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New Appliance: Odoo #374

Closed l-arnold closed 8 years ago

l-arnold commented 9 years ago

So far so good with Odoo. (not seeing how to label "new-appliance")

odoo appliance cropped

ISO Available (long build process) Arranged the http/https routing so that General usage defaults to HTTPS and no ports needed to be called. Overrode tendency for TKLDEV to use the main structure from LAPP. Need to define a new TKLBAM Profile.
Would like to bring in more Addons by Default Fantastic and easy Migration from other Odoo (manual built). Seemed that LAPP updated just one file which I was removed anyway to build Apache/Odoo CONF structure properly..



l-arnold commented 8 years ago

In conf.d/30_odoo_installation the following code is giving a password already to "openuser". Will try to remove the Password "give" so that it is blank. Not sure if this won't block the odoo_installation however. Thoughts on this?

echo "------------------------" echo " Create a role openuser " echo "------------------------" /etc/init.d/postgresql start su -c - postgres "createuser openuser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole" cat > /tmp/openuser_changepass.sql <<"EOF" ALTER USER openuser WITH PASSWORD 'openuser'; EOF su -c - postgres "psql template1 -U postgres -f /tmp/openuser_changepass.sql" /etc/init.d/postgresql stop

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Change attempted removing "ALTER USER" line above did not work. Reverted. so intact in 30_odoo_installation:

Back to current : 40-openuser_db_secrets

Focusing on this section: Thoughts on how to implement PW Change for "openuser" to be same value (mcookie) which is being written in SED but not applying to database user "openuser" (PASSWORD and DB_PASS both give same results if consistent in first 3 lines. Line 4 ,5 6 Here go start with comment # mark (go bold if left "as is" Perhaps should be Echoed)

PASSWORD=$(mcookie) sed -i "s|dbpassword.|db_password = $PASSWORD|" $CONF $INITHOOKS_PATH/bin/pgsqlconf.py --user=openuser --pass="$PASSWORD" "# psql ALTER USER openuser WITH PASSWORD '$DB_PASS'; "# $INITHOOKS_PATH/bin/openuser.py --user=openuser --pass="$DB_PASS" "# sed -i "s|dbpassword.|db_password = $DB_PASS|" $CONF

Will try a su -c postgres (start) with the Alter USER alter user line and skip $inithook next

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

What would be the command if I change One File to test and see a New ISO without downloading all the packages again?

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Tried the SU route. again now. Not sure what to try next.

System is working when the following URL (type) opens (beyond the web). Only works when the Password is reset for Openuser:

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Sorry I have not been able to help. Working late tonight. When I get home in few hours I'll talk a look and see what I can do to expand on my GitHub branch. I am going to take Jeremy's suggestion and look at the other lapp based one also. I am working on RT and it too uses Lapp. I'll report back when I get home and take a look

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold I am reading through your files, and I have few questions. I am following the install guide (https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/setup/install.html#setup-install-source)

  1. Is there a reason your not following the source install guide? I am asking, as I don't know if you know some tricks or something.
  2. You have a script 20_odoo_depedencies that is downloading gdata. Is this needed for some plug in? Again I never have tried to install Odoo nor used it so forgive me for my ignorance!
  3. So if I look at this correctly, you are creating a database user and database for the application, setting the password once for the build and then reset it during first boot correct?
  4. You are also creating a service account to be used to start the app as a service. I think technically this user does not have to have a password. It's been a while since I setup a service from scratch. Is this the reason for creating the linux user?
  5. I see you have samb in the make file. What is this used for? Again just trying to under stand whats going on and why you are installing certain things I am seeing.

I won't have any time until Friday night and most of the day Sat. If you can answer me the above questions I have a pretty good idea on whats the issue. I'll change your code and put comments in to what and why I changed what I did. I'll should have some time Friday night and this weekend to work on the changes.

