turnitin / moodle-plagiarism_turnitin

Turnitin Plagiarism plugin for Moodle
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Rubric manager modal's content cropped #609

Open susyzan opened 2 years ago

susyzan commented 2 years ago

The Rubric Manager table's content is cropped and there isn't a scrollbar that can be used to reveal the overflowing content making it inaccessible. The issue seems to be caused by the content within the iframe (.sc-view.rubric-manager.rubric-manager-panel.showing-grading-form.sc-gray-border) which has a min-width of 800px no matter the size of the screen or outer modal. In addition to this, the .tii_pp_modal_rubric_content, has a width forced to 1032px!important when it should just take up the space available in the container.

Other modals, for example the Quick Manager, are displaying correctly within the same theme, it would be good if the Rubric Manager was also behaving the same way.




kinnectus commented 1 year ago

We, too, are experiencing the same.

I've found that by removing min-width: 800px; from the line you have found it forces the content to the confines of the modal container.

It's also odd that the .tii_pp_modal_rubric_content div has a negative margin to pull it to the left. By removing the following styles the content becomes fluid to the size of the modal as displayed by Moodle. I understand there might be display reasons to enforce a specific size, however modern screen sizes and the typical use being laptops and desktop computers should allow for a bigger modal to fit the content properly.

.tii_pp_modal_rubric_content {
  width: 1032px !important;
  left: -116px;