turingmachine / omxplayer-sync

OMXPlayer-Sync facilitates synchronization of multiple OMXPlayer instances over the network in a master/slave fashion.
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Order of Code Operations #9

Closed reillydonovan closed 10 years ago

reillydonovan commented 10 years ago

What a great project, I've got a quick question for you. I can get the omxplayer-sync to play back the server file, and I can get the clients to play back their files, but I can't seem to get the clients to respond to the server. Is there a certain order to executing the scripts? Sometimes too, there will be an endless ping for frame checks that never gets a response. Any suggestions would be very appreciated! Thanks!

magdesign commented 10 years ago

there is no certain order to run the scripts. just remember to put the variables eg: omxplayer-sync -mu /link/to/mediafiles this starts as the master with endless looping, -lu starts as slave with endless looping. does one slave directly connected to the master responds to the master?

reillydonovan commented 10 years ago

I am not getting any reaction from the master on the clients- do I need to reference their ips? They have static ips and I can access them via ssh.. Some more details behind my issue... To launch omxplayer-sync is only possible within the omxplayer-sync folder. I have to type /.omxplayer-sync etc instead of just plain old omxplayer-sync could I be doing something wrong there with how I compiled ur omx build? Also, when u list movie1.mp4 and movie2.mp4 for the commands on both the master and slave, to which player is which movie designated? Is movie1 playing on the master locally and movie 2 playing on the slave locally? I do get local checks from the master and the slave but the master check values on the slave never change from 0. Is this making sense? Thanks for your quick responses!

reillydonovan commented 10 years ago

I meant no reaction on the clients from the master, of course the master wouldn't react to the clients sorry for the typo

magdesign commented 10 years ago

Try the new script! we fixed several issues...