserved DB Instance                                       |
| aws_redshift_cluster                                         | AWS Redshift Cluster                                               |
| aws_redshift_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily            | AWS Redshift Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)  |
| aws_redshift_event_subscription                              | AWS Redshift Event Subscription                                    |
| aws_redshift_parameter_group                                 | AWS Redshift Parameter Group                                       |
| aws_redshift_snapshot                                        | AWS Redshift Snapshot                                              |
| aws_redshift_subnet_group                                    | AWS Redshift Subnet Group                                          |
| aws_redshiftserverless_namespace                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Namespace                                  |
| aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Workgroup                                  |
| aws_region                                                   | AWS Region                                                         |
| aws_resource_explorer_index                                  | AWS Resource Explorer Index                                        |
| aws_resource_explorer_search                                 | AWS Resource Explorer Search                                       |
| aws_resource_explorer_supported_resource_type                | AWS Resource Explorer Supported Resource Type                      |
| aws_route53_domain                                           | AWS Route53 Domain                                                 |
| aws_route53_health_check                                     | AWS Route53 Health Check                                           |
| aws_route53_record                                           | AWS Route53 Record                                                 |
| aws_route53_resolver_endpoint                                | AWS Route53 Resolver Endpoint                                      |
| aws_route53_resolver_rule                                    | AWS Route53 Resolver Rule                                          |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy                                   | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy                                         |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy_instance                          | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy Instance                                |
| aws_route53_zone                                             | AWS Route53 Zone                                                   |
| aws_s3_access_point                                          | AWS S3 Access Point                                                |
| aws_s3_account_settings                                      | AWS S3 Account Block Public Access Settings                        |
| aws_s3_bucket                                                | AWS S3 Bucket                                                      |
| aws_s3_multi_region_access_point                             | AWS S3 Multi Region Access Point                                   |
| aws_s3_object                                                | List AWS S3 Objects in S3 buckets by bucket name.                  |
| aws_sagemaker_app                                            | AWS Sagemaker App                                                  |
| aws_sagemaker_domain                                         | AWS Sagemaker Domain                                               |
| aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration                         | AWS Sagemaker Endpoint Configuration                               |
| aws_sagemaker_model                                          | AWS Sagemaker Model                                                |
| aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance                              | AWS Sagemaker Notebook Instance                                    |
| aws_sagemaker_training_job                                   | AWS SageMaker Training Job                                         |
| aws_secretsmanager_secret                                    | AWS Secrets Manager Secret                                         |
| aws_securityhub_action_target                                | AWS Security Hub Action Target                                     |
| aws_securityhub_finding                                      | AWS Security Hub Finding                                           |
| aws_securityhub_finding_aggregator                           | AWS Security Hub Finding Aggregator                                |
| aws_securityhub_hub                                          | AWS Security Hub                                                   |
| aws_securityhub_insight                                      | AWS Securityhub Insight                                            |
| aws_securityhub_member                                       | AWS Securityhub Member                                             |
| aws_securityhub_product                                      | AWS Securityhub Product                                            |
| aws_securityhub_standards_control                            | AWS Security Hub Standards Control                                 |
| aws_securityhub_standards_subscription                       | AWS Security Hub Standards Subscription                            |
| aws_securitylake_data_lake                                   | AWS Security Lake Data Lake                                        |
| aws_securitylake_subscriber                                  | AWS Security Lake Subscriber                                       |
| aws_serverlessapplicationrepository_application              | AWS Serverless Application Repository Application                  |
| aws_service_discovery_namespace                              | AWS Service Discovery Namespace                                    |
| aws_service_discovery_service                                | AWS Service Discovery Service                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_portfolio                                 | AWS Service Catalog Portfolio                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_product                                   | AWS Service Catalog Product                                        |
| aws_servicequotas_default_service_quota                      | AWS ServiceQuotas Default Service Quota                            |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota                              | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota                                    |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota_change_request               | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota Change Request                     |
| aws_ses_domain_identity                                      | AWS SES Domain Identity                                            |
| aws_ses_email_identity                                       | AWS SES Email Identity                                             |
| aws_sfn_state_machine                                        | AWS Step Functions State Machine                                   |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution                              | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution                         |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution_history                      | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution History                 |
| aws_simspaceweaver_simulation                                | AWS SimSpace Weaver Simulation                                     |
| aws_sns_topic                                                | AWS SNS Topic                                                      |
| aws_sns_topic_subscription                                   | AWS SNS Topic Subscription                                         |
| aws_sqs_queue                                                | AWS SQS Queue                                                      |
| aws_ssm_association                                          | AWS SSM Association                                                |
| aws_ssm_document                                             | AWS SSM Document                                                   |
| aws_ssm_document_permission                                  | AWS SSM Document Permission                                        |
| aws_ssm_inventory                                            | AWS SSM Inventory                                                  |
| aws_ssm_maintenance_window                                   | AWS SSM Maintenance Window                                         |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance                                     | AWS SSM Managed Instance                                           |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_compliance                          | AWS SSM Managed Instance Compliance                                |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_patch_state                         | AWS SSM Managed Instance Patch State                               |
| aws_ssm_parameter                                            | AWS SSM Parameter                                                  |
| aws_ssm_patch_baseline                                       | AWS SSM Patch Baseline                                             |
| aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment                              | AWS SSO Account Assignment                                         |
| aws_ssoadmin_instance                                        | AWS SSO Instance                                                   |
| aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment                       | AWS SSO Managed Policy Attachment                                  |
| aws_ssoadmin_permission_set                                  | AWS SSO Permission Set                                             |
| aws_tagging_resource                                         | AWS Tagging Resource                                               |
| aws_vpc                                                      | AWS VPC                                                            |
| aws_vpc_customer_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Customer Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_dhcp_options                                         | AWS VPC DHCP Options                                               |
| aws_vpc_egress_only_internet_gateway                         | AWS VPC Egress Only Internet Gateway                               |
| aws_vpc_eip                                                  | AWS VPC Elastic IP                                                 |
| aws_vpc_eip_address_transfer                                 | AWS VPC Elastic IP Address Transfer                                |
| aws_vpc_endpoint                                             | AWS VPC Endpoint                                                   |
| aws_vpc_endpoint_service                                     | AWS VPC Endpoint Service                                           |
| aws_vpc_flow_log                                             | AWS VPC Flowlog                                                    |
| aws_vpc_flow_log_event                                       | AWS VPC Flow Log events from CloudWatch Logs                       |
| aws_vpc_internet_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Internet Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_nat_gateway                                          | AWS VPC Network Address Translation Gateway                        |
| aws_vpc_network_acl                                          | AWS VPC Network ACL                                                |
| aws_vpc_peering_connection                                   | AWS VPC Peering Connection                                         |
| aws_vpc_route                                                | AWS VPC Route                                                      |
| aws_vpc_route_table                                          | AWS VPC Route table                                                |
| aws_vpc_security_group                                       | AWS VPC Security Group                                             |
| aws_vpc_security_group_rule                                  | AWS VPC Security Group Rule                                        |
| aws_vpc_subnet                                               | AWS VPC Subnet                                                     |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_endpoint                             | AWS VPC verified access Endpoint                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_group                                | AWS VPC Verified Access Group                                      |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_instance                             | AWS VPC Verified Access Instance                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_trust_provider                       | AWS VPC Verified Access Trust Provider                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_connection                                       | AWS VPC VPN Connection                                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_gateway                                          | AWS VPC VPN Gateway                                                |
| aws_waf_rate_based_rule                                      | AWS WAF Rate Based Rule                                            |
| aws_waf_rule                                                 | AWS WAF Rule                                                       |
| aws_waf_rule_group                                           | AWS WAF Rule Group                                                 |
| aws_waf_web_acl                                              | AWS WAF Web ACL                                                    |
| aws_wafregional_rule                                         | AWS WAF Regional Rule                                              |
| aws_wafregional_rule_group                                   | AWS WAF Regional Rule Group                                        |
| aws_wafregional_web_acl                                      | AWS WAF Regional Web ACL                                           |
| aws_wafv2_ip_set                                             | AWS WAFv2 IP Set                                                   |
| aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set                                  | AWS WAFv2 Regex Pattern Set                                        |
| aws_wafv2_rule_group                                         | AWS WAFv2 Rule Group                                               |
| aws_wafv2_web_acl                                            | AWS WAFv2 Web ACL                                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_answer                                   | AWS Well-Architected Answer                                        |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_detail                             | AWS Well-Architected Check Detail                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_summary                            | AWS Well-Architected Check Summary                                 |
