turquoiseowl / i18n

Smart internationalization for ASP.NET
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Nugget Issue #328

Open tOmoness opened 7 years ago

tOmoness commented 7 years ago

Sorry couldn't think of a more descriptive title and don't know if this is me being special...

Have a scenario where we have a phrase with a link inside it that needs the title translated, so we have something like this: [[[Blah blah blah <a href="blah.html" title="[[[Even more blah]]]">Blah blah</a>.]]]

And it's rendering it incorrectly, so changed it to: var link = "<a href="blah.html" title="[[[Even more blah]]]">"; $"[[[Blah blah blah %0Blah blah</a>.|||{link}]]]";

And it seems to render the link like: Blah blah blah[[[

Any ideas?

tOmoness commented 7 years ago

Ohh just saw this may be what is going on with #198?