If you want, I;ll make the changes, try a few build cycles and you can review my branch and I'll submit a pull request if you want to merge my code with your own repo. But it won't be until this Sat

l-arnold commented 8 years ago


Answers below:

Quest: @l-arnold I am reading through your files, and I have few questions. I am following the install guide (https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/setup/install.html#setup-install-source) Is there a reason your not following the source install guide? I am asking, as I don't know if you know some tricks or something.

Answ: Pretty much did install from the Guide plus the experience of having installed a few times. Important to have several extensions available which changes things.

Odoo is installing fine so I would not worry about that part too much. There are several ways I have seen it done. Again, Odoo is installing well. This was started by Carlos (see Readme) but was updated extensively by me to get Magento-Connector as well as other Extensions (wkhtmltox ?) to work properly which are critical to ecommerce integrations, reports and email integration all to work at install.

Quest: You have a script 20_odoo_depedencies that is downloading gdata. Is this needed for some plug in? Again I never have tried to install Odoo nor used it so forgive me for my ignorance!

Answ: GData is needed

So if I look at this correctly, you are creating a database user and database for the application, setting the password once for the build and then reset it during first boot correct?

Quest: You are also creating a service account to be used to start the app as a service. I think technically this user does not have to have a password. It's been a while since I setup a service from scratch. Is this the reason for creating the linux user?

Answ: In general most recomendations have the OpenERP (openerp) user be created and have the server run under it. However, I think could be done without password. Same subject can apply to DB user Openuser. I agree. I think this might solve the db user password change problem.

My version 7 installs had no password for OpenERP. At this point peeling that back is somewhat of a challenge. Tried to do a few times today without success.

Quest: I see you have samb in the make file. What is this used for? Again just trying to under stand whats going on and why you are installing certain things I am seeing.

Answ: Samb is a good way to attach various reports that are generated by Odoo (reports, invoices etc) that can be shared. It is not critical but it does work. Carlos added this originally and I have not found a reson to take it out. If all users save their documents here it means that the whole company datastore is more complete. Also items like Artwork etc can be shared by the company / user set.

Doc Comment: I won't have any time until Friday night and most of the day Sat. If you can answer me the above questions I have a pretty good idea on whats the issue. I'll change your code and put comments in to what and why I changed what I did. I'll should have some time Friday night and this weekend to work on the changes.

If you want, I;ll make the changes, try a few build cycles and you can review my branch and I'll submit a pull request if you want to merge my code with your own repo. But it won't be until this Sat

Sounds all good. My sense is that there should be a "simple" swap to apply the password. Stripping passwords out of Openerp and Openuser is also an approach.

My version 7 build I would always start the system manually via

su - openerp start (to start the Openerp Server)

This is fully automated but the OpenERP (linux) user and Openuser (Postgre) provide a security risk if a default set of passwords is applied.

I need to look back through my notes to see how I created the "no password" sets.

Anyway, let me know what you find. I appreciate your eyes.

I had a large set of attempts (you can see the various attempts made today by looking at history of specific files).

Thanks and all the bes, Landis

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

For Reference Sake: This is the Webmin Code for changing a Postgres User Password which is working quite reliably: https://github.com/webmin/webmin/blob/master/postgresql/useradmin_update.pl (Lines 56 to 64). Seems to use the same code as MYSQL User Change.

elsif ($_[0]->{'passmode'} != 4) {
    # Just change password
    local $sql = "alter user \"$_[0]->{'user'}\"";
    if ($_[0]->{'passmode'} == 3) {
        $sql .= " with password '$_[0]->{'plainpass'}'";
    &execute_sql_logged($config{'basedb'}, $sql);
DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Finally got some time, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I am going through your code and making some change to align it with TKL conventions and standard practice. I am making small commits and will my comments in the commits or in the file it self for the reason for the changes.

Once I finish my changes I'll push my change up to github and you can take a look and use what you would like. If I am not clear on a change, please feel free to ask! I'll post when I am done

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold - From reading the Odoo docs, I see the openerp-server.conf is the config file for Odoo, what is the openerp-server-man.conf for? What file should be edited for the database user and password?

