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Considering implementing dyndns-htaccess (or similar) - fail2ban for services/paths?! #990

Open JedMeister opened 6 years ago

JedMeister commented 6 years ago

A user has suggested that we implement dyndns-htaccess (or similar) to lock down access to admin pages on TurnKey appliances.

IMO, that's an awesome idea! And including that with the WordPress appliance at least (or perhaps even all LAMP appliances?) would be a great MVP (minimum viable product).

Although having said that, perhaps it would be worth considering re-implementing that ourselves via a python script? The rationale for (re)implementing it ourselves in python is:

JedMeister commented 6 years ago

Actually, looking at this with fresh eyes, on face value it looks like this would perhaps be superflous, although they're not completely mutually exclusive. Although perhaps we could leverage fail2ban with some sort of dynamic dns trickery? This issue would then be somewhat moot.

JedMeister commented 6 years ago

I'm going to leave this open, but moving to the v15.1 milestone for further consideration.

JedMeister commented 4 years ago

This would be a great addition and I think that WordPress would be a great appliance to include it in.