| aws_wellarchitected_consolidated_report                      | AWS Well-Architected Consolidated Report                           |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens                                     | AWS Well-Architected Lens                                          |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review                              | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review                                   |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_improvement                  | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Improvement                       |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_report                       | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Report                            |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_share                               | AWS Well-Architected Lens Share                                    |
| aws_wellarchitected_milestone                                | AWS Well-Architected Milestone                                     |
| aws_wellarchitected_notification                             | AWS Well-Architected Notification                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_share_invitation                         | AWS Well-Architected Share Invitation                              |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload                                 | AWS Well-Architected Workload                                      |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload_share                           | AWS Well-Architected Workload Share                                |
| aws_workspaces_workspace                                     | AWS Workspaces                                                     |
> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state    |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_aa_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_dev                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_qa                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_sec                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_ma_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mar_reporting           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mar_reportingdev        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_audit              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_backups            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_buckets            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_gateway            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_logarchive         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_network            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_masi_sandbox            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secops             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secsandbox         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_qa                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_securitytools        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_shared               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_dev                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prod               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prodmg             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_qa                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mgbi_qa1                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgc_shared              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_pol_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_test_sammie             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready    |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready    |
| Connection state | Count |
| ready            | 63    |
| updating         | 7     |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}

> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state    |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_aa_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_dev                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_qa                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_sec                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_ma_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mar_reporting           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mar_reportingdev        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_audit              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_backups            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_buckets            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_gateway            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_logarchive         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_network            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_masi_sandbox            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secops             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secsandbox         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_qa                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_securitytools        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_shared               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_dev                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prod               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prodmg             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_qa                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mgbi_qa1                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgc_shared              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_pol_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_test_sammie             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready    |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready    |
| Connection state | Count |
| ready            | 63    |
| updating         | 7     |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}

> select count(*) from allhinge.aws_account
Error: execution cancelled
> select * from information_schema.foreign_tables where foreign_table_schema = 'allaws'
| foreign_table_catalog | foreign_table_schema | foreign_table_name                                           | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_config_conformance_pack                                  | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_ssm_patch_baseline                                       | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_msk_cluster                                              | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_securityhub_finding                                      | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_elasticsearch_domain                                     | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_guardduty_ipset                                          | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_lambda_layer                                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_wellarchitected_milestone                                | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_ecs_cluster                                              | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_cost_usage                                               | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_api_gatewayv2_api                                        | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_wellarchitected_notification                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_s3_object                                                | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_daily                  | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_securityhub_finding_aggregator                           | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_s3_account_settings                                      | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_cloudcontrol_resource                                    | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_cloudwatch_metric_data_point                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_eks_identity_provider_config                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_vpc_egress_only_internet_gateway                         | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_drs_recovery_instance                                    | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops                         | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_emr_cluster                                              | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_sns_topic_subscription                                   | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_iam_role                                                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_codeartifact_domain                                      | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_glue_catalog_table                                       | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_daily                         | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_kinesis_video_stream                                     | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_redshiftserverless_namespace                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_oam_link                                                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_lambda_function                                          | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_appautoscaling_target                                    | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_vpc_peering_connection                                   | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_elasticache_redis_metric_new_connections_hourly          | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_neptune_db_cluster                                       | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_daily                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_ec2_instance_type                                        | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_redshift_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily            | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_elasticache_redis_metric_list_based_cmds_hourly          | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_vpc_eip_address_transfer                                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_drs_job                                                  | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_route53_zone                                             | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_ssm_managed_instance_compliance                          | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_vpc_customer_gateway                                     | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_rds_reserved_db_instance                                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_msk_serverless_cluster                                   | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_rds_db_event_subscription                                | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | allaws               | aws_resource_explorer_supported_resource_type                | steampipe              | steampipe           |
> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state    |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_aa_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_aa_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_dev                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_qa                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_hng_sec                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_ma_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_ma_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mar_reporting           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mar_reportingdev        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_audit              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_backups            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_buckets            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_gateway            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_logarchive         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_network            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_masi_sandbox            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secops             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_secsandbox         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_masi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mg_qa                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_securitytools        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mg_shared               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_dev                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prod               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_prodmg             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_qa                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | updating |
| aws_mgbi_qa1                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgbi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_mgc_shared              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| aws_pol_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| eks_test_sammie             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready    |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready    |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready    |
| Connection state | Count |
| ready            | 63    |
| updating         | 7     |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}

> select * from information_schema.foreign_tables where foreign_table_schema = 'allhinge'
| foreign_table_catalog | foreign_table_schema | foreign_table_name | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name |
> select * from information_schema.foreign_tables where foreign_table_schema = 'aws_ma_qa2'
| foreign_table_catalog | foreign_table_schema | foreign_table_name                                           | foreign_server_catalog | foreign_server_name |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_iam_policy                                               | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_ecr_repository                                           | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_iam_user                                                 | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_tagging_resource                                         | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_service_discovery_namespace                              | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_sfn_state_machine_execution_history                      | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_drs_job                                                  | steampipe              | steampipe           |
| steampipe             | aws_ma_qa2           | aws_wellarchitected_lens                                     | steampipe              | steampipe           |...
