turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Generating URLs Bug #275

Closed achmstein closed 8 years ago

achmstein commented 8 years ago

I have "TagController" and If I tried to use @Url.Action("Index", "Tag") inside href attribute, the library will remove "Tag" from URL.

turquoiseowl commented 8 years ago

There is an issue with URLs that begin with a path component of 3 characters that are interpreted as a language tag and hence are localized/unlocalized by i18n. There are some recent issues on here which go into this further. Thanks.

achmstein commented 8 years ago

I couldn't find these issues. Regards

turquoiseowl commented 8 years ago

Please see #240 and #271

turquoiseowl commented 8 years ago

Please re-open if necessary.