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jQuery fundamentals #38

Closed worace closed 8 years ago

worace commented 8 years ago

Add any and all comments, questions, and other discussion for the jQuery Fundamentals course here.

rasensio1 commented 8 years ago

What are we supposed to submit for this? Are there exercises?

stevekinney commented 8 years ago

Nah, but I would appreciate your thoughts, questions, and discussion points.

7hoenix commented 8 years ago

$(...) is short for $( document ).ready(function {...});


stevekinney commented 8 years ago

Yea. I dig it. You probably won't see me use it because I prefer the clarity when teaching. But, it's totally valid and cool. I am also old school and just do it the other way out of force of habit.

selfup commented 8 years ago

Is it cool to use the new ES6 syntax with jQuery? I kind of really like it

stevekinney commented 8 years ago

@selfup jQuery is just JavaScript. So, whatever the browser platform supports, you can use. Alternatively, you can use Babel and use all the latest and greatest ES6 and ES7 today and it will compile down to ES5.

selfup commented 8 years ago

Will look into Babel! Thanks