kaidaguerre commented 1 year ago

Hi @tinder-tder

Please could you try with retry v0.20.5 released yesterday. This fixes some startup sync issues that may at least partially to blame.

tinder-tder commented 1 year ago

ran through a few restarts/resets and it looks like its working

 steampipe query
Welcome to Steampipe v0.20.5
For more information, type .help
> .inspect allaws
| table                                                        | description                                                        |
| aws_accessanalyzer_analyzer                                  | AWS Access Analyzer                                                |
| aws_account                                                  | AWS Account                                                        |
| aws_account_alternate_contact                                | AWS Account Alternate Contact                                      |
| aws_account_contact                                          | AWS Account Contact                                                |
| aws_acm_certificate                                          | AWS ACM Certificate                                                |
| aws_amplify_app                                              | AWS Amplify App                                                    |
| aws_api_gateway_api_key                                      | AWS API Gateway API Key                                            |
| aws_api_gateway_authorizer                                   | AWS API Gateway Authorizer                                         |
| aws_api_gateway_rest_api                                     | AWS API Gateway Rest API                                           |
| aws_api_gateway_stage                                        | AWS API Gateway Stage                                              |
| aws_api_gateway_usage_plan                                   | AWS API Gateway Usage Plan                                         |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_api                                        | AWS API Gateway Version 2 API                                      |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_domain_name                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Domain Name                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_integration                                | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Integration                              |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_route                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Route                                    |
| aws_api_gatewayv2_stage                                      | AWS API Gateway Version 2 Stage                                    |
| aws_appautoscaling_target                                    | AWS Application Auto Scaling Target                                |
| aws_appconfig_application                                    | AWS AppConfig Application                                          |
| aws_appstream_image                                          | AWS AppStream Image                                                |
| aws_athena_query_execution                                   | AWS Athena Query Execution                                         |
| aws_athena_workgroup                                         | AWS Athena Workgroup                                               |
| aws_auditmanager_assessment                                  | AWS Audit Manager Assessment                                       |
| aws_auditmanager_control                                     | AWS Audit Manager Control                                          |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence                                    | AWS Audit Manager Evidence                                         |
| aws_auditmanager_evidence_folder                             | AWS Audit Manager Evidence Folder                                  |
| aws_auditmanager_framework                                   | AWS Audit Manager Framework                                        |
| aws_availability_zone                                        | AWS Availability Zone                                              |
| aws_backup_framework                                         | AWS Backup Framework                                               |
| aws_backup_legal_hold                                        | AWS Backup Legal Hold                                              |
| aws_backup_plan                                              | AWS Backup Plan                                                    |
| aws_backup_protected_resource                                | AWS Backup Protected Resource                                      |
| aws_backup_recovery_point                                    | AWS Backup Recovery Point                                          |
| aws_backup_selection                                         | AWS Backup Selection                                               |
| aws_backup_vault                                             | AWS Backup Vault                                                   |
| aws_cloudcontrol_resource                                    | AWS Cloud Control Resource                                         |
| aws_cloudformation_stack                                     | AWS CloudFormation Stack                                           |
| aws_cloudformation_stack_resource                            | AWS CloudFormation Stack Resource                                  |
| aws_cloudfront_cache_policy                                  | AWS CloudFront Cache Policy                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_distribution                                  | AWS CloudFront Distribution                                        |
| aws_cloudfront_function                                      | AWS CloudFront Function                                            |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity                        | AWS CloudFront Origin Access Identity                              |
| aws_cloudfront_origin_request_policy                         | AWS CloudFront Origin Request Policy                               |
| aws_cloudfront_response_headers_policy                       | AWS Cloudfront Response Headers Policy                             |
| aws_cloudsearch_domain                                       | AWS CloudSearch Domain                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_channel                                       | AWS CloudTrail Channel                                             |
| aws_cloudtrail_event_data_store                              | AWS CloudTrail Event Data Store                                    |
| aws_cloudtrail_import                                        | AWS CloudTrail Import                                              |
| aws_cloudtrail_query                                         | AWS CloudTrail Query                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail                                         | AWS CloudTrail Trail                                               |
| aws_cloudtrail_trail_event                                   | CloudTrail events from cloudwatch service.                         |
| aws_cloudwatch_alarm                                         | AWS CloudWatch Alarm                                               |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_event                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Event                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_group                                     | AWS CloudWatch Log Group                                           |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter                             | AWS CloudWatch Log Metric Filter                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy                           | AWS CloudWatch Log Resource Policy                                 |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_stream                                    | AWS CloudWatch Log Stream                                          |
| aws_cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter                       | AWS CloudWatch Log Subscription Filter                             |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric                                        | AWS CloudWatch Metric                                              |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_data_point                             | AWS CloudWatch Metric Data Point                                   |
| aws_cloudwatch_metric_statistic_data_point                   | AWS CloudWatch Metric Statistic Data Point                         |
| aws_codeartifact_domain                                      | AWS Code Artifact Domain                                           |
| aws_codeartifact_repository                                  | AWS CodeArtifact Repository                                        |
| aws_codebuild_build                                          | AWS CodeBuild Build                                                |
| aws_codebuild_project                                        | AWS CodeBuild Project                                              |
| aws_codebuild_source_credential                              | AWS CodeBuild Source Credential                                    |
| aws_codecommit_repository                                    | AWS CodeCommit Repository                                          |
| aws_codedeploy_app                                           | AWS CodeDeploy Application                                         |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_config                             | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Config                                   |
| aws_codedeploy_deployment_group                              | AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group                                    |
| aws_codepipeline_pipeline                                    | AWS Codepipeline Pipeline                                          |
| aws_config_aggregate_authorization                           | AWS Config Aggregate Authorization                                 |
| aws_config_configuration_recorder                            | AWS Config Configuration Recorder                                  |
| aws_config_conformance_pack                                  | AWS Config Conformance Pack                                        |
| aws_config_retention_configuration                           | AWS Config Retention Configuration                                 |