I have about 15 commits in, working on the final database update part

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

The "man.conf" file is for alternative startup environments. I don't use it but I have looked at where you could.

I'd say ignore it for now.

You are correct about openerp-server.conf

Keys to the farm as it were.

Just home from 6.days of travel. Fire away with any questiions you may have.



l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Don't type on a phone as I am prone to do.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

openerp-server.conf is getting modified by 40-openuser-db-secrets as is intended.

Need to modify the poatgreuser "openuser"s actual password either directly before or after that change. Best done in the same inithook process.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Hi Doc, Guessing you have not pushed the 15 x commits yet.. at least not seeing them in https://github.com/DocCyblade/tkl-nomadic-odoo.git

I'll hang tight on this side. Lets discuss how to do a "proper" pull from your code. I will see what I can find anyway.

updated the "thumbs" comment above (b or v instead of space is the key to interpretation normally for such when I write)

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Hey there hope your trip was a nice one! I had to leave for few hours just got back home.

I am heading to bed, but will be up very early in the AM and will finish my work then (I hope)

I'll also try and give you a quick walk through on how to test my commits without a pull request. It's only a hand full of commands. Have a good evening L, see us on the flip side :-)

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Real quick, to quickly test my branch you can do this from SSH prompt.

Note these commands will get you to a state that the current repo is at. I have not pushed all of my commits up yet.

# This adds my repo as a remote. Only need to do this once!
git remote add doc https://github.com/DocCyblade/tkl-nomadic-odoo
# This goes and fetches my repo. Need to do this any time you want to pull or look at the remote
#   to be sure you are seeing the latest changes.
git fetch doc
# This will checkout my branch in detached head mode, meaning it's behind the head commit
# this is because you made commits after I checked out your repo. If we wanted to merge 
# these it could be tricky. If you like these changes 
git checkout doc/kens-changes

You will get a message, something like below

Note: checking out 'doc/kens-changes'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at xxxxxx... commit comment here....

You can try your build from here.

To get back to your master branch type the following

# this resets the files to the current commit state
git reset --hard
# this will checkout your master branch
git checkout master
# to be sure your on your own master 
git branch

# should say
# * master
l-arnold commented 8 years ago

(updated) Thanks Doc! I will do some exploration with a clear head in the morning.

Moreover I'll bet I can browse a bit in advance.

Thanks for pushing this out!

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Only changes I made were to "readme". I could revert and go back to where you pulled in if there if that were convenient. (Working on "how" to revert actually)

Git studies next. Your outline is helpful. I will do more of this once you push your changes.

The "readme" changes were very basic and can be discarded.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold - Again I am Odoo ignorant! A few things

Do we need the service account to have a shell? So that we can su openerp and run commands as that user? Is there ever a need to run scripts as the service account? I have seen some people do and some people don't. Since we give ownership to the openerp user giving it a shell may not be a bad idea.

Also, during first book (inithook) the only thing we really need to set on first book is the do admin password in (plain text) in the server config file correct? There is no other user input to get it started?

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago


Reading some more I found reading this from odoo.com website about deploying for production that the super admin password (is set in a file ) should be a random string.

With that said, should we just set this like a database password with mcookie both on build and inithook?

If we want to set it to something that user can set interactively during first boot, we would need to edit the python inithook script to capture and then update the file. I have not really messed with python so gives me a good reason to learn some. @JedMeister - is there a good starting point of an init python script that does a search and replace we can look at.

@l-arnold - If we just use a random string this is easy, if we want to set the password, then it's python time!

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold - I am pretty close at being done, just the above issue. Lets see what J has to say, and I'll look at some other init python scripts to see if there is one out there we can model it after.

I have to leave for church soon, so I'll be back at it this afternoon/evening. I would like to hear your thoughts on the issue. If you want we can leave the admin password as random and just document location so the end user can find and change it if they want. Let me know

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold well quick work I did find what I was looking for, looks like the canvas app python init script does what I am looking to do. Specifically the below lines of it:

from executil import system
config = "/var/www/canvas/config/domain.yml"
system("sed -i \"s|domain:.*|domain: \\\"%s\\\"|\" %s" % (domain, config))

So out standard sed line just wrapped up in some python.... I like it.

