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Iso freezing on boot on QEMU/KVM #1526

Open kmw opened 3 years ago

kmw commented 3 years ago

Using Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Machine Manager v1.5.1 I have tried booting two different 16.x iso files. One is moodle and the other is avideo.

They both freeze at the attached screenshot turnkeylinux-frozen-iso-boot-Screenshot_2020-10-21_12-56-27

An associate is having the same issue. But since i do not see any other tracker messages on this I figure it's something particular to our versions and or configuration of kvm

note: the moodle 16.x vmdk works fine. it shows the same screen (attached) it pauses for a moment and then continues. when booting with the iso it does not continue. Also the moodle 15.3 v iso, works fine but the moodle 16.x iso does not boot beyond the attached screen

qq7 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that happening when booting an ISO with KVM. ISOs boot fine with VirtualBox though and I recall that I've managed to get around it in KVM with some sort of virtual disk configuration but I can't recall anymore what it was exactly

qq7 commented 3 years ago

Another error I am facing: 2020-10-22-172938_1366x768_scrot

JedMeister commented 3 years ago

Hmm, thanks guys...

I have been unable to recreate it on (Debian Stretch based system) KVM - qemu-kvm=3.0.1?! Perhaps I need to test with a newer version? (I note that Buster has v3.1).

@qq7 - You note that the screenshot is "another error", yet the graphics look the same, as OP's?! It may be coincidental and that is a separate issue (not able to load vesa drivers; or loading the wrong ones or something...).

I was going to suggest that perhaps it's an issue with the fact that our v16.x ISO do not support UEFI, but the v15.x ones don't either... So that seems unlikely.

I also know that VMware Vms have issues finding the proper volumes (when installing grub) in v16.x. I wonder if that's related at all?

deutrino commented 3 years ago

Can confirm this on Linux Mint 20 with package qemu-kvm 4.2-3ubuntu6.7 (amd64) on kernel 5.4.0-52-generic

deutrino commented 3 years ago

Tried updated package qemu-kvm 5.0-5ubuntu6~ppa0 from this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~jacob

Unfortunately, the crash still occurs with the updated packages.

deutrino commented 3 years ago

I tried the VMDK image with qemu-kvm 5.0-5ubuntu6~ppa0 and the technicolor crash occured but then boot continued after a short delay and it made it into the ncurses installer :flushed:

JedMeister commented 3 years ago

VMDK image [...] technicolor crash occured but then boot continued after a short delay

Hmm, interesting! So it seems possible then that the graphical glitch may be unrelated to the freezing experienced when booting from ISO...

JedMeister commented 3 years ago

FWIW, I recreated both the graphical glitch and the ensuing freeze when booting from ISO on Debian Sid - using qemu-system-x86 package v5.1 (1:5.1+dfsg-4+b1)

In an effort to dig in a bit deeper, I inadvertently discovered something of a workaround. I found that if I booted from the iso into the Live system, that booted ok. Then select Install from the I installed from Confconsole (after going through the inithooks). It did exhibit the same grub install issue as I've seen on VMware (worked around by manually specifying the desired drive to install to; in my case /dev/vda) and is definately not ideal, but it's something...

lenainjaune commented 3 years ago

I had the same experience and saw the same symptoms with Turnkey mediawiki v16.0 (QEMU v 2.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with virt-manager v1.3.2) I found in Virt-Manager that changing the video model from QXL to Cirrus seemed to work around the problem (I discovered it by testing)

[add]With Debian Buster 10 (kernel : Linux 4.19.0-10-amd64), virt-manager 2.0.0, KVM/QEmu 3.1.0 as I do not have Cirrus as video model, so I tested VGA and Virtio, and it's both OK => so I guess that the problem is QXL[/add]

l-arnold commented 3 months ago

My sense is that, in terms of system support, this is being driven by having fewer Install Types in the Mirrors.
The work around you noted @JedMeister of installing into /dev/vda is similar to what I used to do with XEN installs that I would use into Linode (using ISO on Linode is less satisfactory than the XEN installs were as Linode backups worked with XEN installs) It seems that having at least "OVA" installs available, in addition to Proxmox and ISO which seem to be all that is being released now, would help in many of these situations. (other images types certainly would be helpful as well - but OVA seems quite generic it seems)