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New appliance: ProcessWire CMS #1702

Closed daymickcorr closed 2 months ago

daymickcorr commented 2 years ago

HI, Ive created a new appliance for ProcessWire https://processwire.com/.

the appliance is mostly based off of drupal and wordpress.

There is one thing i'm uncertain about it's the Non-interactive system initialization. I'm not sure what i need to add for it to be working correctly.


daymickcorr commented 2 years ago


JedMeister commented 2 years ago

Hi @daymickcorr

Thanks for your contribution. This looks awesome (both the application and the appliance you've built for it). I have only skimmed over your code so far, but it looks good to me.

There is one thing i'm uncertain about it's the Non-interactive system initialization. I'm not sure what i need to add for it to be working correctly.

So long as you only use the (relevant) default env vars (i.e. APP_PASS, APP_EMAIL & APP_DOMAIN) and ensure that any others you use have a sane default if run non-interactively you're all good. I note that you are using APP_PASS & APP_EMAIL so that should be all good.

The only thing is that we are deep in v17.0 development ATM (getting close to a stable release), so there will be a bit of a delay pushing this out (we're not doing any more v16.x releases). So when we do publish this it will be v17.0. From my quick glance over the code though, fingers crossed it should "just work". I'll try to do a test build over the next few days and let you know how that went...

daymickcorr commented 2 years ago

Thanks !

I appreciate the follow up for the non-interactive, I wasn't sure if I needed to add something from inithook.

I'm happy everything seems fine.

daymickcorr commented 2 years ago

@JedMeister Hi I've just realised i've built the appliance on turnkey-tkldev-17.0rc1-bullseye-amd64.iso.

JedMeister commented 2 years ago

Hi @daymickcorr - Awesome! That's great. So we know that it works for v17.0 then! :)

OnGle commented 2 years ago

I haven't actually tested yet just looking over the code. It's a very minor issue but it's a bit odd having pwBootstrap.sh with the .sh extension rather than a .php extension. Effectively it doesn't matter since it's got the shebang, but I think it'd self-document a little nicer with the relevant extension.

Otherwise I'm happy with the rest, inithooks, conf.d, apache2 conf etc all look good to me.

daymickcorr commented 2 years ago

@OnGle The changes are done, they are in pull request

JedMeister commented 2 years ago

Thanks @daymickcorr - sorry that it's taken so long but I hope to add this in the next batch of v17.x apps that we publish. Unfortunately, I'm still bogged down behind the scenes, so I'm not 100% sure when I'll be ble to get back to publishing apps, probably not until next week...

daymickcorr commented 2 years ago

@JedMeister Thanks for following up, I'm eager to see this app published.

JedMeister commented 2 months ago

This should have been closed before v18.0 as it's initial release was v17.1.

TBH, I'm not sure how I missed that it was already released and repinned this issue to v18.0. Regarldess, we've now also done a v18.0 release.

Closing now.

FYI: https://www.turnkeylinux.org/processwire https://github.com/turnkeylinux-apps/processwire