| aws_config_rule                                              | AWS Config Rule                                                    |
| aws_cost_by_account_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Daily)                 |
| aws_cost_by_account_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Linked Account (Monthly)               |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_daily                                | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Daily)                    |
| aws_cost_by_record_type_monthly                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Record Type (Monthly)                  |
| aws_cost_by_service_daily                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Daily)                        |
| aws_cost_by_service_monthly                                  | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service (Monthly)                      |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_daily                         | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Daily)         |
| aws_cost_by_service_usage_type_monthly                       | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost by Service and Usage Type (Monthly)       |
| aws_cost_by_tag                                              | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost By Tags                                   |
| aws_cost_forecast_daily                                      | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Daily)                          |
| aws_cost_forecast_monthly                                    | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost Forecast (Monthly)                        |
| aws_cost_usage                                               | AWS Cost Explorer - Cost and Usage                                 |
| aws_dax_cluster                                              | AWS DAX Cluster                                                    |
| aws_dax_parameter                                            | AWS DAX Parameter                                                  |
| aws_dax_parameter_group                                      | AWS DAX Parameter Group                                            |
| aws_dax_subnet_group                                         | AWS DAX Subnet Group                                               |
| aws_directory_service_directory                              | AWS Directory Service Directory                                    |
| aws_dlm_lifecycle_policy                                     | AWS DLM Lifecycle Policy                                           |
| aws_dms_replication_instance                                 | AWS DMS Replication Instance                                       |
| aws_docdb_cluster                                            | AWS DocumentDB Cluster                                             |
| aws_docdb_cluster_instance                                   | AWS DocumentDB Cluster Instance                                    |
| aws_drs_job                                                  | AWS DRS Job                                                        |
| aws_drs_recovery_instance                                    | AWS DRS recovery instance                                          |
| aws_drs_recovery_snapshot                                    | AWS DRS Recovery Snapshot                                          |
| aws_drs_source_server                                        | AWS DRS Source Server                                              |
| aws_dynamodb_backup                                          | AWS DynamoDB Backup                                                |
| aws_dynamodb_global_table                                    | AWS DynamoDB Global Table                                          |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_read_capacity_util   | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Read Capacity Utilization  |
| aws_dynamodb_metric_account_provisioned_write_capacity_util  | AWS DynamoDB Metric Account Provisioned Write Capacity Utilization |
| aws_dynamodb_table                                           | AWS DynamoDB Table                                                 |
| aws_dynamodb_table_export                                    | AWS DynamoDB Table Export                                          |
| aws_ebs_snapshot                                             | AWS EBS Snapshot                                                   |
| aws_ebs_volume                                               | AWS EBS Volume                                                     |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops                               | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops                       |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_daily                         | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Daily)               |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_read_ops_hourly                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Read Ops (Hourly)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops                              | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops                      |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_daily                        | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Daily)              |
| aws_ebs_volume_metric_write_ops_hourly                       | AWS EBS Volume Cloudwatch Metrics - Write Ops (Hourly)             |
| aws_ec2_ami                                                  | AWS EC2 AMI                                                        |
| aws_ec2_ami_shared                                           | AWS EC2 AMI - All public, private, and shared AMIs                 |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer                            | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer                                  |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count       | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count          |
| aws_ec2_application_load_balancer_metric_request_count_daily | AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer Metrics - Request Count (Daily)  |
| aws_ec2_autoscaling_group                                    | AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group                                          |
| aws_ec2_capacity_reservation                                 | AWS EC2 Capacity Reservation                                       |
| aws_ec2_classic_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Classic Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_client_vpn_endpoint                                  | AWS EC2 Client VPN Endpoint                                        |
| aws_ec2_gateway_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Gateway Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance                                             | AWS EC2 Instance                                                   |
| aws_ec2_instance_availability                                | AWS EC2 Instance Availability                                      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                      | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization              |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)      |
| aws_ec2_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly               | AWS EC2 Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)     |
| aws_ec2_instance_type                                        | AWS EC2 Instance Type                                              |
| aws_ec2_key_pair                                             | AWS EC2 Key Pair                                                   |
| aws_ec2_launch_configuration                                 | AWS EC2 Launch Configuration                                       |
| aws_ec2_launch_template                                      | AWS EC2 Launch Template                                            |
| aws_ec2_launch_template_version                              | AWS EC2 Launch Template Version                                    |
| aws_ec2_load_balancer_listener                               | AWS EC2 Load Balancer Listener                                     |
| aws_ec2_managed_prefix_list                                  | AWS EC2 Managed Prefix List                                        |
| aws_ec2_network_interface                                    | AWS EC2 Network Interface                                          |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer                                | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer                                      |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count          | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count             |
| aws_ec2_network_load_balancer_metric_net_flow_count_daily    | AWS EC2 Network Load Balancer Metrics - Net Flow Count (Daily)     |
| aws_ec2_regional_settings                                    | AWS EC2 Regional Settings                                          |
| aws_ec2_reserved_instance                                    | AWS EC2 Reserved Instance                                          |
| aws_ec2_spot_price                                           | AWS EC2 Spot Price History                                         |
| aws_ec2_ssl_policy                                           | AWS EC2 SSL Policy                                                 |
| aws_ec2_target_group                                         | AWS EC2 Target Group                                               |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway                                      | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway                                            |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route                                | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route                                      |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_route_table                          | AWS EC2 Transit Gateway Route Table                                |
| aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment                       |                                                                    |
| aws_ecr_image                                                | AWS ECR Image                                                      |
| aws_ecr_image_scan_finding                                   | AWS ECR Image Scan Finding                                         |
| aws_ecr_repository                                           | AWS ECR Repository                                                 |
