turingmachine / omxplayer-sync

OMXPlayer-Sync facilitates synchronization of multiple OMXPlayer instances over the network in a master/slave fashion.
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Rising deviation / slaves crash after longer playback #31

Closed irrelevar closed 7 years ago

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

Hello and thank you for this great software.

I am trying to have three slaves and one master raspberry pi b+ playing a 40 min video synced. It works perfectly with very little deviation but after 1050 secs deviation rapidly increases and the slaves try to resync. However deviation stays over default tolerance so they try to resync again and again until they crash. Has anyone experienced this or knows a what could be causing this? Thank you for your reply

turingmachine commented 8 years ago

Can you confirm that the master is still sending position information? If the slave is started in verbose mode, do the values for position_master and position_local still update when the error occurs?

Please provide verbose output from the master and one slave as two gists starting from second 1049 until resync on slaves occur.

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

thank you for getting back quickly. here is the verbose output of master and slave: https://gist.github.com/irrelevar/d696cbca24ccb012f470

as far as i can see the deviation increases while position_master and position_local still update yes

turingmachine commented 8 years ago

What are the values for TOLERANCE and SYNC_WINDOW? Can you provide the movies to me by any means? What kind of Raspery are you using and how are the devices connected? Do you have any USB devices attached? Please try again with only one master and one slave and connect them directly with a single ethernet cable and see if the error still occurs.

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

i tried it with different TOLERANCE and SYNC_WINDOW and experienced same errors the values for the gists where TOLERANCE = 0.5 and SYNC_WINDOW = (-0.30, -0.25). I am using four Raspberry Pi B+ connected over ethernet switch. Only one usb keyboard / mouse is connected. Same problem with ssh from mac. I tried with master and slave connected directly with single ethernet cable and it the slave fails to sync several time before it crashes with omxplayer hangup detected. I am uploading two of the four movies now on dropbox now but it will take some time.

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

still experiencing multiple hangups without syncing correctly on the slave side. any idea how to fix this? your help is greatly appreciated.

turingmachine commented 8 years ago

Can you provide the links to the videos you uploaded? Do the videos play correctly? With what codec, and bitrate are the videos encoded? Do hangups always occur at around 1000 seconds into the movie? Have you tried to test it with another video of the same length?

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

yes i have the same issue of hangups with other videos also with the synctest.mp4

magdesign commented 8 years ago

Do you have different resolutions on the 3 RPis? Are you using some videos with audio and some without? Do all 3 RPis have strong power supplies? Did you try it with this branch? => https://github.com/turingmachine/omxplayer-sync/blob/next/omxplayer-sync

Does the problem only persist with videos longer than 16.6min?

magdesign commented 8 years ago

I tried to retrace this issue with two RPi2 directly connected over RJ45 and a 34min testfile. Both RPi's have the same screen connected and its exactly the same video. Mine is working perfectly fine, no rising deviation or any issues after 3h testing, will test it for the next 48hours, but I guess your issue is hardware based.

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

Thank you for trying this out. What could be the hardware issue? I am using 4 same Rpi with same 16gb class 10 sd cards connected via RJ45 gigabit cable. Did you use h.264 codec? Which video resolution?

magdesign commented 8 years ago

I used 1280 x 720p videos, 25 Frames, compressed with h264 VBR 10-12 mbit/s and AAC Audio, The screens have a resolution of 1680x1050, connected with HDMI cables. Both Pi's have a Wifi dongle connected. I used the sync-script posted above... I connected them directly: https://vimeo.com/137133716

I will try it with 3 RPi's and a router and let you know the result.... keep in mind that I'm using RPi 2.

irrelevar commented 8 years ago

here is the link to the video i had trouble with. maybe you can have a try with it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/eo8ga9s9u4tnwae/murmur.mp4?dl=0 i am uploading the second right now but its basically the same format/length because its a cropped part of one video

burtonworldart commented 8 years ago

I know this is an older thread but any help would be great solving the hangup issue. I'm running sync via wifi dongle on a home wifi network. Couldn't get videos to sync via RJ45 gigabit cable. I will try connecting to router via an offline LAN network. Wondering if anyone's used a usb to ethernet port connector? Seems like the master/ slave connection won't happen for me if I unplug the wifi dongle.


turingmachine commented 7 years ago

There is a new version of omxplayer-sync available with a much improved syncing system.