turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Change language permanently based on user action #232

Open rickardliljeberg opened 8 years ago

rickardliljeberg commented 8 years ago

I found how to set the language cookie, but I would love for it to change permanently if the user changes the url manually. That should count as a user choice and set the language tag cookie maybe?

I have also run in to a second related issue. I have a js lib that I have written that lists data. It gets data efter page load and on the container i set something like this data-list-url="/Teacher/TeacherList" That is created from @Url.Action("TeacherList", "Teacher")

However there is no language tag in that url, meaning that it always goes after the default language based on browser preferences. Which gives odd results for me where the page is in arabic but the json data comes back in Swedish since that is what my browser sets as preference.

I can solve this with language cookie, but that means the user must make a choice before using the page which is not ideal.

I would also still love the event for failed translations for logging. It's issue #158 I'm busy as ever but I could still consider helping out with that one.