| aws_ecrpublic_repository                                     | AWS ECR Public Repository                                          |
| aws_ecs_cluster                                              | AWS ECS Cluster                                                    |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization                       | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization               |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily                 | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)       |
| aws_ecs_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly                | AWS ECS Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)      |
| aws_ecs_container_instance                                   | AWS ECS Container Instance                                         |
| aws_ecs_service                                              | AWS ECS Service                                                    |
| aws_ecs_task                                                 | AWS ECS Task                                                       |
| aws_ecs_task_definition                                      | AWS ECS Task Definition                                            |
| aws_efs_access_point                                         | AWS EFS Access Point                                               |
| aws_efs_file_system                                          | AWS Elastic File System                                            |
| aws_efs_mount_target                                         | AWS EFS Mount Target                                               |
| aws_eks_addon                                                | AWS EKS Addon                                                      |
| aws_eks_addon_version                                        | AWS EKS Addon Version                                              |
| aws_eks_cluster                                              | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Cluster                             |
| aws_eks_fargate_profile                                      | AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service Fargate Profile                     |
| aws_eks_identity_provider_config                             | AWS EKS Identity Provider Config                                   |
| aws_eks_node_group                                           | AWS EKS Node Group                                                 |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_application                            | AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application                                  |
| aws_elastic_beanstalk_environment                            | AWS ElasticBeanstalk Environment                                   |
| aws_elasticache_cluster                                      | AWS ElastiCache Cluster                                            |
| aws_elasticache_parameter_group                              | AWS ElastiCache Parameter Group                                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_cache_hits_hourly               | AWS Elasticache Redis CacheHits metric (Hourly)                    |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_curr_connections_hourly         | AWS Elasticache Redis CurrConnections metric (Hourly)              |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_daily    | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Daily)          |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_engine_cpu_utilization_hourly   | AWS Elasticache Redis EngineCPUUtilization metric (Hourly)         |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_get_type_cmds_hourly            | AWS Elasticache Redis GetTypeCmds metric(Hourly)                   |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_list_based_cmds_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis ListBasedCmds metric (Hourly)                |
| aws_elasticache_redis_metric_new_connections_hourly          | AWS Elasticache Redis NewConnections metric (Hourly)               |
| aws_elasticache_replication_group                            | AWS ElastiCache Replication Group                                  |
| aws_elasticache_reserved_cache_node                          | AWS ElastiCache Reserved Cache Node                                |
| aws_elasticache_subnet_group                                 | AWS ElastiCache Subnet Group                                       |
| aws_elasticsearch_domain                                     | AWS Elasticsearch Domain                                           |
| aws_emr_block_public_access_configuration                    | AWS EMR Block Public Access Configuration                          |
| aws_emr_cluster                                              | AWS EMR Cluster                                                    |
| aws_emr_cluster_metric_is_idle                               | AWS EMR Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - IsIdle                        |
| aws_emr_instance                                             | AWS EMR Instance                                                   |
| aws_emr_instance_fleet                                       | AWS EMR Instance Fleet                                             |
| aws_emr_instance_group                                       | AWS EMR Instance Group                                             |
| aws_eventbridge_bus                                          | AWS EventBridge Bus                                                |
| aws_eventbridge_rule                                         | AWS EventBridge Rule                                               |
| aws_fsx_file_system                                          | AWS FSx File System                                                |
| aws_glacier_vault                                            | AWS Glacier Vault                                                  |
| aws_globalaccelerator_accelerator                            | AWS Global Accelerator Accelerator                                 |
| aws_globalaccelerator_endpoint_group                         | AWS Global Accelerator Endpoint Group                              |
| aws_globalaccelerator_listener                               | AWS Global Accelerator Listener                                    |
| aws_glue_catalog_database                                    | AWS Glue Catalog Database                                          |
| aws_glue_catalog_table                                       | AWS Glue Catalog Table                                             |
| aws_glue_connection                                          | AWS Glue Connection                                                |
| aws_glue_crawler                                             | AWS Glue Crawler                                                   |
| aws_glue_data_catalog_encryption_settings                    | AWS Glue Data Catalog Encryption Settings                          |
| aws_glue_data_quality_ruleset                                | AWS Glue Data Quality Ruleset                                      |
| aws_glue_dev_endpoint                                        | AWS Glue Dev Endpoint                                              |
| aws_glue_job                                                 | AWS Glue Job                                                       |
| aws_glue_security_configuration                              | AWS Glue Security Configuration                                    |
| aws_guardduty_detector                                       | AWS GuardDuty Detector                                             |
| aws_guardduty_filter                                         | AWS GuardDuty Filter                                               |
| aws_guardduty_finding                                        | AWS GuardDuty Finding                                              |
| aws_guardduty_ipset                                          | AWS GuardDuty IPSet                                                |
| aws_guardduty_member                                         | AWS GuardDuty Member                                               |
| aws_guardduty_publishing_destination                         | AWS GuardDuty Publishing Destination                               |
| aws_guardduty_threat_intel_set                               | AWS GuardDuty ThreatIntelSet                                       |
| aws_health_affected_entity                                   | AWS Health Affected Entity                                         |
| aws_health_event                                             | AWS Health Event                                                   |
| aws_iam_access_advisor                                       | AWS IAM Access Advisor                                             |
| aws_iam_access_key                                           | AWS IAM User Access Key                                            |
| aws_iam_account_password_policy                              | AWS IAM Account Password Policy                                    |
| aws_iam_account_summary                                      | AWS IAM Account Summary                                            |
| aws_iam_action                                               | AWS IAM Action                                                     |
| aws_iam_credential_report                                    | AWS IAM Credential Report                                          |
| aws_iam_group                                                | AWS IAM Group                                                      |
| aws_iam_policy                                               | AWS IAM Policy                                                     |
| aws_iam_policy_attachment                                    | AWS IAM Policy Attachment                                          |
| aws_iam_policy_simulator                                     | AWS IAM Policy Simulator                                           |
| aws_iam_role                                                 | AWS IAM Role                                                       |
| aws_iam_saml_provider                                        | AWS IAM Saml Provider                                              |
| aws_iam_server_certificate                                   | AWS IAM Server Certificate                                         |
| aws_iam_service_specific_credential                          | AWS IAM User Service Specific Credential                           |
| aws_iam_user                                                 | AWS IAM User                                                       |
