turnitin / moodle-plagiarism_turnitin

Turnitin Plagiarism plugin for Moodle
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Feedback studio overwrites custom grade scale in Moodle #604

Open sharpchi opened 2 years ago

sharpchi commented 2 years ago

In our institution we don't use 100/100 grade scale, but we do use Feedback Studio for feedback. We tell the instructors to not enter a grade in Feedback Studio, but they do sometimes, and this overwrites what they have already entered in Moodle. Our grade scale is a letter scale A1,A2,A3,A4,B1,B2 etc, but they have the values 1-18 in Moodle's grade selector.


These are three test scenarios where the grades are overwritten incorrectly:

Grade in GradeMark

  1. Grade assignment B1
  2. Open GradeMark
  3. Grade assignment 70
  4. Close GradeMark
  5. Wait for browser to refresh, or manual refresh
  6. Grade should read B1 (Grade is deleted)

Remove grade in GradeMark

  1. Ensure assignment has grade 70 in Grademark
  2. Close GradeMark
  3. Wait for browser to refresh, or manual refresh
  4. Enter grade B1 in Moodle
  5. Open GradeMark
  6. Remove grade (i.e. --)
  7. Close GradeMark
  8. Wait for browser to refresh, or manual refresh
  9. Grade should remain B1 (Grade is deleted in version < 2021091501)

Grade assignment in GradeMark with a score of 10

  1. Grade assignment in Moodle B1
  2. Open GradeMark
  3. Grade assignment 10
  4. Close GradeMark
  5. Wait for Browser to refresh, or manual refresh
  6. Grade should read B1 (it will be C2)

So, the plugin makes no adjustment for the grade-scale being used in Moodle, and this is our problem.

I'm going to work on our own solution, which is probably going to allow the Moodle admin to prevent the grade from TII being updated in Moodle (and allow the Instructor to overrule). So I'll probably do a pull request.

dwinn commented 2 years ago

Hi @sharpchi ,

Thank you for reporting this. I have made a ticket on our end to get this sorted. Thank you for the pull request as well. I am thinking that it may be better to make the grades save correctly when using a scale and grading in FBS, but if this is not possible then your solution is a good work around.