turion / rhine

Haskell Functional Reactive Programming framework with type-level clocks
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rhine-terminal backend with haskell-terminal library and Repl like example #165

Closed jmatsushita closed 2 years ago

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

As per https://github.com/turion/rhine/issues/161 this is my attempt at using the haskell-terminal library with rhine and succeeding very moderately, as this works dreadfully slowly.

I've stacked the PR on top of my flake branch so it's easy to build and run this way:

nix build .#rhine-terminal

Running this should show a prompt, with a blinking . before a > and a terminal cursor after it. When pressing keys, they appear but after a long delay. This slow behavior exists both on aarch64 and x86. Let me know if you can reproduce :)

I haven't yet split out the Terminal related functionality into a module like FRP.Rhine.Gloss yet as we work through the performance problems!

turion commented 2 years ago

This slow behavior exists both on aarch64 and x86. Let me know if you can reproduce :)

I'll have a look :) no idea how I reproduce on aarch64 though.

turion commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/turion/rhine/runs/6568785125?check_suite_focus=true fails with error: overlay does not take an argument named 'final'. The nix version used is 2.8.1.

turion commented 2 years ago

Merge #164 first.

turion commented 2 years ago

I've given this a spin. No idea what it's supposed to do exactly.

turion commented 2 years ago

The issue you had was that your display component was on the MilliSecond 1000 clock. That means that display is only called every second. Which means it only collects one item do display every second. I changed it slightly so that the prompt beat is on the 1000 ms clock, and the key display is on the terminal clock. Now everything works like a charm it seems.

turion commented 2 years ago

Ironically, this is exactly the kind of bug rhine is supposed to resolve :laughing: (but at least it was clear to see and reason about)

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Ironically, this is exactly the kind of bug rhine is supposed to resolve πŸ˜† (but at least it was clear to see and reason about)

Ha ha ha, well I suspected the bug was in my mis-use of rhine :) Looking forward to dig into this. Super grateful for being unblocked πŸ™

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Hi @turion ,

So I got started on the todo list:

  • [x] Add rhine-terminal to cabal.project and stack.yaml.

I've added rhine-terminal to the flake.nix. If you want we can change the cabal.project file to list the packages explicitly. For stack.yaml it might make more sense to have https://github.com/turion/rhine/pull/166 merged beforehand?

  • [x] Factor out the terminal clock to a library.
  • [x] Keep the executable as an example application.

I've made good progress I think and followed the rhine-gloss approach to try and avoid threading term throughout using a ReaderT, but I got myself into another corner and the app is not running anymore :/ When starting it, nothing happens... Would appreciate your eyes on this.

  • [ ] If you're motivated add an integration test that produces some characters on stdout.

Happy to try when the example works!

Some questions about ways to compose rhines and signal networks

With regards to your fix and my misunderstanding, I see that you refactored the Rhines such that they are composed with "Time-parallel signal composition", using ||@ terminalConcurrently @||. I've tried to represent this here:


However this leaves me wondering whether it's possible to fix the problem while keeping the original intent composing sensors and actuators like so:


Should there be a way to compose Rhines :

compRhines :: Rhine m cl a b -> Rhine m cl b c -> Rhine m cl a c

I understand from the paper that Rhines and Signal Networks don't form categories in general, but it seems that when clocks have the same values (or maybe the same tree structure?) it should be possible to compose Rhine end to end like that?

Another way to ask the same question I suppose is: is there currently a way to consume a Rhine m (ParallelClock m clL clR) a (Either b c) ?

I've committed the application code with the refactor and added the compRhines shenannigans at the bottom, hoping there's a solution down that path too.

turion commented 2 years ago
  • [x] Add rhine-terminal to cabal.project and stack.yaml.

I've added rhine-terminal to the flake.nix.


If you want we can change the cabal.project file to list the packages explicitly.

No, the fewer places where we need to list things, the better.

For stack.yaml it might make more sense to have #166 merged beforehand?

Yes, but that's not blocking.

