turkishviking / Python-Robocode

A Fork of Robocode for python programming
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Game balance #2

Open jc1bert opened 10 years ago

jc1bert commented 10 years ago


I plan on using this game with my students learning Python. At this time, a fire(n) has the following effects on health:

I find these rules a bit imbalanced since they greatly favour defensive bots over aggressive bots (and runner bots over sniper bots). For exemple when shooting 3 bullets for only 1 hit:

I've already made the following changes. When fire(n) is used:

How about making this gameplay change in the github code?

turkishviking commented 10 years ago


I'm glad to know that you use my code, I have made this just for fun (I wanted to work on AI with multi-level brain), I am curious to know what you think about it.

Yes, you are right, it is a little imbalanced, give me your modification and I will update this code.

What kind of student have you ? I fill fulfilled, I have learnt programming by myself. Tell me a little about you, I will be happy to meet and help you!

Regards, Charlie

jc1bert commented 10 years ago

Hi Charlie,

I'm glad to know that you use my code, I have made this just for fun (I

wanted to work on AI with multi-level brain)

I'm really glad to have found a working python version of Robocode. Since my students are at the early stages of computer science, we will only program simple bots (wall crawlers, turrets, ...).

Yes, you are right, it is a little imbalanced, give me your modification and I will update this code.

These are 2 minor modifications in robot.py, in the bulletRebound method: line 504: self.changeHealth(self, -3_bullet.power) line 507: self.__changeHealth(bullet.robot, 2_bullet.power)

What kind of student have y am curious to know what you think about it.ou ? I fill fulfilled, I have learnt programming by myself.

I'm teaching physics in the equivalent of 1st year college in France (in classes préparatoireshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classe_pr%C3%A9paratoire_auxgrandes%C3%A9coles#Scientific_CPGEto be more precise). Computer programming was introduced in our programs this year, and I had to learn Python last summer (my last programming experience was in C/C++ 10 years ago)...

I'm therefore not the most qualified to review your code (but the fact that it's cleanly written with self explanatory functions' name is really helpful).

We are using Python but the requirements are really simple (and almost language independant): while and for loops, if statements, creation and use of lists for the first year; recursive functions, trees for second year.

I've already written a small manual for my students. It's in French but I can translate it in English to be included in the program.

Our first games will take place next saturday. I'll have then have many simple bots that could also be included in your game.

Regards, Jean-Christophe

turkishviking commented 10 years ago

Hi Bobyl,

I'm French and have taught in engineering school too ^^ (multidisciplinary - innovative design) if you give me your mail I 'll can help you for understanding the game physics, and improve it with your collaboration. If you are interested we can work on AI with your students (and make a tournament ?) , it is not very much more complicated than the programming bases

Regards, Charlie

PS: Update Done

jc1bert commented 10 years ago

Hi Charlie,

if you give me your mail I 'll can help you for understanding the game physics, and improve it with your collaboration.


I'd be happy to contribute, either with doc, new bots or new methods to broaden the strategy possibilities.

PS: Update Done


Regards, Jean-Christophe

minac commented 3 years ago

Hi! Cool project. Maybe this issue can be closed now?