Closed XiaochenCui closed 5 years ago
The machine version is ubuntu 14.04, does it matters?
And I think run docker in docker is the worst idea I have seen. Since it's maddeningly and confusing. It'e better to keep it simple, stupid.
Additionally, It doesn't work in my machine.
What version of the book do you have? The example no longer uses Docker-in-Docker. We now mount the Docker socket. The script exists for folks who have older versions of the book.
Hello, I have problem in the build of jenkins. It seems the volume can't be correclty mounted :
jenkins@a4573d45b70a:~/jobs/Docker_test_job/workspace$ ls
Dockerfile Gemfile Gemfile.lock LICENSE Rakefile centos debian plop.txt spec ubuntu
jenkins@a4573d45b70a:~/jobs/Docker_test_job/workspace$ sudo docker run -ti -v /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Docker_test_job/workspace/..:/opt/project/ 884b032f6f19 /bin/bash
root@8a8fb13b03ed:/# cd /opt/project/workspace/
root@8a8fb13b03ed:/opt/project/workspace# ls -l
total 0
I'm on OSX 10.12.6 docker Docker version 17.06.0-ce, build 02c1d87
Can you help me on this ? Thanks in advance!
Same problem on Windows 10 using Docker Toolbox with Virtualbox, book version v17.12.0-ce.
directory is created during mounting but is empty, build fails on rake spec
Any help would be much appreciated!
Finally found the root of the problem - maybe this helps someone else stuck on chapter 5.
If you're using Windows with Docker Toolbox and use Virtualbox shared folders to mount your host directories inside the docker-machine VM to enable mounting them as volumes to your containers, then this will work:
Let's assume that instead of this step from the book:
$ sudo mkdir -p /var/jenkins_home
$ cd /var/jenkins_home
$ sudo chown -R 1000 /var/jenkins_home
We mount a host-directory from Windows to our docker machine like this:
$ vboxmanage sharedfolder add default --name "/docker_project" --hostpath "C:\work\docker" --automount
Create the jenkins image:
$ sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /docker_project/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name jenkins jamtur01/jenkins
If we try to create the container for testing the build from the jenkins container like shown in the book:
CONTAINER=$(sudo docker run -d -v $MNT:/opt/project/ $IMAGE /bin/
bash -c 'cd /opt/project/workspace; rake spec')
The $MNT will point to a path inside the jenkins container, not the docker-machine VM. If we use a path from the docker-machine VM filesystem - the mount will work.
CONTAINER=$(sudo docker run -d -v /docker_project/jenkins/jobs/Docker_test_job/workspace:/opt/project/workspace $IMAGE /bin/
bash -c 'cd /opt/project/workspace; rake spec')
Error building project by jenkins in 5.3:
Jenkins Console output:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
First, I copy the code of Dockerfile and from github. Then using docker command to build Jenkins(following The Docker Book). Finally I try to build my first job in Jenkins(following The Docker Book).
But I building failure in Jenkins, what's wrong with my steps?
My system version: MacOS 10.14.5 Dock Version: 18.09.2, build 6247962
Error in jenkins in section 5.3: Console output
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
after runsudo docker build .
ordocker build .
The script seems useless now as there is none entrypoint in Dockerfile.Actually I don't understand how you get success in the screenshot in the book.