  • [x] Factor out the terminal clock to a library.
  • [x] Keep the executable as an example application.

I've made good progress I think and followed the rhine-gloss approach to try and avoid threading term throughout using a ReaderT, but I got myself into another corner and the app is not running anymore :/ When starting it, nothing happens... Would appreciate your eyes on this.

I believe it's your MonadInput etc. instances which are basically infinite loops as far as I understand.

  • [ ] If you're motivated add an integration test that produces some characters on stdout.

Happy to try when the example works!


Some questions about ways to compose rhines and signal networks

With regards to your fix and my misunderstanding, I see that you refactored the Rhines such that they are composed with "Time-parallel signal composition", using ||@ terminalConcurrently @||. I've tried to represent this here:


However this leaves me wondering whether it's possible to fix the problem while keeping the original intent composing sensors and actuators like so:


Awesome graphics :) yes, this is also how I'd look at them I think.

Should there be a way to compose Rhines :

compRhines :: Rhine m cl a b -> Rhine m cl b c -> Rhine m cl a c

No, this doesn't work, for two reasons.

  1. Clocks in rhine have identity. These are called "clock values". A signal network doesn't contain a clock (although it requires a specific clock type), but a Rhine does. So you'd force the two clocks in these Rhines to be identical, although they can be different values of the same type. This would at most work with Monoid cl.
  2. Even then cl might be composed of several clocks, which means that b leaves the first Rhine at a different rate than it enters the second one. This cannot work without a buffer. At most it would work if cl ~ In cl ~ Out cl, i.e. if cl is atomic.

If we make both assumptions, we can write something like your compRhines.

Another way to ask the same question I suppose is: is there currently a way to consume a Rhine m (ParallelClock m clL clR) a (Either b c) ?

Huh, it seems you've hit a bullseye. It should morally be possible to precompose it with a BehaviourF m (Either b c) (). I was so sure that there is a function that does that, but it seems there isn't. Definitely a missing feature. We should open a new ticket for that.

You can definitely postcompose with a pure function: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rhine-0.7.1/docs/src/FRP.Rhine.SN.Combinators.html#%3E%3E%3E%5E It should be easy to generalise this to a Kleisli arrow a -> m b, in case you want to add a new simple combinator. But it's not so trivial to generalise to an MSF, I want to try that myself.

I've committed the application code with the refactor and added the compRhines shenannigans at the bottom, hoping there's a solution down that path too.

Not in general I believe.

turion commented 2 years ago

We cannot do MonadIO here. UnliftIO works in principle, but I don't think it's worth the dependency. I'm working on another solution to concurrency currently which removes the need for schedules, so we shouldn't put too much effort in that direction. -- Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-GerΓ€t mit K-9 Mail gesendet.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Ok I believe I made further progress, and the example does execute properly with the 2 approaches, but I'm sure I'm still not quite there yet:

The alternate approach with post-composing the ClSF works (ce10eca)! I'm wondering now if there's a way to make this construction more "symmetric". It seems arbitrary somehow that the Rhine is the sensor while the display is the ClSF, why not the other way around? I understand that the idea is that the Rhine has a clock value, so we make sure we can only compose I suppose "symmetry" could be "restored" if:

Looking forward to your always helpful and edifying comments!

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

I tried tests but I'm not sure what to do here:

void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ runTerminalT (flow $ testRhine t) t

If I don't forkIO then I get the error

rhine-terminal-tests: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

I have the feeling I shouldn't use flow here...

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

I've added a few more features to the example e212594, following the "alternate" approach made possible by the Rhine ClSF post-composition and refactoring the app with that style.

So good things are:

But on the negative side:

Hope you can take a look and advise πŸ™

turion commented 2 years ago

I think the main problem is that you're using a concurrently schedule for both SignalClock and InputClock. This can't work: It starts two listeners on each clock, and the GHC runtime decides randomly which will be activated with the next event. Meaning that sometimes the SignalClock will swallow the input and discard it.

