turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Announcing version 2.1.10 package release #326

Open turquoiseowl opened 7 years ago

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

Includes important fix to a PostBuild regression introduced in 2.1.9.

Release information here: https://github.com/turquoiseowl/i18n#2110-20161206

mmunchandersen commented 7 years ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your great work.

I currently run v2.1.4.0 which I installed forking the git repo, building locally and ref the 3 dll's. I wanted to upgrade as I'm experiencing some js trouble with our italian translation (they use a lot of ') and figured this issue could have been fixed in a newer release.

I forked the current repo, but I am unable to build the solution when I select Release (Debug works). I get these errors: Error, CS0006, Metadata file 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n\bin\Release\i18n.dll' could not be found, C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.PostBuild\CSC, i18n.PostBuild, 1, Active Error, CS0006, Metadata file 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n\bin\Release\i18n.dll' could not be found, C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.Adapter.OwinSystemWeb\CSC, i18n.Adapter.OwinSystemWeb, 1, Active Error, CS0006, Metadata file 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n\bin\Release\i18n.dll' could not be found, C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.Domain.Tests\CSC, i18n.Domain.Tests, 1, Active Error, CS0006, Metadata file 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n\bin\Release\i18n.dll' could not be found, C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.Tests\CSC, i18n.Tests, 1, Active Error, CS0006, Metadata file 'C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.PostBuild\bin\Release\i18n.PostBuild.exe' could not be found, C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n.Tests\CSC, i18n.Tests, 1, Active

I also see that there is a nuget package. Does the nuget package only affect the dll references? or does is change any setting (web.config, settings, etc.)?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards Morten

Update 1: if I life every project to dotnet 4.5 I only have one error when selecting Release: Error, CS0672, Member 'ResponseFilter.ObjectInvariant()' overrides obsolete member 'Stream.ObjectInvariant()'. Add the Obsolete attribute to 'ResponseFilter.ObjectInvariant()'., C:\Users\Morten\Documents\GitHub\i18n\src\i18n\Pipeline\ResponseFilter.cs, i18n, 211, Active

turquoiseowl commented 7 years ago

I've not seen those build errors myself (using Visual Studio 2013).

WRT changes, there have been new settings added but I don't think any have changed/broken. You may want to refer to https://github.com/turquoiseowl/i18n#release-history and commit comments.

mmunchandersen commented 7 years ago

I opened the solution.I. vs 2015. No errors. The release build fails. The debug build builds without errors.

Considering switching to nuget. Does the nuget package change any settings apart from dll references?