@l-arnold and @JedMeister I'll head in the direction of making it user set, we can always remove it and document the settings. However if we do agree to let the user set it, we should put some restrictions on the password (i.e. more than 12 characters, special characters ...) and be sure to have correct permissions on the config file.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

I'll be back this afternoon with a git push update (after 2pm EDT)

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Thanks Doc. Just up this AM.

My sense is that the "openuser"DB password should be set with mcookie.

The "SuperAdmin" Odoo Password ("admin" I feel should either be left as "admin" to be changed by the user, or better, be "set" by the user as an InitHook. This Password can be changed very easily by the user when in the "database" mode in Odoo so they can do that themself.

The Super Admin password has to be known to even create a database. If it is set to admin (left to admin) you can create a database. The problem is that anyone can then go change or copy your database if they get to the right url.

Best would be to SET it during Inithook.

Back to other parts shortly.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Doc, you asked:

Quest: Do we need the service account to have a shell? So that we can su openerp and run commands as that user? Is there ever a need to run scripts as the service account? I have seen some people do and some people don't. Since we give ownership to the openerp user giving it a shell may not be a bad idea.

This could be valuable. For instance to start and stop the server (though I think I can do that without su - openerp right now. It may be what is stopping the update of the openuser - pw (perhaps OpenERP user owns openuser).

Quest: Also, during first book (inithook) the only thing we really need to set on first book is the do admin password in (plain text) in the server config file correct? There is no other user input to get it started?

Actually the way it is right now, admin pw is set to "admin" so it does not need to be chaned per say. It is easy in the Odoo Process to change that password.

I feel first priority is to have the "openuser" db password be set to mcookie. I have it being set in "openerp-server.conf" but need it also set to the postgre user database itself. THAT IS THE MAIN GOAL I feel.

Setting a different admin PW than admin would be fine but it needs to be user set so they know how to get to control it without going to openerp-server.conf.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Again, some responses:

Quest: @l-arnold Reading some more I found reading this from odoo.com website about deploying for production that the super admin password (is set in a file ) should be a random string.

Answer: Random string is OK if "known". I would prefer it be a "hard" but known string set by the user. We can make it set to random now in the inithooks quite easily. If we do this however, we should give feedback in the setup process of what that "string is". I would rather we not have users willy nilly going into openerp-server.conf if that is all they need from it.

Comment: With that said, should we just set this like a database password with mcookie both on build and inithook?

Comment in Return: I have actually gotten that to work but found it very awkward to go dig out the Mcookie to go then create a database at setup. If it is not "entered" in the "new database dialog the whole process stops.

Comment: If we want to set it to something that user can set interactively during first boot, we would need to edit the python inithook script to capture and then update the file. I have not really messed with python so gives me a good reason to learn some. @JedMeister - is there a good starting point of an init python script that does a search and replace we can look at.

Comment in return (LA) A very simple Python hook should work but I have had no luck with the the default pgsqlconf.py and derivatives. If we need Python to do this (suprised really we can't short cut it and just put a UPDATE USER Command (syntax) in the main inithook

(commen from Doct) @l-arnold - If we just use a random string this is easy, if we want to set the password, then it's python time!

Comment in return from LA

If we are focused on "openuser" DB Password (which is Priority #1) the Mcookie is fine. However, that Mcookie still needs to Hit the DB USER and not just the SED command to update openerp-server.conf.

If we can bypass Python I I'm all for it. If we need Python to do this, lets figure out how.