Instead you need to use schedSelectClocks to schedule two SelectClocks. It will make sure that the main clock will only be started once, and all the events broadcast to each subsystem.

I also get this funny J popping up each time I press return, no idea where that is coming from.

turion commented 2 years ago

I took the liberty and added two commits to your branch fixing this.

turion commented 2 years ago

Either way, I'm still not convinced this is the best layout for the app. The point of Rhine is to split components up into the different clock regions, and by writing display we're mashing everything together again and need to multiplex with a case. This is only necessary if the different components need to share some state somehow, but this doesn't seem to be the case here.

turion commented 2 years ago

I tried tests but I'm not sure what to do here:

void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ runTerminalT (flow $ testRhine t) t

If I don't forkIO then I get the error

rhine-terminal-tests: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

I have the feeling I shouldn't use flow here...

No, this is fine. flow is blocking, so the test wouldn't be productive if you have flow in the main thread.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Instead you need to use schedSelectClocks to schedule two SelectClocks.

Awesome, I understand now! Maybe schedSelecClocks should have concurrently in its name given this pattern:

  ( ( input ++@ schedSelectClocks @++ signal )
            ++@ concurrently @++ prompt

I took the liberty and added two commits to your branch fixing this.

Thanks, glad you did!

I'm still not convinced this is the best layout for the app.

That's interesting. I think I'm using this style because indeed as you pointed, I'm envisioning something where state is shared between components and that's not reflected in the current example. Maybe for educational purposes it makes sense to have a simpler example where things are wired as you suggested, and another which has shared state? I've been wondering whether examples could go in the rhine-examples package, a TerminalSimple.hs example and a TerminalStateful.hs example could help to demonstrate different patterns?

This is only necessary if the different components need to share some state somehow

Is there a structure here where

beat >-> displayBeat ||@ concurrently @|| key >-> displayKey

can be "distributed" under some condition as

beat ++@ concurrently @++ key @>-^ (displayBeat ?? displayKey)

Where ?? is the case multiplexing (an || for consuming multiplexed sources). I think that's the essence of my diagram from before, and even though I agree in my example there's no reason to lay it out like that, I'm trying to make a mental model of how I can compose sources and sinks in that way (and it's also useful to know when I shouldn't or cannot).

Also in your refactor, you "pushed down" the runTerminalT from the top level, to inside display. It makes me see a pattern, and I wonder if it makes sense to see things this way. we have a runTerminalT inside the TerminalEventClock, therefore in both SelectClock that are made from it, and "in" the 2 sources which depend on terminal effects. Then on the other side, in the display sink which also depends on terminal effects.

I'm wondering:

No, this is fine. flow is blocking, so the test wouldn't be productive if you have flow in the main thread.

Ok, sorry but I'm still not sure how to make the tests work, any other hints that could help make these tests pass?

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Also, I'm happy that we try to converge towards a simple example in order to merge and discuss other topics in another PR or even outside this repo if you'd prefer. Just let me know :)

turion commented 2 years ago

I'm still not convinced this is the best layout for the app.

That's interesting. I think I'm using this style because indeed as you pointed, I'm envisioning something where state is shared between components and that's not reflected in the current example.

Ah, yes then you're on the right track!

Maybe for educational purposes it makes sense to have a simpler example where things are wired as you suggested, and another which has shared state? I've been wondering whether examples could go in the rhine-examples package, a TerminalSimple.hs example and a TerminalStateful.hs example could help to demonstrate different patterns?

That's a very good idea. TerminalSimple.hs could be the example application inside rhine-terminal, and a bigger example (potentially using also, say, the gloss backend or some other clocks) could reside in rhine-examples. It's also possible to put two example applications in rhine-terminal, if they only use the terminal.

Also, I'm happy that we try to converge towards a simple example in order to merge and discuss other topics in another PR or even outside this repo if you'd prefer. Just let me know :)

Yes, that would be great. How about putting the simple example in this PR so we are sure that the library works, and a more elaborate one in a second PR?

Also, before that second PR I might merge #171 which will simplify the schedule story, which might also simplify the bigger second example application.