| aws_iam_virtual_mfa_device                                   | AWS IAM Virtual MFA device                                         |
| aws_identitystore_group                                      | AWS Identity Store Group                                           |
| aws_identitystore_user                                       | AWS Identity Store User                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage                                      | AWS Inspector2 Coverage                                            |
| aws_inspector2_coverage_statistics                           | AWS Inspector2 Coverage Statistics                                 |
| aws_inspector2_finding                                       | AWS Inspector2 Finding                                             |
| aws_inspector2_member                                        | AWS Inspector2 Member                                              |
| aws_inspector_assessment_run                                 | AWS Inspector Assessment Run                                       |
| aws_inspector_assessment_target                              | AWS Inspector Assessment Target                                    |
| aws_inspector_assessment_template                            | AWS Inspector Assessment Template                                  |
| aws_inspector_exclusion                                      | AWS Inspector Exclusion                                            |
| aws_inspector_finding                                        | AWS Inspector Finding                                              |
| aws_kinesis_consumer                                         | AWS Kinesis Consumer                                               |
| aws_kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream                         | AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream                               |
| aws_kinesis_stream                                           | AWS Kinesis Stream                                                 |
| aws_kinesis_video_stream                                     | AWS Kinesis Video Stream                                           |
| aws_kinesisanalyticsv2_application                           | AWS Kinesis Analytics V2 Application                               |
| aws_kms_alias                                                | AWS KMS Alias                                                      |
| aws_kms_key                                                  | AWS KMS Key                                                        |
| aws_lambda_alias                                             | AWS Lambda Alias                                                   |
| aws_lambda_function                                          | AWS Lambda Function                                                |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_duration_daily                    | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Duration (Daily)          |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_errors_daily                      | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Errors (Daily)            |
| aws_lambda_function_metric_invocations_daily                 | AWS Lambda Function Cloudwatch Metrics - Invocations (Daily)       |
| aws_lambda_layer                                             | AWS Lambda Layer                                                   |
| aws_lambda_layer_version                                     | AWS Lambda Layer Version                                           |
| aws_lambda_version                                           | AWS Lambda Version                                                 |
| aws_lightsail_instance                                       | AWS Lightsail Instance                                             |
| aws_macie2_classification_job                                | AWS Macie2 Classification Job                                      |
| aws_media_store_container                                    | AWS Media Store Container                                          |
| aws_mgn_application                                          | AWS MGN Application                                                |
| aws_msk_cluster                                              | AWS Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                             |
| aws_msk_serverless_cluster                                   | AWS Serverless Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka                  |
| aws_neptune_db_cluster                                       | AWS Neptune DB Cluster                                             |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall                                 | AWS Network Firewall Firewall                                      |
| aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy                          | AWS Network Firewall Policy                                        |
| aws_networkfirewall_rule_group                               | AWS Network Firewall Rule Group                                    |
| aws_oam_link                                                 | AWS OAM Link                                                       |
| aws_oam_sink                                                 | AWS OAM Sink                                                       |
| aws_opensearch_domain                                        | AWS OpenSearch Domain                                              |
| aws_organizations_account                                    | AWS Organizations Account                                          |
| aws_organizations_policy                                     | AWS Organizations Policy                                           |
| aws_pinpoint_app                                             | AWS Pinpoint App                                                   |
| aws_pipes_pipe                                               | AWS Pipes Pipe                                                     |
| aws_pricing_product                                          | AWS Pricing Product                                                |
| aws_pricing_service_attribute                                | AWS Pricing Service Attribute                                      |
| aws_ram_principal_association                                | AWS RAM Principal Association                                      |
| aws_ram_resource_association                                 | AWS RAM Resource Association                                       |
| aws_rds_db_cluster                                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster                                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_parameter_group                           | AWS RDS DB Cluster Parameter Group                                 |
| aws_rds_db_cluster_snapshot                                  | AWS RDS DB Cluster Snapshot                                        |
| aws_rds_db_event_subscription                                | AWS RDS DB Event Subscription                                      |
| aws_rds_db_instance                                          | AWS RDS DB Instance                                                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_automated_backup                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Automated Backup                               |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections                       | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections            |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_daily                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Daily)    |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_connections_hourly                | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - DB Connections (Hourly)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization           |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_daily             | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)   |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_cpu_utilization_hourly            | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Hourly)  |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops                         | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS                 |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_daily                   | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Daily)         |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_read_iops_hourly                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Read IOPS (Hourly)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops                        | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS                |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_daily                  | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Daily)        |
| aws_rds_db_instance_metric_write_iops_hourly                 | AWS RDS DB Instance Cloudwatch Metrics - Write IOPS (Hourly)       |
| aws_rds_db_option_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Option Group                                            |
| aws_rds_db_parameter_group                                   | AWS RDS DB Parameter Group                                         |
| aws_rds_db_proxy                                             | AWS RDS DB Proxy                                                   |
| aws_rds_db_snapshot                                          | AWS RDS DB Snapshot                                                |
| aws_rds_db_subnet_group                                      | AWS RDS DB Subnet Group                                            |
| aws_rds_reserved_db_instance                                 | AWS RDS Reserved DB Instance                                       |
| aws_redshift_cluster                                         | AWS Redshift Cluster                                               |
| aws_redshift_cluster_metric_cpu_utilization_daily            | AWS Redshift Cluster Cloudwatch Metrics - CPU Utilization (Daily)  |
| aws_redshift_event_subscription                              | AWS Redshift Event Subscription                                    |
| aws_redshift_parameter_group                                 | AWS Redshift Parameter Group                                       |
| aws_redshift_snapshot                                        | AWS Redshift Snapshot                                              |
| aws_redshift_subnet_group                                    | AWS Redshift Subnet Group                                          |
| aws_redshiftserverless_namespace                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Namespace                                  |
