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Sandi Metz's rules for developers #55

Closed rrgayhart closed 8 years ago

rrgayhart commented 8 years ago

Discuss Sandi Metz's Rules for Developers here.

Which of Sandi's rules do you feel like might be the hardest to follow—why?

stevepentler commented 8 years ago


SteveOscar commented 8 years ago


brantwellman commented 8 years ago


GregoryArmstrong commented 8 years ago


ToniRib commented 8 years ago


ShannonPaige commented 8 years ago

Does this need to be a gist? I'm just gonna leave this here....

I think the hardest rules to follow are: Methods can be no longer than five lines of code. The way my brain works, I want to put everything in one method and switch around using a bunch of cases or if/else statements. I've learned over the last 3 modules though, that this is a huge "smell" for me, and that it usually means I haven't broken the logic up enough and my method is doing too many things.

Controllers can instantiate only one object. What!?!? I never heard this one before. I guess it makes sense, because you only want your class focusing on one object i.e have a single responsibility, but looking back on past projects, I pass a lot of stuff in. I'll have to start being more careful, and probably set up more classes, to make this work.

PenneyGadget commented 8 years ago


bethsebian commented 8 years ago


bethsecor commented 8 years ago


jecrockett commented 8 years ago


martensonbj commented 8 years ago


dastinnette commented 8 years ago


Jpease1020 commented 8 years ago


hectorhuertas commented 8 years ago


jwperry commented 8 years ago


afg419 commented 8 years ago


marlomajor commented 8 years ago


danjwinter commented 8 years ago


slota commented 8 years ago

I think the hardest one to follow is the 5 lines, I get that clean code is nice but I think it's arbitrary. I was at React meetup this week and the guys speaking said they could care less about the lines of code which is much more my opinion so although its great having concise code, I will probably never be a stickler about it.

Jlawlzz commented 8 years ago


edgarduran commented 8 years ago
