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November 2023 newsletter #34

Closed vhellon closed 7 months ago

vhellon commented 8 months ago

Will be going out around 14th November- please comment with any content you'd like included

vhellon commented 8 months ago

Don’t miss out on our next the AIM RSF seminar on “Qualitative Research, Patient and Public Involvement in Medical Research: Coproduction and Co-design” by Prof. Louise Locock from University of Aberdeen :books: We’ll be discussing how biomedical research policy in many countries has adopted the principle of making research more patient-focused - and we’ll look into how different approaches such as patient and public involvement/engagement (PPIE), qualitative research, participatory research, co-design and co-production sit alongside each other, but seems contentious and unclear. In this seminar, we seek to contribute to this debate by exploring boundaries and overlaps between them Time: 13:30pm on Nov 14, 2023 Register here: https://www.turing.ac.uk/events/qualitative-research-patient-and-public-involvement-medical-research-coproduction-and-co

vhellon commented 8 months ago


vhellon commented 8 months ago

Where? Turing HQ When?: 26 January 2024 Registration Deadline: 4 January 2024 More Information and Registration link: PhD Student Presentations & Networking -January 2024 Via the 'Turing Connections' initiative, The Alan Turing Institute creates and signposts opportunities which are relevant to PhD students connected with data science and artificial intelligence. The aims of the wider initiative are to: · Develop a more cohesive network of cross-organisational doctoral students · Improve student skills and practices by complementing student PhD programme activity · Provide opportunities for raising awareness of and connection to real-world challenges and applications Toward these aims, PhD students across the UK are invited to register to attend PhD student presentations and networking events.

vhellon commented 8 months ago

:mega: VizTIG webinar: Visual Analytics: Machine Learning and the Human in the Loop 2pm on Thursday, 16 November 2023 Registration: https://turing-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwlfu-qqD8vHNBALOI_7vZ883XyTMDqifLP Please join the November VizTIG webinar by Prof. Anna Vilanova from Eindhoven University of Technology in Netherland. Anna is the president of EUROGRAPHICS and a member of the IEEE VIS Steering Committee. In this talk she will discuss her latest work on human-in-the-loop machine learning and the role of data visualisation in this.

vhellon commented 8 months ago

partnership updates- partnership finalist for praxis auril awards

vhellon commented 8 months ago

Centre for Personalised Medicine, Oxford @CPMOxford On 16th November we're hosting a research showcase @StAnnesCollege on (re)conceptualising personalised medicine. We'd love for you to join us for this thought-provoking event to learn more about the future of personalised medicine.

Further details here: https://cpm.well.ox.ac.uk/event/reconceptualising-personalised-medicine-research-showcase

vhellon commented 8 months ago

DSxHE: Building a world where data improves everyone’s health :rocket: Join us on November 23rd to launch our new strategy and welcome keynote speaker Angela Saini for a discussion on why we categorise patients. Here, we will be giving an overview of DSxHE’s three-year strategy, and laying out the community’s focus areas for 2024–2027. This event will be hybrid, combining both in-person attendance at London’s The Loading Bay and virtual participation. There will also be discussions on trust, equity and fairness, as well as drinks & yummy Mexican food for those attending in-person! :taco: For more details and to register for the in-person event, visit here. To register for virtual attendance, visit here. :mega: We’d love to see lots of faces from our brilliant community there, and please share with any colleagues/friends who may be interested!

vhellon commented 8 months ago

As part of AI UK 2024, we would like to invite the Turing community to participate and organise their own event or activity to be part of AI UK Fringe between Monday 4 March – Friday 29 March 2024.

We’re open to a variety of types of events and activities, Fore example, you may choose to do a one-off event, a small series of activities or a community-based initiative.

More information is available on the Turing website.

Call for submissions: AI UK Fringe | The Alan Turing Institute

This is an opportunity to showcase the work of your groups. One of the benefits of organising a fringe event is that it will be widely publicise, the event will sit on the AI UK webpage, will be branded as an AI UK fringe event and will be promoted through AI UK channels, reaching out to new audiences that may be interested in the work of your group.

The deadline for application is the 22 December 2023.

If you have any questions, please email fringe@turing.ac.uk

vhellon commented 8 months ago

The NIHR Imaging Science working group, along with the Royal College of Radiologists, has put together a workshop entitled 'Facilitating the use of routine data to evaluate AI solutions'. The date for this workshop has been set for Wednesday 13th December at the Royal College of Radiologists, London. Registration will open in 2 weeks time on 1st November. In the meantime, we have put together an Expression of Interest form. If you would like to register your interest before November, please fill in this form for an opportunity for priority registration. The day is aimed at supporting teams currently or soon to be involved in imaging data curation, including pacs teams, imaging research practitioners, radiologists, radiographers and physicists. The focus is to provide teams with insights from experts, sharing best practice and identifying ways to overcoming barriers. The agenda is also attached.

vhellon commented 8 months ago

Health Data Research UK Conference 2024: The Grand Challenges in Health Data 5 - 6 March 2024, Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, UK from 09:15 - 16:30 Register here

vhellon commented 8 months ago

https://academic.oup.com/hmg/advance-article/doi/10.1093/hmg/ddad175/7323600 chris banerji paper (do as an update- new papers from our senior PDRAs independent research)

vhellon commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone, and Happy Friday! :hugging_face: This year's Enrichment scheme open event will be held in the office on 24 November :tada: @jformston and I would really appreciate your help promoting this opportunity to potential applicants of the 2024/25 call. If you are able to share the LinkedIn post or webpage below within your network that would be great! https://www.turing.ac.uk/events/phd-enrichment-scheme-open-event-2023 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/the-alan-turing-institute_phd-enrichment-scheme-open-e[…]403523022849-jSaV?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Have a brilliant weekend! (

vhellon commented 8 months ago


vhellon commented 8 months ago

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10676-023-09728-4 rohan paper

vhellon commented 8 months ago


vhellon commented 8 months ago

UCL Centre for Data Science Symposium on Causal Inference -- 22 November The UCL Centre for Data Science together with IMSS is organizing a one-day symposium on causal inference on 22 November. The symposium will be held at De Morgan House in the London Mathematical Society. This symposium aims to bring together different researchers at UCL who work on or are interested in the different aspects of the theory and application of causal inference. It will also include external leaders in the field as keynote speakers, as well as members of the industry that make use of causal models and methods. The symposium will start at 11am with a reception followed by the keynote talk. After breaking for lunch, it will reconvene at 1:30pm for a session on the application of causality at UCL and a second session on the application of causality in the industry. These sessions will be followed by a panel addressing the challenges and opportunities of using causal models. The closing reception will take place at 5:30pm. The confirmed list of speakers includes Professor Philip Dawid (University of Cambridge), Professor Neil Davies, Dr Ben Deaner, Professor Karla Diaz-Ordaz, and Professor Arthur Gretton (UCL), and Dr Silvia Chiappa (Deepmind). Please follow the following link to register for the symposium: https://forms.office.com/e/sbupeXZMfe

vhellon commented 8 months ago

https://secondary-use-health-data.theodi.org/?utm_content=270489633&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&hss_channel=tw-534255106 roche news

vhellon commented 8 months ago

scholar of the month- ellen