turkopticon / turkopticon-rails-app

The Rails application for Turkopticon
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add "discloses survey content" to flag reasons #64

Open kimadagem opened 7 years ago

kimadagem commented 7 years ago

There is a choice for "discloses screener" but considering that most researchers don't want their content revealed I think this should be there too (or maybe change the wording of that option to "discloses screener/survey content").

toutils commented 7 years ago

Survey content has always been allowed.


"The determination was made at that time that the only study details that COULD NOT be disclosed are screening, completion code and AC details."

kimadagem commented 7 years ago

I remember that discussion, because it was about a flag I did. I didn't follow the rest of the discussion after my explanation but now that I see where it went I think it needs to be discussed again. It's not really an issue for this site (GitHub) though so I'll bring it up again there.

toutils commented 7 years ago

The problem with banning all survey content is it's way too broad. Undisclosed gore is survey content. Bonus's are survey content, TOS violations or other sketchiness is survey content, it seems like the pro's and cons of this were discussed pretty well here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/turkopticon-discuss/Ij6HKfCZU-Y

this comment seems to sum it up pretty well "from the front page of TO: Turkopticon lets you REPORT and AVOID shady employers. Turkopticon's charter is not to protect research at the expense of workers. It is to protect workers against unscrupulous requesters, even if they claim the sanction of "research."

kimadagem commented 7 years ago

I know, I checked out both threads before posting the new one on the forum.