turnermm / epub

Dokuwiki plugin for creating ebooks
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I click the start-button --- and nothing happens #20

Open sophiaphillyqueen opened 9 years ago

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

I create an E-book creator page --- I see the "start" button and everything.

But when I click the "start" button ----- nothing happens. Absolutely nothing at all. What is wrong and how can I fix it?

turnermm commented 9 years ago

It could be a permissions problem or a caching problem or a conflict with another plugin. The first thing to try is to enter some text anywhere on the page. This will help if it is a caching problem. If it is a plugin conflict, the only way to determine this is to disable all the other plugins and create a test ebook. If it works, then enable each of your other plugins one at a time, until you come to the plugin which conflicts with it.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

The only other plugins on the entire wiki are the ones that come with DokuWiki ---- none others besides it.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

What about: `The first thing to try is to enter some text anywhere on the page.?

turnermm commented 9 years ago

Also, what browser are you using? And does it happen if you try another browser? What Operating system do you use for your desktop and which for your web server? And which web server? Have you tried clearing your browser's cache and the dokuwiki cache?

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

Oh --- about the entering text anywhere on the page ---- I tried that --- more than once ---- to no effect.

What browser am I using? So far I have been using Safari. I will try Firefox --- and get back with you on the results. Oh ---- should I also try Chrome if Firefox doesn't work? (Those are the three browsers I have installed.)

So if you think that Safari might be at fault ---- I will try the other two browsers and see if it makes a difference.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

I just tried Safari on a macbookPro with Snow Leopard. I was able to create an ebook both from a site on a Centos server and from the macbook's own web server. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try other browsers. Snow Leopard is 6 years old and Safari may have changes that affect creating an ebook.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

You can also check the error logs if possible to see if any errors are showing up. If your server uses apache, and if you have access to httpd.conf, that will tell you where the apache log is. This log file will probably also show any PHP errors and warnings, which will be marked as PHP.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

Well ---- there definitely is no error log.

Honestly ---- it really really seems as though the problem is with how the browser is processing the HTML sent by the server ---- as though the button is effectively inactive. No error messages detected on the server end at all.

The thing is ----- the button is showing up ----- so why is it inactive?

turnermm commented 9 years ago

Does your web site have an external url or is it local and housed on your mac? If it's locally on your mac you should find the error log in /private/var/log/apache2. If it's being hosted, you can ask your hosting service if you can access your error logs. If it's external, perhaps you could give me the url. Also, is it inactive or disabled? Inactive: you click, the button responds like a normal button, it depresses, but nothing happens. Disabled: you click but the button doesn't depress.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

I have elsewhere on the same account on the same server (for this purpose) created a temporary PHP file designed specifically to guarantee an error --- so that I would know where an error log would be if it exists. When I tried it, the file "error_log" was created in the same directory as the PHP script in question.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

Continued from my previous post (which was submitted prematurely to the thread --- before I finished what I was saying) ---- When I created a script elsewhere on the same server in the same account that was guaranteed to produce an error, the file "error_log" was created in the same directory as that PHP script. ---- Based on this information, I looked for a file called "error_log" in the directory of the script that would have produced an error if there was one --- but there was no such file there.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

It would help to have more information. Some of the things that might be helpful are:

From what you say about the error log, I assume it's a shared hosting service. But if error logs are being written to the directory where the script originates, then you most likely wouldn't find it in the plugin directory, if that's where you looked (but you don't say).

And you don't say if you've tried firefox and chrome, although you indicated that you would.

Put this at the top of doku.php, under the license statement.

ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set("error_log", "/path-to/php-error.log");
error_log( "Hello, errors!" );

If there are php errors they should be written to the specified log. The log must be writable by the web server. You should find the log with "Hello, errors" written to it. If you don't find it, you've misconfigured the log path or the permissions. To test whether the error is with Javascript, open safari's developer->console. Better yet, use FireFox's Firebug.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

The machine that the browser is usually running on is indeed OSX -- Mavericks to be specific. Key word "usually" though. I believe I have also tried it on my Android tablet, and gotten the same unfavorable result.

The main page of the wiki is here: http://cthiabook.com/wiki/doku.php?id=start

If you want to look at the page in question, the link is here: http://cthiabook.com/wiki/doku.php?id=epub:main_offline_edition

The version of DokuWiki is: 2014-09-29b "Hrun"

I am not sure how to find the version of PHP --- but maybe you can find it on this page: http://cthiabook.com/info.php

The hosting service is http://hostmonster.com

And I will add the code you said to doku.php and see if it makes a difference.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

After adding the error-logging code --- here is what the error log looks like:

[11-Feb-2015 15:13:40 America/Denver] Hello, errors!
[11-Feb-2015 15:14:06 America/Denver] Hello, errors!
[11-Feb-2015 15:14:39 America/Denver] Hello, errors!
[11-Feb-2015 15:14:39 America/Denver] Hello, errors!
turnermm commented 9 years ago

On checking your page, I found an error in the HTML being output by the plugin. It doesn't seem to be of any importance but you can never tell. So re-install using the latest version, which is now here on github.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

I don't see anything in the hosting company's policies that should make a difference. Have you tried Chrome and FireFox?

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

Can I update it through DokuWiki's extention manager? (That's how I installed it the first time.)

turnermm commented 9 years ago

On 2/11/2015 6:53 PM, Sophia Elizabeth Shapira wrote:

Can I update it through DokuWiki's extention manager? (That's how I installed it the first time.)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/turnermm/epub/issues/20#issuecomment-73997567.

Yes. It should say that it is updatable but if not just click on re-install.

Myron Turner http://mturner.org/ https://github.com/turnermm

turnermm commented 9 years ago

I've written a script which can create ebooks from outside of the wiki. You place the script in the epub directory and link to it from the browser's location bar. Let me know if you are interested.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

Yes --- I am interested in the script.

As for updating --- attempting to update was un-successful. The browser said it was a success -- but the version remained the old one. Even installing and uninstalling did not work.

Apparently the following file needs to be updated too: https://github.com/turnermm/epub/archive/master.zip

But yes ---- if you know another way to create the ebook, I am interested.

sophiaphillyqueen commented 9 years ago

I uninstalled and re-installed ----- and the system still told me that the version I had installed wasn't the latest version.

turnermm commented 9 years ago

There was a typo in the info file, but you still do have the current version. For the script, go to: http://mturner.org/devel/doku.php?id=devel:epub I wrote this script with you in mind. But in fact no one has ever reported the kind of error you encountered, which is why it would still be helpful if you tried the plugin using Chrome and FireFox. It sounds to me like a javascript error.