| aws_redshiftserverless_workgroup                             | AWS Redshift Serverless Workgroup                                  |
| aws_region                                                   | AWS Region                                                         |
| aws_resource_explorer_index                                  | AWS Resource Explorer Index                                        |
| aws_resource_explorer_search                                 | AWS Resource Explorer Search                                       |
| aws_resource_explorer_supported_resource_type                | AWS Resource Explorer Supported Resource Type                      |
| aws_route53_domain                                           | AWS Route53 Domain                                                 |
| aws_route53_health_check                                     | AWS Route53 Health Check                                           |
| aws_route53_record                                           | AWS Route53 Record                                                 |
| aws_route53_resolver_endpoint                                | AWS Route53 Resolver Endpoint                                      |
| aws_route53_resolver_rule                                    | AWS Route53 Resolver Rule                                          |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy                                   | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy                                         |
| aws_route53_traffic_policy_instance                          | AWS Route53 Traffic Policy Instance                                |
| aws_route53_zone                                             | AWS Route53 Zone                                                   |
| aws_s3_access_point                                          | AWS S3 Access Point                                                |
| aws_s3_account_settings                                      | AWS S3 Account Block Public Access Settings                        |
| aws_s3_bucket                                                | AWS S3 Bucket                                                      |
| aws_s3_multi_region_access_point                             | AWS S3 Multi Region Access Point                                   |
| aws_s3_object                                                | List AWS S3 Objects in S3 buckets by bucket name.                  |
| aws_sagemaker_app                                            | AWS Sagemaker App                                                  |
| aws_sagemaker_domain                                         | AWS Sagemaker Domain                                               |
| aws_sagemaker_endpoint_configuration                         | AWS Sagemaker Endpoint Configuration                               |
| aws_sagemaker_model                                          | AWS Sagemaker Model                                                |
| aws_sagemaker_notebook_instance                              | AWS Sagemaker Notebook Instance                                    |
| aws_sagemaker_training_job                                   | AWS SageMaker Training Job                                         |
| aws_secretsmanager_secret                                    | AWS Secrets Manager Secret                                         |
| aws_securityhub_action_target                                | AWS Security Hub Action Target                                     |
| aws_securityhub_finding                                      | AWS Security Hub Finding                                           |
| aws_securityhub_finding_aggregator                           | AWS Security Hub Finding Aggregator                                |
| aws_securityhub_hub                                          | AWS Security Hub                                                   |
| aws_securityhub_insight                                      | AWS Securityhub Insight                                            |
| aws_securityhub_member                                       | AWS Securityhub Member                                             |
| aws_securityhub_product                                      | AWS Securityhub Product                                            |
| aws_securityhub_standards_control                            | AWS Security Hub Standards Control                                 |
| aws_securityhub_standards_subscription                       | AWS Security Hub Standards Subscription                            |
| aws_securitylake_data_lake                                   | AWS Security Lake Data Lake                                        |
| aws_securitylake_subscriber                                  | AWS Security Lake Subscriber                                       |
| aws_serverlessapplicationrepository_application              | AWS Serverless Application Repository Application                  |
| aws_service_discovery_instance                               | AWS Service Discovery Instance                                     |
| aws_service_discovery_namespace                              | AWS Service Discovery Namespace                                    |
| aws_service_discovery_service                                | AWS Service Discovery Service                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_portfolio                                 | AWS Service Catalog Portfolio                                      |
| aws_servicecatalog_product                                   | AWS Service Catalog Product                                        |
| aws_servicequotas_default_service_quota                      | AWS ServiceQuotas Default Service Quota                            |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota                              | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota                                    |
| aws_servicequotas_service_quota_change_request               | AWS ServiceQuotas Service Quota Change Request                     |
| aws_ses_domain_identity                                      | AWS SES Domain Identity                                            |
| aws_ses_email_identity                                       | AWS SES Email Identity                                             |
| aws_sfn_state_machine                                        | AWS Step Functions State Machine                                   |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution                              | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution                         |
| aws_sfn_state_machine_execution_history                      | AWS Step Functions State Machine Execution History                 |
| aws_simspaceweaver_simulation                                | AWS SimSpace Weaver Simulation                                     |
| aws_sns_topic                                                | AWS SNS Topic                                                      |
| aws_sns_topic_subscription                                   | AWS SNS Topic Subscription                                         |
| aws_sqs_queue                                                | AWS SQS Queue                                                      |
| aws_ssm_association                                          | AWS SSM Association                                                |
| aws_ssm_document                                             | AWS SSM Document                                                   |
| aws_ssm_document_permission                                  | AWS SSM Document Permission                                        |
| aws_ssm_inventory                                            | AWS SSM Inventory                                                  |
| aws_ssm_inventory_entry                                      | AWS SSM Inventory Entry                                            |
| aws_ssm_maintenance_window                                   | AWS SSM Maintenance Window                                         |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance                                     | AWS SSM Managed Instance                                           |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_compliance                          | AWS SSM Managed Instance Compliance                                |
| aws_ssm_managed_instance_patch_state                         | AWS SSM Managed Instance Patch State                               |
| aws_ssm_parameter                                            | AWS SSM Parameter                                                  |
| aws_ssm_patch_baseline                                       | AWS SSM Patch Baseline                                             |
| aws_ssoadmin_account_assignment                              | AWS SSO Account Assignment                                         |
| aws_ssoadmin_instance                                        | AWS SSO Instance                                                   |
| aws_ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment                       | AWS SSO Managed Policy Attachment                                  |
| aws_ssoadmin_permission_set                                  | AWS SSO Permission Set                                             |
| aws_sts_caller_identity                                      | AWS STS Caller Identity                                            |
| aws_tagging_resource                                         | AWS Tagging Resource                                               |
| aws_vpc                                                      | AWS VPC                                                            |
| aws_vpc_customer_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Customer Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_dhcp_options                                         | AWS VPC DHCP Options                                               |
| aws_vpc_egress_only_internet_gateway                         | AWS VPC Egress Only Internet Gateway                               |
| aws_vpc_eip                                                  | AWS VPC Elastic IP                                                 |
| aws_vpc_eip_address_transfer                                 | AWS VPC Elastic IP Address Transfer                                |
| aws_vpc_endpoint                                             | AWS VPC Endpoint                                                   |
| aws_vpc_endpoint_service                                     | AWS VPC Endpoint Service                                           |
| aws_vpc_flow_log                                             | AWS VPC Flowlog                                                    |
