turingschool-projects / lookingForFrontEnd

A job search app built with React
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Use React-Bootstrap and clean up dependencies #78

Open saylerb opened 8 years ago

saylerb commented 8 years ago


This comment by Regis mentioned that a re-implementation of Bootstrap components for React is currently under development.

EDIT: I checked again and it looks like we are already using React-Bootstrap. We should update the version and remove redundant dependencies in the index.js linking to CDNs.

This could allow us to completely remove jQuery from the project, which could be good for performance reasons.

Cleaning up dependencies

Additionally we should think about how we can clean up some of the additional dependencies that are linked to CDNs in the index.html. It's redudent to have these dependencies both install on the server as node_modules bundled with webpack, and also load them from CDNs every time the app is served.