This is only necessary if the different components need to share some state somehow

Is there a structure here where

beat >-> displayBeat ||@ concurrently @|| key >-> displayKey

can be "distributed" under some condition as

beat ++@ concurrently @++ key @>-^ (displayBeat ?? displayKey)

Where ?? is the case multiplexing (an || for consuming multiplexed sources). I think that's the essence of my diagram from before, and even though I agree in my example there's no reason to lay it out like that, I'm trying to make a mental model of how I can compose sources and sinks in that way (and it's also useful to know when I shouldn't or cannot).

I think that should be (+++) or (|||) from ArrowChoice. (ClSFs are Arrows.) If you like arrow notation, you can also do something like:

displayBeatOrKey = proc input do
  advanceJointState -< input
  case input of
    Left beat -> displayBeat -< beat
    Right key -> displayKey -< key

Also in your refactor, you "pushed down" the runTerminalT from the top level, to inside display. It makes me see a pattern, and I wonder if it makes sense to see things this way. we have a runTerminalT inside the TerminalEventClock, therefore in both SelectClock that are made from it, and "in" the 2 sources which depend on terminal effects. Then on the other side, in the display sink which also depends on terminal effects.

I'm wondering:

* Is that why BeatClock lost its `LiftClock IO AppT`, as now all sources run in `IO` because we pushed `runTerminalT` down?

Yes. This makes the type signatures simpler for now.

* Does this mean `terminalConcurrently` is actually not needed anymore? Or should we keep it to allow arranging the monad transformer stack differently?

Yes, it should not be needed. (And after #171 it will not be needed at all.)

* Could this be done in an extensible effect kind of way? Where we'd declare the effects of a part of the clock regions, and "consume" them elsewhere, to keep track of them? I suppose I'd like to see more clearly in the types that the effects of `beat` are different than the effects of `key`, but maybe that doesn't make sense :)

Yes, that's a good way to do this. Ideally the clock instances are all of the form

instance MonadFoo m => Clock m FooClock where
  initClock = foo ...

Then we never need to specify m exactly while we compose Rhines (thus avoiding LiftClock etc.). Then at the end after we do eraseClock or flow (and thus leave the clock types), we can handle the effects by instantiating with a particular monad or transformer, and running it.

An example for that approach might be https://github.com/turion/rhine/pull/171/files#diff-aff02ce436bc3b78434667d310d71ec7b7da917c52512daa8e055831346673e1, but there I use eraseClock instead of flow, which may be confusing.

No, this is fine. flow is blocking, so the test wouldn't be productive if you have flow in the main thread.

Ok, sorry but I'm still not sure how to make the tests work, any other hints that could help make these tests pass?

Ah sorry, I wasn't aware that they're failing. I'll look into it now.

turion commented 2 years ago

I believe the reason the test is failing is because the virtual terminal doesn't emit events when executing the PutText command.

I think you'd need to do something else instead. Probably starting flow rhineTerminal in a thread and then maybe use hPut or so to simulate input? I haven't tried this, maybe it is necessary to instead start a process with hackage.haskell.org/package/process that produces input.

If testing is too complicated, let's put it in another PR. As you might have noticed, there are no tests for the other packages either, for similar reasons.

turion commented 2 years ago

As a simple alternative, we can emulate the key event with a TQueue. Example commit attached. I think this is the best option for now since it works and is simple.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Hi @turion

Yes, that would be great. How about putting the simple example in this PR so we are sure that the library works, and a more elaborate one in a second PR?

I kept the more involved example out of this PR as you suggested, and kept a version that's closer in spirit to the fixes you had initially made to my original code. I've submitted the other example in its current state as a draft PR and will continue building onto it, hopefully with your help.

Also, before that second PR I might merge https://github.com/turion/rhine/pull/171 which will simplify the schedule story, which might also simplify the bigger second example application.

Such a great simplification! I looked at monad-schedule and feel like it's a really promising abstraction! Looking forward to give it a spin :)

I think that should be (+++) or (|||) from ArrowChoice.

