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jQuery Fundamentals #76

Closed rrgayhart closed 8 years ago

rrgayhart commented 8 years ago

Respond in the comments of this issue with:

  1. What is something you learned that was particularly surprising/interesting?
  2. What was something you already knew?
  3. Was there anything you feel you still don't understand?

Feel free to ask any questions about jQuery fundamentals here as well.

thomschlereth commented 8 years ago

For the javascript basics chapter: I found the most interesting/useful part to be in the linked article about the differences between function declarations and function expressions and how they hoist differently. Even though the article argues in favor of function expressions, they seem more confusing to me and less straight forward. I can understand why you wouldn't want to use them in an if else with erratic behavior, but outside of that not so much. For the jquery basics chapter: First it helps to know that $ is just syntactic sugar. Makes it feel less scary, more similar to ruby almost. It's also nice to see different ways of selecting html, as i was pretty limited in my syntax before. I finished the article still confused as to why I want to find the innerhtml on a page if I cant manipulate it. Is it only to make verifications, or am I missing something else about it?

pindell-matt commented 8 years ago
  1. Event Bubbling and Event Delegation are wild, having the confidence in knowing your event handlers will work properly even after the contents of a given element changes is dope.
  2. I had already seen many of the traversal methods (at least once before for many of them)
  3. Animating seems like literal magic. Otherwise, I feel I have a tenuous grasp on the basics of jQuery, but will absolutely be referencing this walk-through repeatedly in the future.
s-espinosa commented 8 years ago

Learned: Hadn't thought about how assigning a function from an object would pull it out of the object scope, changing the variables available to it absent .call() or .apply(). Using .eq(some-num) to access an item on the DOM and still have JQuery methods available. .filter, .not, .has. Already Knew: Selecting things on the DOM with JQuery, Child/Parent relationships, etc. Don't Fully Understand: Adding to and subtracting from selections. Bubbling. Promises.

theonlyrao commented 8 years ago

Learned: The filter, not, has, and is methods are useful. Also the idea of an event object seems handy. Event bubbling seems like a very useful way to get rid of the need to listen to each object in the DOM individually. Already Knew: I knew most of the things from the intro to javascript chapter. At the same time this was the most in depth discussion of this that we've had. Still Don't Understand: I'm not sure what it means to be unbinding handlers. Also just need to see the jquery + ajax stuff in action, as with basically all of the other jquery things too. And "this".

ghost commented 8 years ago


patrickwhardy commented 8 years ago

Learned: Great examples that helped to clarify scope in JS. Jquery methods don't work on raw DOM elements. Using namespacing to scope changes. Effects are simpler than I expected.

Already Knew: Using css selectors and appending classes upon events. I do need practice with this and I liked the breakdown of events/strategies for altering css or content.

Still Don't Understand: Are statements that evaluate to 0/1 really the best way to test if you have correctly selected a Dom element? This seems very clunky! I don't quite get how to use bubbling for event delegation.

notmarkmiranda commented 8 years ago

Learned/Found interesting: All the different combinations of event handlers and the possibilities of what can be manipulated.

Already Knew: JQuery selectors and manipulation of classes/values. I've worked briefly with it in my personal project.

Still Don't Understand: General formatting of JavaScript is a difficult concept for me to wrap my head around. I'm trying to memorize a lot of different things and understand where parens are supposed to be used or not.

alirezaandersen commented 8 years ago

Learned/Found: Variables and Scopes in Javascript (when to make things global), Testing Selections

Already Knew: I used event delegation on previous projects before but was somewhat confused on how it properly worked, the section had great examples of event handlers and delegations. Definitely would love to learn more about the potential of this.

Still Don't Understand: General formatting of JavaScript is somewhat confusing. When to use this(based on the examples still not to sure), Bubbling and Events( would love to learn how to maximize it fully)

chadellison commented 8 years ago

Learned: I learned how to do animations in jQuery. They were a lot simpler than I thought. I also got a deeper understanding of JQuery objects and how to use them to manipulate the DOM.

Already Knew: I already knew a lot of the basic JQuery selectors and functions that were introduced. I did gain a deeper understanding of how they work. It was cool to see some of the variations with ajax.

Still Don't Understand: I don't feel like I understand callbacks very well or some of the functions introduced in the ajax section, i.e. "when", "Deferred", "then".

lingtran commented 8 years ago


jeneve commented 8 years ago

Learned: I learned you can chain functions with Jquery, and that, I think, you can get info about an event when it's triggered (this was a little vague)- that seems like it'll be super handy when making a game...

Already knew: Basic JQuery stuff like selectors and traversal, getting and setting, adding things and taking them away. Making ajax calls.

Still don't understand: Bubbling, generally controlling when things happen with asynchronicity.

kristindiannefoss commented 8 years ago


GKhalsa commented 8 years ago

Learned: hmm, a lot. During an event, you can get back the event object. The different ways of doing ajax. All the jquery traversing and manipulating.

Already knew: not much, basic javascript/basic jquery.

Still don't understand: I got really confused on ajax Deferreds

drew-t commented 8 years ago

Learned: Event delegation Already knew: DOM Manipulation and Traversing Don't Understand: Variety of ways to use AJAX Deffereds for requests

Claudia108 commented 8 years ago

Learned: use $ to test what selectors select, iteration and filter methods, copying elements, use of event object. Get a better sense of the vast possibilities of DOM manipulation via $ and how. Already knew/tried: Traversing and selectors, event handlers. Confused about: event bubbling, ajax deffereds, jqXHR and asynchronicity in general.

kamiboers commented 8 years ago

Learned: More about the weird and silent ways that JavaScript will fail. More ways to format and use jQuery, and how to control what is displayed if an element is not found. Already knew: Basic JavaScript. jQuery traversal and animation. Don't Understand: Need to practice with some of the appending methods, others like .toggle I've used in the past. I understand what AJAX is used for, but I don't know how to use it.

marinacor1 commented 8 years ago

Learned: This was really the first time I felt like I actually understood jQuery, so I learned the basic structure and how to use it.

Already knew: I already knew that jQuery was a JavaScript library.

Don't Understand: Even though I don't understand fully AJAX, I've used it in the past and plan to continue using it.

Jbern16 commented 8 years ago


The concept of bubbling was something I found very interesting. This seems like it can cause some bugs in your project without keeping it in mind while creating a page heavy on events


I did already feel confident with AJAX and click events. We utilized them in our personal project. We definitely uncovered how difficult they can be to test though!


The concept of deferrends. When are they used,? Are there situations where we need to use them? I am interesting in learning more about the uses of this type of object.

jwashke commented 8 years ago

Event Bubbling and event delegations, much cleaner way to attach event listeners to dynamically created objects, instead of creating a new listener whenever you instantiate a new object.


AJAX, used it a lot on my personal project last module.


Asynchronous actions, I understand it, but i still far too frequently spend 30 min trying to figure out what my bug is and realizing its because the code doesn't stop for AJAX.