| aws_vpc_flow_log_event                                       | AWS VPC Flow Log events from CloudWatch Logs                       |
| aws_vpc_internet_gateway                                     | AWS VPC Internet Gateway                                           |
| aws_vpc_nat_gateway                                          | AWS VPC Network Address Translation Gateway                        |
| aws_vpc_network_acl                                          | AWS VPC Network ACL                                                |
| aws_vpc_peering_connection                                   | AWS VPC Peering Connection                                         |
| aws_vpc_route                                                | AWS VPC Route                                                      |
| aws_vpc_route_table                                          | AWS VPC Route table                                                |
| aws_vpc_security_group                                       | AWS VPC Security Group                                             |
| aws_vpc_security_group_rule                                  | AWS VPC Security Group Rule                                        |
| aws_vpc_subnet                                               | AWS VPC Subnet                                                     |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_endpoint                             | AWS VPC verified access Endpoint                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_group                                | AWS VPC Verified Access Group                                      |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_instance                             | AWS VPC Verified Access Instance                                   |
| aws_vpc_verified_access_trust_provider                       | AWS VPC Verified Access Trust Provider                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_connection                                       | AWS VPC VPN Connection                                             |
| aws_vpc_vpn_gateway                                          | AWS VPC VPN Gateway                                                |
| aws_waf_rate_based_rule                                      | AWS WAF Rate Based Rule                                            |
| aws_waf_rule                                                 | AWS WAF Rule                                                       |
| aws_waf_rule_group                                           | AWS WAF Rule Group                                                 |
| aws_waf_web_acl                                              | AWS WAF Web ACL                                                    |
| aws_wafregional_rule                                         | AWS WAF Regional Rule                                              |
| aws_wafregional_rule_group                                   | AWS WAF Regional Rule Group                                        |
| aws_wafregional_web_acl                                      | AWS WAF Regional Web ACL                                           |
| aws_wafv2_ip_set                                             | AWS WAFv2 IP Set                                                   |
| aws_wafv2_regex_pattern_set                                  | AWS WAFv2 Regex Pattern Set                                        |
| aws_wafv2_rule_group                                         | AWS WAFv2 Rule Group                                               |
| aws_wafv2_web_acl                                            | AWS WAFv2 Web ACL                                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_answer                                   | AWS Well-Architected Answer                                        |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_detail                             | AWS Well-Architected Check Detail                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_check_summary                            | AWS Well-Architected Check Summary                                 |
| aws_wellarchitected_consolidated_report                      | AWS Well-Architected Consolidated Report                           |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens                                     | AWS Well-Architected Lens                                          |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review                              | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review                                   |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_improvement                  | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Improvement                       |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_review_report                       | AWS Well-Architected Lens Review Report                            |
| aws_wellarchitected_lens_share                               | AWS Well-Architected Lens Share                                    |
| aws_wellarchitected_milestone                                | AWS Well-Architected Milestone                                     |
| aws_wellarchitected_notification                             | AWS Well-Architected Notification                                  |
| aws_wellarchitected_share_invitation                         | AWS Well-Architected Share Invitation                              |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload                                 | AWS Well-Architected Workload                                      |
| aws_wellarchitected_workload_share                           | AWS Well-Architected Workload Share                                |
| aws_workspaces_workspace                                     | AWS Workspaces                                                     |
> select count(*) from allaws.aws_account
| count |
| 43    |
> .connections
| connection                  | plugin                                            | state |
| allaws                      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| allhinge                    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_aa_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_dev                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_qa                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_hng_sec                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa1                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa2                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_qa3                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_ma_sandbox              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mar_reporting           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mar_reportingdev        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_audit              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_backups            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_buckets            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_gateway            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_logarchive         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_network            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_sandbox            | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_secops             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_secsandbox         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_masi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_dev                  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_payer                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_prod                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_qa                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_securitytools        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mg_shared               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_dev                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_prod               | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_prodmg             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_qa                 | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_qa1                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgbi_services           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_mgc_shared              | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| aws_pol_prod                | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/aws@latest        | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_01          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_02          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_ci          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_de          | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_dev_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_eks_services_cluster    | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_mgsec                   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_01         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_02         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_ci         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_cloudflare | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_de         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_prod_ue1_eks_infra      | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_01           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_02           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_cloudflare   | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_qa_ue1_eks_infra        | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_ryan_test_eks           | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_cloudflare  | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_sec_ue1_eks_infra       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_security_generalpurpose | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| eks_test_sammie             | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/kubernetes@latest | ready |
| net                         | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/net@latest        | ready |
| whois                       | hub.steampipe.io/plugins/turbot/whois@latest      | ready |

To get information about the tables in a connection, run .inspect {connection}
To get information about the columns in a table, run .inspect {connection}.{table}
kaidaguerre commented 1 year ago

Excellent news. Closing this issue - can reopen or raise a new one if other issues arise.