turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Javascript only translated on first request #217

Closed ninjacarr closed 8 years ago

ninjacarr commented 8 years ago

I'm experiencing some weird behaviour when moving from dev (IIS express) to IIS.

In development, nuggets are picked up and translated correctly both in code, razor views, and in static JS files on all requests.

In production, code and razor views are still translated for all requests. However, JS files are only translated on the first HTTP request. For the second and following requests, the original JS file seems to be returned with nugget tags and original strings visible, as if they were never touched by the httpmodule.

Is this some kind of caching issue? The 45 seconds seem oddly specific.

turquoiseowl commented 8 years ago

It certainly looks like a caching issue. This wouldn't be the first time i18n has had problems with cache settings. If you search the back issues there are several WRT IIS cache settings.

ninjacarr commented 8 years ago

You're right - it was likely caused by the compression caching mechanism in IIS. Solved it by disabling static content compression. Thanks!