I will outline the various tests I have done trying to set the DB user's pass. SED is working now on openerp-server.conf so half of the job is done.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold just checking in, I got the database password to work both in build and inithook. I started on the python script to ask for the admin password, I just need to tweak it so the sed command works. I got to go i'll be working on more in a few hours

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

@DocCyblade Looks like the last sed I had looked like this and was working, so if we can tie together w/ the database password we should be good. (My experience is that sed needs to go before a python script or it won't punch through)


DB_PASS=$(mcookie) sed -i "s|db_password.*|db_password = $DB_PASS|" $CONF

thanks for the work and the update.

JedMeister commented 8 years ago

Jumping in with my 2c worth... This mostly relates to keeping things minimalist but useful...

Quest: You have a script 20_odoo_depedencies that is downloading gdata. Is this needed for some plug in? Again I never have tried to install Odoo nor used it so forgive me for my ignorance!

Answ: GData is needed

A couple of comments/questions:

  1. What is gdata needed for? AFAIK it essentially provides python bindings for Google API stuff so shouldn't be needed for anything other than google integration IMO. I don't know enough about Odoo but it would surprise me if Odoo needs google integration OOTB.
  2. If it definitely needs gdata then why not install from repos? IIRC the package is called python-gdata

Also WRT wkhtmltox IIRC Odoo didn't work with the Debian package for some reason. I meant to report back that I had looked into that a bit more and it seems that the Debian version was the same version as upstream provided (at the time) so it should work. My guess is that it's on a slightly different path or something... Only guessing though...

Ideally using packages from repos whenever possible is really important. Packages from Debian repos include auto security updates whereas manually installed stuff doesn't. By using software from repos we are reducing potential attack vectors.

Quest: You are also creating a service account to be used to start the app as a service. I think technically this user does not have to have a password. It's been a while since I setup a service from scratch. Is this the reason for creating the linux user?

Answ: In general most recomendations have the OpenERP (openerp) user be created and have the server run under it. However, I think could be done without password. Same subject can apply to DB user Openuser. I agree. I think this might solve the db user password change problem.

Linux service user accounts should generally not have passwords set. Security wise it makes it basically impossible to log in as them (if they don't have a password). It's probably unlikely if you set a good password anyway; but easier IMO to just not set one...

OTOH DB users are a different matter. AFAIK they should always have passwords set. Because of PostgreSQL's way of doing things AFAIK it's not much of a security issue for the DB user to have no password. In fact I've read that it's not necessary; but I know it is with MySQL and I'm sure it does no harm as postgres is not available remotely anyway...

Regarding the user names; IMO to minimise confusion and keep it consistent with TKL conventions both users (Linux & PgSQL) probably should be named "odoo". Same goes for file paths; although if upstream have conventions then that is somewhat different. E.g if upstream still use 'openerp.conf" as the config file then fair enough; although in general I would suggest use odoo as much as possible. If things are kept inline with upstrema then experienced Odoo users will understand what is going on easily; also it is likely that Odoo documentation will match TurnKey (which is always handy). Whereas if things are consistent as possible with TurnKey conventions then this will reduce confusion for TurnKey users. Sometimes that can be a tough balancing act...

Quest: I see you have samb in the make file. What is this used for? Again just trying to under stand whats going on and why you are installing certain things I am seeing.

Answ: Samb is a good way to attach various reports that are generated by Odoo (reports, invoices etc) that can be shared. It is not critical but it does work. Carlos added this originally and I have not found a reson to take it out. If all users save their documents here it means that the whole company datastore is more complete. Also items like Artwork etc can be shared by the company / user set.

@l-arnold Whilst your argument has some validity; it probably applies to tons of other appliances too. Also it only makes sense if you are self hosting locally as SMB/CIFS is an insecure protocol and should never be used over the open internet. WebDAV is probably a much more generically useful protocol; although that's a whole other can of worms...

TurnKey aims to make our appliances as versatile as possible as well as small as possible. To add a significant piece of software (samba) to an appliance that strictly speaking does't need it and will only be useful for a minority of the TurnKey userbase seems like a high price to pay...

Re additional addons, extensions, software, etc Really we should be aiming for a MVP (minimum viable product). That will have the most value for the most people; putting too much "added extras" on top will just make it bloated for some users. E.g. whilst connecting to Magento might be invaluable for your usage scenario; however I'm not convinced that it is something that most users will want...

