turingmachine / omxplayer-sync

OMXPlayer-Sync facilitates synchronization of multiple OMXPlayer instances over the network in a master/slave fashion.
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Instructions only work for Raspbian Jessie, not Stretch #71

Closed pagaille closed 5 years ago

pagaille commented 6 years ago

Two issues related to Raspbian Stretch :

  1. At the time of writing, the latest omxplayer found on doesn't install itself on Raspbian Stretch because of an unmet dependency (libssl1.0.0). I didn't find an easy workaround.

  2. Installing the default packaged version of omxplayer (apt-get install omxplayer) is possible and works, but there is an additional issue regarding network connectivity (and therefore synchronisation) when autostarted, wether through systemctl or by adding a line to /etc/rc.local. Looks like the master is not able to broadcast the timecode information, even while the network is up.

Just to save others time, I lost a bunch of it on this :-) --> Use Raspbian Jessie :-)

Anyway thanks for that nice work !

turingmachine commented 6 years ago

What version was installed on Stretch? Do I understand correctly, that you resolved the autostart issue by switching to Jessie? Sync did work with manual startup on sretch?

pagaille commented 6 years ago
turingmachine commented 6 years ago

The version in numbers, e.g. 0.3.7.

pagaille commented 6 years ago


pagaille commented 6 years ago

I opened a case on it's GitHub repo as well.

turingmachine commented 6 years ago

0.3.7 was the version on stretch? Well if it works when started manually it is most probably not an issue with omxplayer itself.

pagaille commented 6 years ago

Maybe I should have opened two different issues. Indeed, the second issue is probably linked to some new rules regarding network access to autostarted app introduced in Stretch (?)

The .service file was the following :

     Description=Synchronised omxPlayer service

     #master :
     ExecStart=/home/pi/omxplayer-sync/omxplayer-sync -muv -b /home/pi/omxplayer-sync/video.mp4

pagaille commented 6 years ago

I move the second issue to another thread.

chiguire commented 5 years ago

Consider that Raspbian Jessie is not supported by Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. There are ways to make it work on the Internet, but I couldn't make it work. I'm stuck with Stretch for this model.

magdesign commented 5 years ago

Here is the description what you have to do to make Jessie work on RPi3 B+:
