turnerjohnson / drifter-notebook

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Material list and budgeting #4

Open turnerjohnson opened 3 years ago

turnerjohnson commented 3 years ago

building CT

turnerjohnson commented 2 years ago

materials list and budgeting updated here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Sf8VYnh38DNBqS98BDWpSyeMmTH4uwnkeb-Lm2WQ3OQ/edit?usp=sharing

turnerjohnson commented 2 years ago

7/2 supplies from Grover's Hardware

IMG_3064E1A9C132-1 IMG_D8ED5541B464-1

turnerjohnson commented 2 years ago

7/14 Deliveries: Adafruit, Amazon, Atlas

IMG_0155 IMG_0156

turnerjohnson commented 2 years ago

7/27 Adafruit delivery


turnerjohnson commented 2 years ago

8/5 True Value
