turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Possible bug #269

Open rickardliljeberg opened 8 years ago

rickardliljeberg commented 8 years ago

I have a .js file (javascript)

And in this .js file I have the following two lines var nuggetComment = src.indexOf("///"); and var nuggetParameters = src.indexOf("|||");

It's a semi-quick hack to allow a js lib of mine to use both i18n-project and normal js-translation files.

But out on the webpage I get this: var nuggetComment = src.indexOf("
So it cuts it there (and does not show ///.

Now I have to be honest I have not completely debugged it to show it's i18n causing this bug, but, if I do this: var nuggetComment = src.indexOf("/"+"//"); and var nuggetParameters = src.indexOf("|"+"||");

it works. And I can't think of anything else that would interfere with /// or ||| So maybe there is a bug that makes i18n fiddle with nugget comments and nugget parameters even outside of a nugget?

I built the latest version of the project

turquoiseowl commented 8 years ago

Yes, I expect that will be i18n causing the problem.

Note to others: you can select alternative nugget markup character sequences (although not applicable here).