That's a good suggestion, I'll play with Arrow notation in the second example.

Ideally the clock instances are all of the form

instance MonadFoo m => Clock m FooClock where initClock = foo ...

Yeah I'd like to revisit this, as it feels that we should be able to use the MonadTerminal constraint here.

As a simple alternative, we can emulate the key event with a TQueue. Example commit attached. I think this is the best option for now since it works and is simple.

That's really great πŸ‘ Thanks a ton.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

I believe these are now all completed:

UPDATE: Will just make sure the CI passes UPDATE2: Funny that stack is giving me trouble... It was not so long ago that cabal was hell, but seems like the mantle was passed πŸ˜“

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Oh I just realised there is a loose end still:

the semigroup instance for TerminalEventClock seems wrong. But how can we write one?

instance Terminal t => Semigroup (TerminalEventClock t) where
  t <> _ = t

What does it mean and can we do better?

turion commented 2 years ago

Oh I just realised there is a loose end still:

the semigroup instance for TerminalEventClock seems wrong. But how can we write one?

instance Terminal t => Semigroup (TerminalEventClock t) where
  t <> _ = t

What does it mean and can we do better?

The reason for that is https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rhine- which needs a Semigroup instance to schedule the clocks. This requirement will go away with #171.

We want to combine two terminals into one somehow, so if we have two SelectClock (TerminalEventClock t), we could make a single terminal that emits all the events for the subclocks to select from. But that doesn't make much sense, especially not if we don't know the type of t.

For me this seems to be a further hint that we actually want the ReaderT pattern in https://github.com/turion/rhine/pull/165#pullrequestreview-1026834756. (Sorry that I initially suggested otherwise, but I didn't understand terminal well enough.)

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

I'm still not entirely sure whether the Terminal value should reside in the clock, or in a Reader monad.

Yes that makes sense. In fact I tried to go the Reader route earlier but got stuck because TerminalT although a newtype over ReaderT doesn't export its constructor nor has a MonadReader instance... Unless I'm mistaken, we can't work around this, so I'll submit a PR and we can depend on a fork for now.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken, we can't work around this, so I'll submit a PR and we can depend on a fork for now.

I was mistaken. I could write the instance without needing the TerminalT constructor.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Unless I'm mistaken, we can't work around this, so I'll submit a PR and we can depend on a fork for now.

I was mistaken. I could write the instance without needing the TerminalT constructor.

I'm stuck again.

I can't use:

mainRhine = inputRhine ||@ concurrently @|| promptRhine
β€’ Couldn't match type β€˜IO’ with β€˜TerminalT LocalTerminal IO’
  Expected: Schedule App InputClock PromptClock
    Actual: Schedule IO InputClock PromptClock

So it seems I need a terminalConcurrently but I'm stuck as I want to try avoiding importing the TerminalT constructor to be able to ask for the Terminal t value inside the TerminalT (ReaderT t m a).

But then I don't know how to write terminalConcurrently without it.

Also I think this is unrelated, but just wanted to check that instead of using a concrete TerminalT t m (here still IO) I should also probably use a MonadTerminal m constraint in flowTerminal.

turion commented 2 years ago

This is a tough one. I guess either opening an upstream PR making the constructor available and using a fork until then, or using unsafeCoerce to replace the constructor (not sure this works though).

turion commented 2 years ago

Note: The problem doesn't go away after #171 because there we also need to construct a TerminalT.

turion commented 2 years ago

I tried the unsafeCoerce version. It's ugly, but I don't know whether you'd be willing to maintain a fork otherwise. EDIT: But it works in fact!

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

Ok I believe I've addressed all your comments.

jmatsushita commented 2 years ago

I hope you'll bear with my meticulous review style πŸ˜… I can find a lot of small details if I go looking.

Not at all! Thanks for your patience, I didn't have tons of time in the past couple of weeks :) I think I've addressed all your comments. Feel free to request more changes if you catch anything πŸ‘