turingschool / front-end-curriculum

Turing Front-End Engineering Curriculum
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Updates to What's Cooking Part II #676

Closed wvmitchell closed 1 year ago

wvmitchell commented 1 year ago

Description of changes

Update the rubric to more closely align with the M1 style. Can you other already updated M2 projects as a guide for consistency.


  • Demonstrates efforts towards making functions pure when possible. Note: Purity is not possible for every function in a FE application. Strive for it only when it makes sense.
  • WOW option: Effectively implements one or more closure throughout project. Note: See Closures lesson on M2 lesson page as a resource.

Collaboration and Professionalism

  • See "Minimum Collaboration and Professionalism Expectations" above.
  • While this is not a scored rubric section, every team member is expected to fully participate, contribute, communicate and collaborate with the team throughout the entirety of this project. Failure to do so can result in an individual failing the project, even if the group/project is otherwise passing."
### Does the project demonstrate student understanding of the learning goals & concepts? Projects will answer that question, being marked as yes, not yet, and wow. Similarly, each section of the rubric (see below) will have yes/not yet/wow markings, helping you understand your progress and growth in specific areas. The overall project outcome (yes, not yet, wow) is determined by “averaging” each section’s outcome. You can think of a “yes” being worth a 1, a “not yet” being worth a 0, and a “wow” being worth a 2. For this project, an average of 0.5 is considered a yes - a passing project that demonstrates good student understanding! An average of 1+ is considered a wow. Anything below a 0.5 is considered a not yet - a project that indicates that the concepts have not been fully understood (see note in the section below).
hfaerber commented 1 year ago

PR ready for review here