[ ] Bring kickoff 'lesson' page over to the SE curriculum
[ ] Add link to calendar kickoff
[ ] Add a clear note in the kickoff that the methods they'll need to focus on for their assessment prep are: forEach, map, filter, reduce, and sort. Plus includes, join and split.
SE2 students will use the existing JS Fun repo to do their daily skills practice as preparation for midmods and final assessments.
SE2 students should focus on 'mastering' forEach, map, filter, reduce, and sort. And includes, join and split.
This lesson page is used for the JS Fun kickoff.
[ ] Bring kickoff 'lesson' page over to the SE curriculum
[ ] Add link to calendar kickoff
[ ] Add a clear note in the kickoff that the methods they'll need to focus on for their assessment prep are: forEach, map, filter, reduce, and sort. Plus includes, join and split.
[x] Made this new forked repo called jsFUNk
[x] Moved Extra Practice exercises into this repo
[x] Remove the scope sections of the JS fun repo to avoid confusion and overwhelm.
[x] Consider removing or separating out practice exercises that require object.keys to indicate they do NOT need that for M2 or the assessments
[x] Moved any problems needing Object.keys to the bottom and made it clear that method isn't needed for their assessment
[ ] We should add some more simple practice that uses includes() split() and join() since they will see those on their assessments