turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Does it work with MVC5/OWIN? #174

Closed SeanDongX closed 9 years ago

SeanDongX commented 9 years ago

I want to upgrade my MVC4 + WebApi site to MVC5 + WebApi2. I tried to create a new MVC5 site and add i18n, but it does not seem to work. The strings are shown with "[[[ ]]]".

Any idea if and how it can work with MVC5?

SeanDongX commented 9 years ago

The following config worked

        <!--add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" /-->
      <add name="i18n.LocalizingModule" type="i18n.LocalizingModule, i18n" />