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TKL website Instant search missing appliance icons. #1788

Open NitrogenUA opened 1 year ago

NitrogenUA commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce: Navigate to https://www.turnkeylinux.org/ In Instant search field type media. Observe missing appliance icons in the list of results returned.

As far as I was able to discover https://www.turnkeylinux.org/system/ajax does not return correct icon URLs for certain appliances.

Screenshot 2022-12-17 at 20-48-17 TurnKey GNU_Linux 100 free ready-to-use system images for virtual machines the cloud and bare metal

JedMeister commented 1 year ago

Hmm, thanks for reporting this. I wasn't aware of that issue. Although FWIW that search does have some bugs (some appliances don't come up in search that they should).

I've had a quick poke around and I don't see anything obvious that would cause this. I imagine that the code is making some assumptions that are no longer true.

FYI we do have plans to redo the website this year, probably moving to a completely different platform. As you may be aware, currently the site is Drupal7 - which is EOL in Nov this year. The site was originally built on Drupal 5 and has developed a lot of cruft over the years and has a lot of custom code that wasn't built for modern PHP (we've fixed breaking bugs, but there is still a lot of noise in the logs). The move will likely require at least a rewrite of the search functionality.

Anyway, thanks again for all that you've been contributing lately. You're a legend! Sorry I'm so slow catching up on it all. Not having enough cycles and constantly having to juggle priorities is the bane of my existence... Please never take lack of timely response to be lack of care.