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Thoughtbot's Style Guide for Ruby #10

Closed EmilyMB closed 9 years ago

EmilyMB commented 9 years ago

Discuss thoughtbot's style guide for Ruby here. In particular, when you glanced over the style guide, which aspects made you jump out of your chair and say "YES!" and which ones made you grumble in quiet, reserved discontent?

EmilyMB commented 9 years ago

I find it odd that Airbnb likes method call chains to be split with the "." on the new line in JS, while thoughtbot encourages the line to end with the "." in Ruby. Same for single vs double quotes. I realize they are different languages, but since they are used together frequently, having consistency would be helpful!

Jwan622 commented 9 years ago

*grumble: "Don't misspell."

JoshCheek commented 9 years ago

@EmilyMB it's probably because on older Rubies, it wouldn't correctly parse leading dots, so you had to put them at the end of the previous line. Now that it does, and those rubies have been end-of-life'd, I think most people agree that they should lead the line. Aside from being more aesthetically pleasing, and easier to parse (for my brain, anyway), it also has the nice advantage that adding/deleting from the end doesn't require you to edit multiple lines.

JoshCheek commented 9 years ago

Keep in mind that I usually code alone these days, and my formatting style may be hard for others to read. Also, keep in mind that other than things like 2 spaces for indentation, I don't have strong opinions on most of these (except for when some robot fails my build).


opinion guide
disagree Avoid inline comments.
disagree/indifferent Break long lines after 80 characters.
agree Delete trailing whitespace.
agree/indifferent Don't include spaces after (, [ or before ], ).
agree Don't misspell.
disagree Don't vertically align tokens on consecutive lines.
indifferent If you break up an argument list, keep the arguments on their own lines and closing parenthesis on its own line.
indifferent If you break up a hash, keep the elements on their own lines and closing curly brace on its own line.
it depends Indent continued lines two spaces.
agree Indent private methods equal to public methods.
my opinion is too nuanced to say If you break up a chain of method invocations, keep each method invocation on its own line. Place the . at the end of each line, except the last. Example.
strong agree Use 2 space indentation (no tabs).
it depends Use an empty line between methods.
it depends Use empty lines around multi-line blocks.
indifferent, so long as both sides touch the operator, or neither does Use spaces around operators, except for unary operators, such as !.
mostly agree Use spaces after commas, after colons and semicolons, around { and before }.
agree Use Unix-style line endings.
too ignorant to have an opinion Use uppercase for SQL key words and lowercase for SQL identifiers.


opinion guide
it depends Avoid abbreviations.
agree Avoid object types in names (user_array, email_method CalculatorClass, ReportModule).
indifferent Prefer naming classes after domain concepts rather than patterns they implement (e.g. Guest vs NullUser, CachedRequest vs RequestDecorator).
agree Name the enumeration parameter the singular of the collection.
it depends Name variables created by a factory after the factory (user_factory creates user).
agree Name variables, methods, and classes to reveal intent.
indifferent Treat acronyms as words in names (XmlHttpRequest not XMLHTTPRequest), even if the acronym is the entire name (class Html not class HTML).
wait, doesn't this contradict #2? Suffix variables holding a factory with _factory (user_factory).


opinion guide
okay Order methods so that caller methods are earlier in the file than the methods they call.
sure, but if this winds up mattering, you probably have a class in need of extraction Order methods so that methods are as close as possible to other methods they call.
nathanows commented 9 years ago
Lydias303 commented 9 years ago

:+1: (agree with) avoid: using semicolons, prefer: map over collect, prefer && and || over and/or, &:method_name for simple method calls.

:-1: (disagree with) avoid: conditional modifier, ternary operators prefer: detect over find, reduce over inject

laurawhalin commented 9 years ago

With a few of these, I didn't even know there were alternatives, such as Prefer && and || over and and or. Prefer ! over not. I do appreciate the brevity these semantics allow, but too many of them makes a language too difficult to read for beginners. A comma after the last item gives me a facial tick. It's good to state double quotes. I've don't have a preference over single vs double, but I'm inconsistent without someone (or something) hounding me about it.

KristaANelson commented 9 years ago

After seeing AirBnB's I appreciate theirs even more! Showing examples to show your point has so much value!

Explicit return statements, if this is what I think it is (using it to return and end a method for a one off case, then that makes me sad because I love those.

Detect, didn't realize this was a choice.

Double quoted I get except for spending so much time replacing single quotes that autopopulate with double quotes. That completely defeats the purpose of this practice in the first place! I want to kill hound for this! Use _ for unused block parameters. Would like to see an example of what they mean by this.

I actually like the trailing comma, even on the last line because so many times I add a new line and forget to add a comma to the previous line! Good habit!

bmrsny commented 9 years ago

Use def with parentheses when there are arguments, is a rule I feel strongly about. I get so confused when I don't see the parentheses here. I like the ternary operator, but I read this before and have been since trying not to use it. I still kind of like it. I had no idea class << self is the same as def self.method. I am glad I didn't know.

Found this one in the Rails section. I have to say I agree. Use def self.method, not the scope :method DSL.

mikedao commented 9 years ago

I'm a huge fan of their style guide, and much to the dismay of some, a fan of Hound. I think the one most people complain about is the 80 character limit, but I feel that this sets up your code for a worst case scenario when someone is looking at your code directly connected to a server with a monitor that only displays 640x480. It's a good exercise in learning how to name things in a concise, yet clear manner.