After we have a fully operational MVP then we can perhaps add a few minor extras on to add to the functionality but only if it makes sense for most (potential) users... As a general rule if you have a specific use case that needs further customisation (beyond the base install) then you need to try to be objective about how useful it will be to other users. If your use case is somewhat limited and you want it more customised/pre-configured then script and/or document those changes rather than include them in the appliance.

This will keep Odoo in line with the general TKL philosophy: The appliances should be useful for newb users OOTB; but also provides a solid platform for further tweaking/tuning/customisation for more advanced users and/or users with a specific use case.

Questions to ask yourself when adding things to an appliance:

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

@JedMeister First lets get the build wrapped with openuser db password synching and being randomized.

Almost there.

The point about Samba is taken though the argument would say there should not be a samba TKL app. Not important really and easy to remove.

The addons included are crucial community addons plus the Magento Communitybafdon which is particularly valuable and difficult yo install otherwise.

No addons or components of Odoo are installed per say though they are included in the build. Their being packaged makes it possible to do one click installs within Odoo. All components, including standard Odoo components, still need to be chosen from Settings Panel once a database is created. They do not get loaded however without admin overtly choosing to install.

Realize that I have run my business for 2 Years now with OpenERP (7) and Odoo (8) and ran a full year Testing OpenERP 6 before that. I know what is important to run my business and I feel I know what is important for nearly any base line business. The integration with Magento is plain and simple, really critical if that is how you are selling online and Magento is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms available and lacks "back office" hooks which the OCA-Magento connecto solves very well.

About Gdata, I have to go back in time to see why this has been required. Memory fails just now though I recall needing it both in version 7 and version 8.

There is a Google docs integration extension but I have not used it. Don't feel that was the critical part. Have it documented somewhere though. Google Docs, Samba etc are just ways to make it easy to get a system up and running and minimize IT support. That capability can be very important for any small (or large) business.

Lets get the install wrapping clean.

If wr can remove the service password for Openerp/Odoo no prob but wanting a usable and secure install first.
As it is openerp pass is set in Inithooks now so could always be reaet by running turnkey-init from shell.

All for now. Sorry for any typos.


l-arnold commented 8 years ago

If read earlier, above comment has been "cleaned and clarified" from my phone typing. Will delete this comment in an hour or so.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

One of many links on Gdata: Some is about fonts (wkhtmltopdf - webkit html to pdf and wkhtmltox - webkit to x fonts) Some is about a "client" feature that is likely called by odoo.

See Line 16 from odoo howto link below. wget http://gdata-python-client.googlecode.com/files/gdata-2.0.18.tar.gz https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/how-to-install-odoo-from-github-on-ubuntu-14-04-for-testing-purposes-only-ie-not-for-production-52627

seem to be some package issues for python-gdata (comments says: Package python-gdata is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source) http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2014/09/how-to-install-openerp-odoo-8-on-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts/

I will start working most of my install notes into either the WIKI or another resource (readme or changelog perhaps).

There is a "documentation system setup as well accessible from the Webconsole)

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Doing some testing, I was able to get the database user password randomized during the build and during first boot. I also was able to do the same with admin_passwd in the conf file. During first boot it will ask you.

I also made some file consolidation as there were some un-needed files IMO, keeping with TKL conventions that I have seen. @l-arnold you really did all the work, I just edited the scripts. You really put the work into it.

I really learned a lot this weekend, that will help me in my own quest for a RT and Invoice Ninja that I am working on, as some of the things you needed to do, I needed to do also!

