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Domain-Controller DNS recurrent crash #1920

Open Max13 opened 3 months ago

Max13 commented 3 months ago

I'm using debian-11-turnkey-domain-controller_17.1-1_amd64 as an LXC container on Proxmox 8.1.5, it's working very well but I have recurrent crashes of the DNS component.

I can't find anything relevant in /var/log/samba/*.log and the only thing I know is that when I don't get any DNS reply, I see nothing listening to the port 53 (netstat -ntpl | grep :53) when it happens I do a systemctl restart samba and everything is back up.

When it happens, samba isn't totally crashed, I see some component still started. Do you guys know anything about recurrent crashes or eventually where to start looking for a reason for the crashes please?

JedMeister commented 3 months ago

Hi @Max13 - hmm, that sounds like a strange one!? No body else has reported that so it seems likely that it something related to your specific circumstance.

The first thing I'd suggest is doing a full apt update && apt upgrade - or at least try a samba upgrade - i.e. apt update && apt install samba. FYI by default only security related updates are installed automatically on TurnKey. One possibility is that it is a bug in Samba and there is a Samba update (that many others have installed themselves?).

One other thing worth checking is the systemd journal:

journalctl -u samba

To just get since the last boot, use the -b switch. If you haven't rebooted it for a while that gives too much info, you can skip straight to the end of the log using the -e switch (rather than starting at the start of the log). You can also get, say the log for the last hour using --since "1 hour ago" - adjust as required e.g. for the last 2 days: --since "2 days ago", etc.

If that still doesn't give you any further info, try turning up the Samba log level.

If you need a hand interpreting the log, please feel free to post it - ideally please post it as text (rather than a screenshot) and post it as "code" (as that will make it easier to read).

Max13 commented 3 months ago

@JedMeister Thanks for the help. Thing is, I don't have much, that's one of my problems ^^

root@dc1 ~# journalctl -u samba
-- Journal begins at Sat 2023-07-08 23:43:29 CEST, ends at Tue 2024-04-02 18:24>
-- No entries --

I set log level = 5 and I will wait for a crash, thank you