turingschool-examples / intermission-assignments

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Mary Rose Cook #8

Closed EmilyMB closed 9 years ago

EmilyMB commented 9 years ago

Discuss Mary Rose Cook's live coding here!

EmilyMB commented 9 years ago

I thought this was kind of cute, but I kept thinking, "Where are the tests????". But, good job for her to be brave enough to live code a game in front of a roomful of people.

KristaANelson commented 9 years ago

My biggest pet peeve about live coding is there is never any tests!! The process flow for me is so important and i would rather see less with tests or sit through a longer talk.

bmrsny commented 9 years ago

I felt pretty lost. I think I get the overall picture, but she codes pretty quick. May need to take a second look at this after practicing more JavaScript. I also would have liked to see tests, may have helped me see the architecture of the program.

DSynergy commented 9 years ago


I understood the basic concepts as she talked through them, but all the moving pieces and math were a bit much

Cool to see it can be done though