One last test and I'll push my repo up to github

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

During the test found some issues with special characters where not being used. Fixed that and re-testing.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

@l-arnold everything seems to build and work. database password is set during build and first boot, the admin_passwd is also set during build and is prompted for during first boot and set. If you want to check out my branch, do your own build and test, that would be great. I did not test Odoo functionality. I;ll leave that up to you. Feel free to use what ever you would like from that branch

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

I am heading to bed. @JedMeister when you have a change can you look it over did I miss any TKLish things. @l-arnold if you have any questions about my code post it here I'll try and get back to you tomorrow night. Long day ahead of me.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Hi Ken Sounds great. I may manually bring in while I am bringing in your branch on a formal level.

I will look at your how to notes next and do some cleaning on my side as well (a few old branches should go)

I really appreciate it and I am sure there will be many happy users.

Just working with a Non Profit on their Odoosetup when your email came in in fact.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Nice work @DocCyblade . Very clean from first review! Will do an install next (may take a bit)

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

@DocCyblade "git reset --hard" worked well. Thanks for the guidance. Almost got the system moved over but was tying myself in a knot. Will give it a rest and come back in the AM. Seems like it will work though. I like the changes that I have seen. Thanks again.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

If you want to merge all my changes over, let me know. I'll submit a pull request

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

Glad to be of help! It was a learning experience for sure. Things I learned here will help me with RT and invoice ninja

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

I want to revert my build backbtobthe start of your branch, then do the pull.

Syatemn was not really happy jiust trying a merge. Should have time in 1/2 hr.

Need to find the "revert" code. Similarbtobthebreset ai mjustvtan but aiming at a specific commit.

Thanks again.

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

I can do the merge for you. I'll pull your changes into a new branch then merge my branch with that one. That should then be good to do a PR

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Just installing from ISO now. Made a new branch on my sysstem (DocCyBlade) and massaged it together. Seems to be moving through.

If this works lets move your's "in situ" onto Master. Not quite sure how to do that though likely similar to what I just did.

New Partition and Grub process today it seems. I am needing to sequentially remember where I am and choose the next step along the way (3 of 4 done). (System did not "Restart")

Back soon.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Something strange with the whole load and grub process. Nothing coming up. I have been selecting "use whole disc" since RC14. I will try LVM one time before.

Do you have an ISO built I could compare to?

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

@DocCyblade My changes were mostly opening files I could see you or I had changed and bringing them in line with your changes. Variable mainly is the time stamps.

If you can do a branch merge that would be great.

I am going to look at the inithooks.

Yep, I did not have 40-odoo-adminpassword updated

My experience just now (my manual merge into DocCyBlade branch) I just used the LVM option, and via no/then/yes installed Grub.

Asked me for an openerp password but did not ask me for the Admin Password. (guessing I did not update the inithooks properly) Needed to Reboot after first start to get port 12324 to show Port 443/ Odoo lists "Service Unavailable"

Will run a build now, again, but why don't you go for it on your side. Thank you.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Argh. It looks like some of my changes hit my "master" branch. I will bring them together.

I am working usually through web (https://github.com) but then my shell work effects things too.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

@DocCyblade I believe I have both Master and DocCyBlade branches in line with Ken's Changes.

That said it would be good to look at this. Not sure if I made the two Pull Requests or you did. I am seeing them in Master. What is the process right now? Both say "Able to Merge"

DocCyblade commented 8 years ago

May want to start a new repo. The issue is you have been making changes to master while I too have been making changes. My new branch was based on you master branch. There will be a lot of merge conflicts.

Best practice moving forward is to create a work in progress branch and commit to that. Usually master should always have the production release. When your WIP branch is perfect, then merge WIP into master. The delete the WIP branch.

When you want to make more changes, create a new branch form master, make changes, when things are perfect, merge into master and repeat.

Personally I use the GIT flow methodology in my projects. See here http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

That's some good reading.

Let me know if you want to start over (new repo) or add me as a developer on your current repo and I can update your master repo and create some new dev branches.

l-arnold commented 8 years ago

Understand generally. The repository is not updating from remote. Seems all is working but not able to change the name in Master of the overlay/opt/openerp/odoo-tmp/ directory to overlay/opt/openerp/odoo/

I believe I can make one of the branches "Master" on the website.
Thoughts on that?