turnitin / moodle-plagiarism_turnitin

Turnitin Plagiarism plugin for Moodle
45 stars 65 forks source link

Check for plagiarism on assignments you previously didn’t enable it for #649

Open welwerin opened 1 year ago

welwerin commented 1 year ago

Dear developers - this feature is existing in the other "Turnitinsim" plugin, but still missing from this one - it is a regular problem for instructors when they try to enable Turnitin after students submissions - and the files are not sent to Turnitin.

Could you please update this plugin with the same functionality as well? https://github.com/turnitin/moodle-plagiarism_turnitinsim/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md#check-for-plagiarism-on-assignments-you-previously-didnt-enable-it-for
